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Ham Hacks: How to Fill Out a Lot of QSL Cards Fast!

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by KN6NWZ, Aug 11, 2021.

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  1. KN6NWZ

    KN6NWZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    For everyone who has an ever growing stack of QSL cards to respond to, here’s a a video on a gadget that will help you fill them out fast.

    M6EVR, JF1IRQ, M1WML and 3 others like this.
  2. PG2W

    PG2W XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The prints of that printer fade out over not a long period of time...
    Regards, Wouter
    WN1MB, IU5HES, KF1P and 3 others like this.
  3. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have been using a thermal printer for the address labels for years, but using them for the actual QSL data? Completely stupid idea. As PG2W said, they will fade fairly quickly.
    W0BNC, WN1MB, IU5HES and 3 others like this.
  4. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Agreed, I would stick to refilling spray cans.
    PG2W, M6EVR, WN1MB and 6 others like this.
  5. CX5CDV

    CX5CDV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gracias por la Info,pero no me sirve es muy complicado,estoy grande jajaja,saludos para todos.-
    KB2YCF and M1WML like this.
  6. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Sure is faster than the way I do it now...[​IMG]
    K1OC, K9ATS, M1WML and 4 others like this.
  7. KI5AAI

    KI5AAI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Tough crowd LOL
    M6EVR, N5VAF, M1WML and 4 others like this.
  8. W0KDT

    W0KDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    My cards are laid out so I can just cut a strip from a laser-printed copy of my log book and attach it with an overlay strip of good 3M tape. I think their book repair tape is best. The thermal printer is for addresses only.
    M1WML likes this.
  9. KB8KMH

    KB8KMH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Does it really take that long to fill a qsl out by hand and thank them for the qso and sign your name/call for a minimal personal touch? Then print the address label.
    NG0L, M6EVR, N5VAF and 7 others like this.
  10. N5KD

    N5KD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just use GlobalQSL
    M1WML likes this.
  11. KI5AAI

    KI5AAI Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is what I do. I handwrite a short note on everyone I send out.
    9A5O, M1WML, KC7JNJ and 2 others like this.
  12. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Same here. Every card I send out gets at least a short note.
    9A5O, KK9W, M1WML and 1 other person like this.
  13. K1LKP

    K1LKP Ham Member QRZ Page

    123 QRZ 2021.gif
    M1WML likes this.
  14. W5MBH

    W5MBH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    "Product is not in production"
    M1WML and N3FAA like this.
  15. KB6QXM

    KB6QXM Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is not about the QSL cards these days, but the cost of postage. My days of sending QSL cards are over. I have settled into my niche for ham radio anyways. I am not a DX paper chaser. I do not do contests. I do not do nets. I have good old fashioned rag chewing on 80 meters. When it is done, I turn off the radio and do something else.
    KC7MAW and M1WML like this.

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