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FEMA Strikes Again!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LGH, Sep 12, 2005.

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  1. NC5S

    NC5S Ham Member QRZ Page

    A brief history of CONELRAD

    During the 1950's and 1960's, when the Cold War was just sinking in for most American citizens as well as for the government as a whole, there was an effort to establish a warning system to allow the American people time to leave their homes and enter the a fallout shelter, and at the same time, to protect America's cities from Russian bombers. To accomplish both of these goals at the same time, the FCC developed the CONELRAD system. CONELRAD stands for CONtrol of ELectronic RADation, and is a system that is designed both to confuse radio direction-finding technology used by the Soviet Union as well as to disseminate information to the American people. In the event of a nuclear attack, all the radio stations in the country would broadcast an alert, and then do one of two things: go off the air until the emergency was over or move to one of two official frequencies, 640 kHz or 1240 kHz. It was hoped that, with all the radio stations broadcasting essentially the same thing, at the same time, on the same two frequencies, that direction finding equipment would be useless, making it much harder for the Russian bombers to find specific cities and landmarks. For this purpose, all new radios sold after 1953 had to be marked with triangles at 640 and 1240, to make finding these frequencies easier. In addition, citizens with the capability to transmit on common radio frequencies, such as amateur radio operators and municipalities with radio systems, had to fall silent in the event of a CONELRAD alert. Devices such as the Heathkit CA-1 CONELRAD alarm were developed to prevent accidential transmission during an emergency. With the development of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, however, CONELRAD became impractical due to the decrease in response time from heavy bombers to ICBMs. Following the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1961, the emergency communications capability of the United States was examined, resulting in the scrapping of CONELRAD and the adoption of the Emergency Broadcast System. Designed with local use in mind in the case of disasters, the Emergency Broadcast System was still hoped to be useful in the event of a nuclear emergency. The familiar two-tone alert was developed for the Emergency Broadcast System, as well as the monthly tests to ensure that the system works properly. The Emergency Broadcast System was used extensively for local emergencies, such as brush fires and hurricanes, and while it was never needed to warn of a nuclear attack, it did fulfill its purpose to warn the American people of natural disasters. In 1997, the Emergency Alert System updated the Emergency Broadcast System. The purpose of this upgrade was not to drastically change the methods used to warn the American people, but to update that system. The digital Emergency Alert System is much less work intensive, with most radio stations having an automatic interface that puts the station on alert without the necessity of any human touching anything except the first button in Washington, DC. With the Emergency Alert System in place, widespread Emergency Bulletins can now be broadcast to the vast majority of Americans.
  2. K1MH

    K1MH Ham Member QRZ Page


    I am looking forward to the 500 Khz band opening up to the ham community.

    The 87.9 frequency is already assigned to certain Educational FM stations where there are no Channel 6 TV stations in the area.

    Mike - K1MH
  3. AA1MN

    AA1MN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am not, have never been and do not intend to be a George W. Bush, Jr. (or Sr.) supporter. However, placing any of the blame of the situation on Katrina on him or at his feet.

    Please consider the following copied from

    Get Off His Back (Updated)
    By Ben Stein
    Published 9/2/2005 11:59:59 PM
    ***UPDATED: Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005, 2:13 p.m.***

    A few truths, for those who have ears and eyes and care to know the truth:

    1.) The hurricane that hit New Orleans and Mississippi and Alabama was an astonishing tragedy. The suffering and loss of life and peace of mind of the residents of those areas is acutely horrifying.

    2.) George Bush did not cause the hurricane. Hurricanes have been happening for eons. George Bush did not create them or unleash this one.

    3.) George Bush did not make this one worse than others. There have been far worse hurricanes than this before George Bush was born.

    4.) There is no overwhelming evidence that global warming exists as a man-made phenomenon. There is no clear-cut evidence that global warming even exists. There is no clear evidence that if it does exist it makes hurricanes more powerful or makes them aim at cities with large numbers of poor people. If global warming is a real phenomenon, which it may well be, it started long before George Bush was inaugurated, and would not have been affected at all by the Kyoto treaty, considering that Kyoto does not cover the world's worst polluters -- China, India, and Brazil. In a word, George Bush had zero to do with causing this hurricane. To speculate otherwise is belief in sorcery.

