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Gordon Read, W4YIH; WW2 Pearl Harbor Veteran

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N4RJR, Nov 15, 2021.

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  1. W8AAZ

    W8AAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I may have to rush and get an antenna up here at this QTH soon just so I can work him.
    M1WML likes this.
  2. K1LKP

    K1LKP Ham Member QRZ Page

    YES.........YES......... SOUNDS LIKE A SUPER IDEA.......


    73 - K1LKP
    M1WML and W4AUT like this.
  3. W4AUT

    W4AUT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I hope Radioman Gordon has a chance to Read all the POST on this forum. I bet he has a lot of Davy Jones Sea Stories stuffed in his Seabag!! In the Navy, Sailor's
    would brag about being "Salty" to other "Sand Peeps" (A bird that lands on the
    shore and runs from the waves when surf hits) Gordon has earned the cherished
    title of "OLE SALT" coveted by all Navy Sailors!!

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
    M1WML and K1LKP like this.
  4. W1BMG

    W1BMG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fantastic gentleman, one of the greatest generation. It was men like Gordon that saved our country for us to enjoy today. God Bless him and all the others like him who rolled up their sleeves and did what had to be done. It's an honor to be able to talk with him on the Submariner Veterans Net almost daily. SVARA Net 14.343 mhz.

    K1LKP, M1WML, KE0GXN and 2 others like this.
  5. AD3C

    AD3C Ham Member QRZ Page

    God Bless Gordon and all of our Veterans.
    M1WML and KE0GXN like this.
  6. W2MGF

    W2MGF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you Sir 73 de w2mgf
    M1WML likes this.
  7. K1AFS

    K1AFS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    God bless, and thank you for your service!

    73 & 88
    M1WML likes this.
  8. N4RJR

    N4RJR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks Steve (W4AUT) I will second that. Everyone should have known this guy just a few years back. I have had the privileg of listening to his stories... :)
    M1WML and W4AUT like this.
  9. W4AUT

    W4AUT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks Bob!!
    M1WML likes this.
  10. W4SSN

    W4SSN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gordon, I was 3 years old on that infamous day. Was in first grade when war ended. Thank you for your service. Bob W4SSN ETCS(SS) RET
    KC1ILH, M1WML and W4AUT like this.
  11. K5CQA

    K5CQA Ham Member QRZ Page

    1st Signal Corps, here. A big sal'ute to Seaman Read!
    M1WML and W4AUT like this.
  12. KM4RK

    KM4RK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great job Bud. He's lived history.
    M1WML likes this.
  13. KN4YEM

    KN4YEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    THAXU for your service. I would like to ask what Band and Frequency for VETS? I would like to tune !!!
    M1WML likes this.
  14. KD0QG

    KD0QG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This is of great interest to me because my Uncle Paul Calhoun was a radioman stationed on one of the ships at Pearl Harbor on that day. Everyone in the family here was very concerned but he called later that night. Since he wasn't a drinking man he had volunteered for shore duty and was guarding an air field when the enemy flew in.. He said all of a sudden there were airplanes everywhere and and some circled very close around him and he could see the pilots in the planes looking at him and the then they suddenly left. Later on he was brought back stateside to teach radio at Mesa College in Grand Junction Colorado. I got to know a lot of former military radiomen in Ham Radio and once ask him why he didn't continue. He told me that he had seen and heard so many terrible things that he just wanted to forget it all.
    M1WML likes this.
  15. K2STP

    K2STP Ham Member QRZ Page

    If this video/interview was 100 hours long, it would not be long enough! Un-believable history!! The greatest generation for sure, the young generation today don’t have a clue of what and who got them what they have today, and they are just giving it all away. Our freedom which was fought so hard for, is being taken away!

    Gordon, THANK YOU for your service and god bless you!
    M1WML, KE0GXN and KF0DHQ like this.

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