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Ham Radio 360: An Introduction to SDR

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4CDN, May 3, 2016.

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  1. K4CDN

    K4CDN Ham Member QRZ Page


    In this installment of Ham Radio 360 KF7IJZ and KF5JNU get to get together to baby-step the audience into the world of Software Defined Radio (SDR). Episode 51 is our first in a series of where we'll get to know SDR inside and out.

    Special Thanks to Jeremy (KF7IJZ) and Gerald (KF5JNU) for putting the show together.

    For more information on the Ham Radio 360 Podcast visit:

    Thanks for listening (and I'll see you in Dayton!)

    73 Y'all


    Visit the Ham Radio 360 Booth @ Hamvnetion 2016. Sponsored by Packetnna! BA406
    KB0TT and NU4R like this.
  2. W6ABV

    W6ABV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great intro to SDR! It's part of the future of Ham Radio, so listen up!
    K4CDN and NU4R like this.
  3. K3OCW

    K3OCW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where's it at? All I saw were a bunch of links to other sites. I assumed this was going to be learning video of SDR, not a tour of web sites. Well, guess I'll have to take the tour :(
  4. KB0TT

    KB0TT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I guess I'm stupid too ..... I cannot get it to run either.....

  5. W9AFB

    W9AFB Ham Member QRZ Page

    The audio link to the podcast is toward the bottom of the page under the picture of the IC 7300.
  6. KB0TT

    KB0TT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Tnx Scott .....

    I like your air / mobile setup .....

  7. KD8YQC

    KD8YQC Ham Member QRZ Page

  8. K4CDN

    K4CDN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks folks. The show is Audio Only. Next time I'll post the direct download/listen link in the text of the initial posting.
    I appreciate you all listening and KD8YQC for helping to direct traffic!


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