    5.) George Bush had nothing to do with the hurricane contingency plans for New Orleans. Those are drawn up by New Orleans and Louisiana. In any event, the plans were perfectly good: mandatory evacuation. It is in no way at all George Bush's fault that about 20 percent of New Orleans neglected to follow the plan. It is not his fault that many persons in New Orleans were too confused to realize how dangerous the hurricane would be. They were certainly warned. It's not George Bush's fault that there were sick people and old people and people without cars in New Orleans. His job description does not include making sure every adult in America has a car, is in good health, has good sense, and is mobile.

    6.) George Bush did not cause gangsters to shoot at rescue helicopters taking people from rooftops, did not make gang bangers rape young girls in the Superdome, did not make looters steal hundreds of weapons, in short make New Orleans into a living hell.

    7.) George Bush is the least racist President in mind and soul there has ever been and this is shown in his appointments over and over. To say otherwise is scandalously untrue.

    8.) George Bush is rushing every bit of help he can to New Orleans and Mississippi and Alabama as soon as he can. He is not a magician. It takes time to organize huge convoys of food and now they are starting to arrive. That they get in at all considering the lawlessness of the city is a miracle of bravery and organization.

    9.) There is not the slightest evidence at all that the war in Iraq has diminished the response of the government to the emergency. To say otherwise is pure slander.

    10.) If the energy the news media puts into blaming Bush for an Act of God worsened by stupendous incompetence by the New Orleans city authorities and the malevolence of the criminals of the city were directed to helping the morale of the nation, we would all be a lot better off.

    11.) New Orleans is a great city with many great people. It will recover and be greater than ever. Sticking pins into an effigy of George Bush that does not resemble him in the slightest will not speed the process by one day.

    12.) The entire episode is a dramatic lesson in the breathtaking callousness of government officials at the ground level. Imagine if Hillary Clinton had gotten her way and they were in charge of your health care.

    God bless all of those dear people who are suffering so much, and God bless those helping them, starting with George Bush.

    UPDATE: Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005, 2:13 p.m.:

    More Mysteries of Katrina:

    Why is it that the snipers who shot at emergency rescuers trying to save people in hospitals and shelters are never mentioned except in passing, and Mr. Bush, who is turning over heaven and earth to rescue the victims of the storm, is endlessly vilified?

    What church does Rev. Al Sharpton belong to that believes in passing blame and singling out people by race for opprobrium and hate?

    What special abilities does the media have for deciding how much blame goes to the federal government as opposed to the city government of New Orleans for the aftereffects of Katrina?

    If able-bodied people refuse to obey a mandatory evacuation order for a city, have they not assumed the risk that ill effects will happen to them?

    When the city government simply ignores its own sick and hospitalized and elderly people in its evacuation order, is Mr. Bush to blame for that?

    Is there any problem in the world that is not Mr. Bush's fault, or have we reverted to a belief in a sort of witchcraft where we credit a mortal man with the ability to create terrifying storms and every other kind of ill wind?

    Where did the idea come from that salvation comes from hatred and criticism and mockery instead of love and co-operation?

    Chuck, AA1MN
  4. AI8O

    AI8O XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why not reactivate the old CONELRAD CONCEPT.
    Just set aside two AM frequencies and mark them EMERGENCY on radio dials.
    Allow current regular broadcasters to use these channels in normal non emergency times, but fire up on the frequencies when an emergency hits.

    Have several mobile sets of transmiter/power generator units scattered around the county in safe secure storage, ready to be brought out in an emergency.

    The DOD had two or three units like this all checked out ready to go in the 1970's. and has a PSY WAR aircraft that was used in Bosnia in the 1990's.
  5. K1MH

    K1MH Ham Member QRZ Page

    If this were in place in NOLA, it wouldn't have done a bit of good. No one had radios with them and if they did they didn't have access to AC or replacement batteries.

