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Glenn Baxter, K1MAN Fined $21,000

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Mar 29, 2006.

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  1. WB4AEJ

    WB4AEJ Ham Member QRZ Page

  2. K3VR

    K3VR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, now that Glenn has received his forfeiture order and apparently ignored it, I guess the ball is in the FCC's court. Anyone heard Glenn on the air? I can't hear him with prevailing skip conditions.

    I received an email from a QRZ reader who explained to me that (in his opinion) Baxter's co-host, "VE7KFM is being jammed because of his obnoxious anti-American sentiments, his obscenities, and his QRM to legitimate communications in progress."

    By the way, Todd's "LOLICON" site is down. For those of you just checking in, Todd boasted that he hosted a site featuring cartoons of children in sexual situations, and now his site has dropped off ( been yanked off ? ) the net. Maybe Todd will check in to give us the other half of the story...


  3. N9VO

    N9VO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Maybe Ole Toddxter is just busy getting ready for the filming of his new movie. It could be the next "Brokeback"......
  4. KJ4PR

    KJ4PR Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ARRL has been doing the same thing with low quality commercial programs on the amateur radio bands. I think more stations should enter the legal ham broadcast aspect of the hobby. It should be allowed or banned, none or anyone who can put together a good quality ham show and broadcast it possibly from a mountain top for best coverage...
  5. K4JF

    K4JF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wrong on both counts.  Not low quality, and not commercial.  Suggest a move back to reality.

    And broadcasting is still illegal.
  6. WB4AEJ

    WB4AEJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Has there been any update as to what the FCC is doing about Baxter?

    Fred, WB4AEJ
  7. K3VR

    K3VR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've heard nothing since the forfeiture order came out Fred.

    As far as I know:

    1. The FCC has yet to grant or deny his license renewal application and the application remains set-aside.

    2. The FCC may refer his fine to the Department of Justice for a trial in Maine District Court where the DoJ would try to win a judgement to collect the cash or an equivalent amount in property, plus the costs of the collection.

    3. I haven't heard a Baxter Bulletin on the air in quite awhile; he stopped sending AARA/IARN SPAM some time ago; and I haven't seen an update on his web page since April 24th.

    4. When the FCC turned up the heat in 1999, Baxter took two years off from his "bulletin schedule." When the going gets tough, the tough get going - somewhere else - off the air. He said he was busy "teaching" last time he left the air for an extended period of time. Perhaps Clarence Darrow is busy selling smoke detectors to pay for his legal defense.

    That's all folks!
  8. AB8RU

    AB8RU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Actually the Monetary forfeiture is one of the FCC's way of legally with out an attorney to bring this on, also in the order  Baxter would have an appeal of the fine but the FCC response would be to produce all tax returns of  X amt. of years, he has to prove financial hardship like hes only collecting money on a street corner selling newspapers, and pencils. or hes on the Public Wealfare system and his Unemployment Benefits ran out opf course his local JOB motovation office would probably poke him along to get a job.

    or he can put all of his radio gear on Ebay and go by a fictious name like Barney Nobody.  

    I don't see that as a possibility, NO license Yes maybe he can turn his house into a musem and charge a fee like $14.00 ( $14.95 if you are one of those of his AARA or what ever it was..)   I would say NOONE in their right mind would even ask for his call as a vanity call either.

    Probably the FCC would not reissue it.
  9. K1WPO

    K1WPO Ham Member QRZ Page

    was Glen at Dayton?
  10. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    They could take his callsign and auction it off, proceeds to go towards the $21k debt also......
  11. K3VR

    K3VR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hurricanes in the Gulf; Flooding in New England; Earthquakes in Indonesia... and he calls his organization "the world leader in emergency communications?"

    I've been listening to 14.127 for AMTOR traffic and 14.275 for over a year and I haven't heard ANY emergency traffic being passed. There has been no world wide radio activation whatsoever, and he won't publish the number and type of messages passed (if any).

    Question: Can Glenn Baxter really make the claim of being a player in emergency comms at this point without being accused of being a gigantic fraud?
  12. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    probably signing autographs. he famous, ya' know!
  13. N1LAF

    N1LAF Ham Member QRZ Page

    The west coast Baxter, Gerritson, license went into the pool and was picked up by a club station, probably to rub it in his face. This took place before the authorities took Gerritson to jail. I bet if the call is in the pool, someone will apply for it.
  14. K3VR

    K3VR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I might apply for K1MAN's call myself Paul, after the FCC releases it for "normal" amateur use I mean. I could be the trustee for Boy Scouts working to become licensed amateurs.

    Certainly you've heard of the infamous BOY SCOUTS ON JAMBOREE INTERFERENCE EPISODE?
  15. WB4AEJ

    WB4AEJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am wondering when Riley or the legal goomers at the FCC are going to tell him that his renewal has been denied.

    It's been a while since that notice of forfeiture has been issued. How long are they going to take to act on it? The FCC needs to follow the 'carry a big stick' to the limit here.

    Fred, WB4AEJ
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