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Ham Radio Mentioned Prominently In High-Frequency Trading Story

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K9KE, Jun 19, 2018.

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  1. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    According to this CQ Contest forum thread, it appears the mystery has been probably solved and the station has QSY or QRT.


    *From:* Ben Antanaitis - WB2RHM <>
    *Date:* Saturday, February 02, 2019 10:36 AM
    *Subject:* [CQ-Contest] 20m Intruder

    I sent a question about the 'bogey' signal over to some of the
    'numbers stations', SDR signal analysis, Mil-Comms monitoring type of
    groups, yesterday.

    I got a reply from one of the groups. That group looked at the signal,
    and recorded it for 'examination, identification, & decoding'
    attempts. The result that came back from them said that this
    signal appeared to be 'a known Canadian Navy signal type and was in
    STANAG 4285 and appears like Thales 3000 modems' No way to tell if
    this was a stationary transmitter or a 'mobile' (water or air).

    If mobile, that might be why it might have been in different seeming
    locations. Speculation was also it might have been on a patrol
    routing between NA and Greenland air space.

    73, Ben - wb2rhm
  2. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks John. fascinating for sure... great to have so many interested folks monitoring/listening/sharing. Now off to hamcation in orlando !
  3. KA9Q

    KA9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    What evidence do we have that any of this activity is related to market trading? I've heard the term "high frequency trading" but does that actually refer to the high frequency radio bands? Or does it simply mean "rapid" trading?

    I do know that microwave networks are being built to support rapid market trading, which makes far more sense than doing it on HF. Given the tight delay constraints (remember they're trying to beat the speed of light in fiber, which is about two thirds the speed of light in air or vacuum) it seems unlikely that they could do this with HF radio given the data rate limits imposed by physics (if not regulation) and the likely sizes of the messages being transmitted.

    But I'm certainly open to any confirmed evidence.
  4. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    It refers to both, confusingly. HF as in HFT, high frequency trading, and HF as in radio.

    What would be acceptable evidence? There are some articles in notable financial publications like the WSJ. There apparently is a lot of competition for the technology, so not a lot being published as yet.

    Microwaves were first, and apparently worked awhile for some paths and applications. But it doesn't work for trans-oceanic international markets and apparently the drive for the reward kept pushing innovations.

    I believe most of the HFT systems have parallel data comm methods, ie, internet, dedicated microwave, and in some, HF, which apparently in many cases is not being used for high bandwidth tasks that involve moving large amounts of data.

    Instead HF is used to only transfer perhaps only one bit, ie, a timing flag, a "tick", that triggers a pre-arranged trading action (or inhibits it) or synchronizes an algorithm(s) running on a special processor for a series of them.

    In case you have not seen it, here is a link to a blogger that started and did much of the initial investigation. It contains an extensive series of reports by Bob Van Valzah KE9YQ, who works in the HFT tech industry and has been published widely, worth reading at least through Part 4.

    IEEE article - Wall Street Tries Shortwave Radio to Make High-Frequency Trades Across the Atlantic
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
    N0TZU and WN1MB like this.
  5. KA2FIR

    KA2FIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Resurrecting for those who forgot.

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