    One of the NOLA AMs remained on the air throughout the storm up, during the aftermath, and are still on the air.

    Very few of the victims could hear it. The entire situation was a mess.

    Makes me wonder what would happen if there were a large scale terrorist attack.

    Mike - K1MH
  6. K5CO

    K5CO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I quote: " If this were in place in NOLA, it wouldn't have done a bit of good. No one had radios with them and if they did they didn't have access to AC or replacement batteries."

    Now there is a negative viewpoint. IF there were common frequency and people knew there was disaster news there, they WOULD have radios. As for batteries, my little Walkman runs for days on two AA batts, and a couple of spares would still be running it since the beginning of Katrina.

    In addition to a format for such a station, we need hams reporting from neighborhoods with conditions and their needs. Yes, it would take some planning. Perhaps we should set it up OUTSIDE the government. The appointees from both sides of the isle will continue to disappoint!
  7. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Its easy to Monday morning quarterback. Ben Stein's a bit better having fun with his "money" and trivia. Here's a few of what Ben didn't say:

    I didn't read anything about how many of those left and "chose" not to leave had any means besides their two feet to get out.

    I didn't read anything about how very poor folks even were able to hear the order to 'get out.'

    I didn't read anything about a FEMA head who said he hadn't heard any specifics, as quoted in the media, on I think it was Wednesday, August 30.

    I didn't read anything about why Bush chose to continue with his fundraiser in Phoenix on Monday afternoon, after the storm had hit.

    I didn't read anything about why Bush decided to fly on Tuesday morning to his next scheduled Republican fundraiser in San Diego.

    I didn't read anything about why Bush only did his 'fly-by' on Wednesday morning (instead of landing at an operable AFB in the vicinity, such as Maxell AFB in Montgomery even if he didn't have the guts to land at Baton Rouge)

    I didn't read anything about why two very brave and courageous Navy helicopter pilots were reprimanded and reassigned from answering a distress call to save people in New Orleans.

    I didn't read anything said about why all of the FEMA-staged MREs and Water were left sitting in Selma AL instead of airlifted to hospitals or to outside the superdome for distribution to the starving and thirsty in the first 3 or 4 days.

    Now, I'm sure there must be more. AF-1 has every means of communication and gear imaginable to direct all types of federal assets. Even a nice warm bed and plenty of provisions. Hell, if he was worried about not having bullet-proof limos or Suburbans, he could have had a C-17 routed to Maxwell with a load of those, too.
    And, Maxwell's only about an 8 hour flight for Marine 1 from Andrews.


  8. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page


    I don't mind watching all of this though. You guys are sitting here, pointing fingers, screaming, yelling, etc about all of this, and you're MISSING THE POINT.

    In plain english: If you want to survive a disaster, you best PREPARE YOURSELF and not worry about what the govmint is going to do for you.

    It doesn't matter who is in charge. Bush, Clinton, or any of you who have posted here. The bottom, and obvious line is, you better prepare YOURSELF for a disaster and not rely on the government to come and help you. It is obvious that with this, just like everything else in government, that if you want and expect something to be done, its going to take time, red tape, etc, for it to all occur. You are all on here acting surprised, appalled, etc about this. But really folks, is this REALLY a surprise? What you're seeing here is what happens every day around here folks-If the govt wants to get something done, it doesn't happen like it happens in our lives, there is research, studies, etc before a project even ever gets going. I'm honestly surprised that they got stuff going as quick as they do, since normally it takes really long to get something done.

    What you're seeing here, unfortunately, is government efficency. This efficency has existed for years, and it doesn't matter what leader we have up there in the 'white house' doing things, govt is going to do what they are going to do.

    By the way, you better prepare yourself. A good disaster plan should include sufficent food supplies for 14 days, and the ability to take said supplies with you, because if your house is gone, then you'll need them mobile. 14 days should suffice, the red tape should be cut by then and then you'll have the help you need.

    By the way, speaking of being prepared, I hear social security is going away too-so people best prepare for that disaster when it comes also. Katrina was a natural disaster, but others are coming now, some are the result of it directly, some are already on the way and were way before this happened.

    The bottom line is though, if people expect and think thier local/state/federal govts are just going to step in and take care of you....that way of thinking SHOULD be changed now that we have seen this. The only help you are going to get is whatever help you can provide yourself, and whatever help you can get from, or give to, your local neighbors in thier time of need. I would view the government's response as a backup plan, but in the beginning, you're going to be on your own. If this disaster hasn't woken you up and told you that, then perhaps you should really open your eyes.

    Now you all can carry on and blame Bush, FEMA, the state, the county, the city, or the people in it, but I hope in between your rants you realise that maybe you should prepare yourself in case this happens to you. A example has been set here, so you best look at the example that was presented to you, and realise that if you want help in a disaster, you're probably going to have to help yourself for quite a while until 'help arrives'.

    So, carry on, but I hope the lesson of you needing to PREPARE YOURSELF, which to me is the glaring thing that this disaster should be telling everyone, has been learned by everyone.

    You may now carry on with your blaming program.
  9. W7DME

    W7DME Ham Member QRZ Page


    Since you are so obviously "in the know" I have a few questions for you.

    1. How much money does the Chairman of American Red Cross make a year?

    2. I understand that this disaster would make the ratio look better, but on average, how much of each dollar donated to Red Cross actually reaches the victims?

    3. Why did American Red Cross turn away Church leaders who wanted to look for victims who were reportedly at shelters so that they could moved to better accommodations with fellow church members? Is it because ARC receives money from the Federal Government based on how many people they house and provide for?

    Now I will provide you with something I experienced myself with this organization. While I understand that ARC does a lot of good around the world, and probably will continue to do so, and I understand that no organization is all bad or all good, yet there are enough problems with this one that disturb me when you consider that this is a "Non Profit" organization.

    I was a part of a large search and rescue mission in the Phoenix Arizona area many years ago that lasted the better part of a week. We were looking of a young child who was lost in the desert North of Phoenix. We found the boy alive and as we were winding down and securing the operation, in rolled ARC. They passed out stale sandwiches and luke warm coffee, took pictures and left. The next day, the Arizona Republic headlines stated “Red Cross Saves The Day Again!” when they didn’t have any part of this exercise.

    That is the reason I have a basic distrust of that organization. Like many organization in existence today, I am convinced they started out with the best of intentions but like most large operations or organizations that I know of, corruption has taken over. By corruption, I am referring to actions that inhibit other organizations to help out such as question #3 above or wages to organization higher ups.

    I understand your loyalty to this organization, and I am not suggesting that we should not support their relief efforts; I am just suggesting that we understand who they really are in the current time frame and choose the level of support we choose to give them. It would be counter productive and unkind to hurt those people in need that ARC does support. In other words, “Don’t throw the Baby out with the bath water!”. Just know them for who and what they are and respond accordingly.

    Mike - K7OV
  10. WB9UDJ

    WB9UDJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    FEMA The dumping ground for inept political appointees....:(
  11. N8KG

    N8KG Ham Member QRZ Page

    We have all become dependent on someone or something to take care of us. We forget how to prepare for anything at all. And that is the way gov't wants it. I am amazed at the folks who stayed because they didn't have a car to leave in. Have they also forgotten how to walk? If they can't walk, was there not someone willing to push their wheelchair?

    Blame everyone you want but if I was told 36 hours ahead of time that a hurricane was coming to blow my house away, don't stay here, and I lived in a bowl like New Orleans, you best better believe, I would walk or crawl to get out of there.

    Nobody wants to take responsiblity for themselves anymore. Let the insurance company take care of it. Let the government take care of it. Anybody but me.
  12. WA3KYY

    WA3KYY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Keesler AFB was 90% destroyed and not operational. Aircraft and most personnel had been evacuated ahead of the storm. As of 12 Sept the base is only partially operational and most personnel that were evacuated have not yet been recalled. Only those personnel with safe to occupy residences in the immediate area are being requested to report.

    Mike WA3KYY
  13. KC7RUN

    KC7RUN Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is one of the biggest crocks of crap I’ve seen in a week regarding the situation in the Southeast. You know what really irks me about this situation? It’s the fact that so many hams could be acting as independent operators and go do the job anyway. Why is it that hams seem to think that we can only act in a time of need under the American Red Cross’s letter recognition? Which, I might add, is not acknowledged anymore than Sean Penn’s efforts to relieve suffering in New Orleans with his singular boat.

    Who in the heck said that we couldn’t just waltz into the area and do the jobs the FCC/Federal Government licensed us to do in the first place? Of course there are channels to follow, but it is possible. And once you’re there why cant we set up a health and welfare network that reports back to SATERN’s net, or simply send a message to a loved one in another state letting them know of their family members condition, circumstance and health? Because the U.S. Government does not have your interest as a individual at heart in the first place. Its concept of rule is to govern the holistic dollar and not your rights. And when your rights become a problem in the governing of the all mighty holistic dollar, they simply pay a lobbyist to present a argument to remove your rights so their problem goes away and is forgotten by the masses.

    I wonder how many people who lived through the trauma and horror of Hurricane Katrina will remember their loved ones dying in their arms and think how proud they are of their own government? How many people will remember those who are at fault in this disaster of humanity and say a simple prayer for them as they bundle up on their makeshift cot in the Astrodome with their child in their arms? How many people have lost a loved one as well as their faith and compassion for the U.S. federal government, and will not be so apathetic to buy into the propaganda delivered to the mainstream media? And more importantly, how many people will be willing to change what they see happening inside their government after this crisis abates? My point is that a large number of citizens inside the U.S. have a reason to be 100% pissed off at their own government.

    By setting up communications inside the Astrodome, or anywhere else, the victims of nature and leadership of local, state and federal government are awakened to the facts if not the truth. Leadership looses control of the propaganda being forced down the throats of the community. To allow the media to tell the uncensored facts/truth about what is happening, who is taking the blame, who has resigned or been fired and what is happening or not happening inside the area is to provoke a revolution of the mind, heart and spirit. To remind them via radio, television or print that they were forgotten is to spark revolution in waiting.

    The victims of this natural and manmade catastrophe have nothing but time on their hands. They are able to wait, recover and eventually strike at the heart of government with a unified voice of revolution. The leaders have been warned of this circumstance and have been advised that time is the only thing that heals wounds this deep. So the more time that they spend distracting the victims of this horrific manmade and natural calamity, the more time they buy themselves to prepare for the consequences of their lack of action.

    The victims and survivors of Hurricane Katrina and the U.S. government can expect a deliberate slow recovery. Food, water, clothing, health, shelter, amenities like televisions sets, radios, beds etc… will come in a manner of time dictated by the leadership in order to secure homeland security from revolt from the victims of itself. So you see, your radio station is not at the top of its priority list. Leadership does not want the facts to be known by the masses because the holistic dollar is the venue and godhead and not the individual.

    Norman, OK
  14. N0XMZ

    N0XMZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ditto KC7RUN. Why not just set up an already-licensed ham rig? Isn't that what we're here for? Who needs endorsement from anyone? Maybe I should try from our convention center here in Dallas.... hmmm....
  15. K1MH

    K1MH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Let's just deal with facts here. There was an AM station broadcasting throughout the storm ad after the storm. There aren't any positive or negative connotations when reality is involved. It is what it is and that's all that it is.

    People did not have radios with them so they couldn't have received the information that was already out there for the taking. They didn't have water, food, medicine, or any of the other necessities either including AC and batteries.

    A single frequency would not have made a difference to any of them. Radios are designed with tuners and you tune to a station in your area. That is how EBS worked and EAS works. They tell you to tune to the station serving your area for further details.

    I carry a small Walkman and back up batteries whenever I go into Manhattan since 9/11. It only uses one AA cell and it lasts for days. It came in very handy during the power failure a few summers ago.

    Mike - K1MH
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