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FEMA Strikes Again!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LGH, Sep 12, 2005.

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  1. N2OBM

    N2OBM Ham Member QRZ Page

    OK, before my time....
    BTW, the RC could NOT sell them now....AAFES (Army-Air Force Exchange Service, aka servicemembers Walmart) would have a fit! No competition by mandate...the General said so....
  2. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'll just say this. With the inaccuracy of your knowledge of FEMA's achievements in 1989, your other supposed infow-mation really sounds remarkably correct.

    I too lived in the Bay Area and worked in San Jose, and managed about one fifth of Pacific Gas and Electric's system. My territory and my assets, under my responsiblity, were trashed. If you remember the pictures of Metcalf substation and Moss Landing power plant's switchyards, with broken porcelain everywhere, then, you might be a little bit more cognizant of what really happened and be able to understand some of what FEMA was able to do.

    We needed 6 500,000 volt circuit breakers to replace those that had been totally destroyed. And, we needed them fast. The only reason clowns like you had electric service were that large organizations like IBM and Intel shut down as did most of Silicon Valley. We had two 230kV lines heavily overloaded from the East Bay supplying all of San Jose. All generation was lost at Moss Landing and we had no EHV 500kV sources from the Intertie in the San Joaquin Valley. I kept Morgan Hill and Gilroy in service thanks to a single 115kV garlic-driven cogenerator at Gilroy Foods.

    FEMA ordered two C-5As for us and flew those 6 EHV circuit breakers from Georgia to Moffett Field in Sunnyvale. We had them in a couple of days following the earthquake.

    Bush's father's FEMA was doing strategic things in a big way. You were apparently too busy watching (and carping) network reporters you hated to observe what was really going on.

    FEMA has, at its disposal, just about any DOD assets it needs. Once an emergency is declared. One was declared on I believe it was, on Saturday, August 27, by Dubyah.

    FEMA proudly said it had hundreds of thousands of MRE's and a similar quantity of water on the ground in Selma, AL ready to go. And, it sat there. And, it sat there. And, it sat there.

    Speaking of sitting, Ft. Rucker, AL, home of Army Aviation sits about 60 air-miles from Selma. I would guess at least 50 to 100 helicopters from 4 place Bells, to Apaches to Blackhawks. Nothing moved. No air drops to the thirsty and starving in NO. Nothing until when? Saturday?

    Ah, but day before yesterday, I heard about Pensacola. Home of the Navy's helicopter training. Something did move. Two aircraft were ordered to fly water and supplies to NASA-Stennis, MS on Tuesday or maybe early Wednesday, 8/31. When they dropped off the supplies and became airborne, they heard an urgent distress call from a CG helicopter in NO, asking for any assistance in rescue. They flew in and helped rescue people from rooftops. When they returned back to Pensacola, both were reprimanded and reassigned. One to head up a dog kennel.

    Now, that's his father's FEMA, and this is his FEMA. And, his Rum-filled DOD.


  3. K6FAF

    K6FAF Guest

    I just worry, what ails most of you out there!

    What does all this have to do with FEMA not wanting "to be controlled by a privately run radio station"?

    My guess is as good as anybody else's: "They do not want their scratched image hurt any further"

    And to our No 1 VIP: Oh well, he must have needed time to think before landing anywhere dangerous...for the politics....

    73 to all you out there with a critical mind, it keeps me going, too.

    k6faf, Hans, the voice from the desert [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. K5MPH

    K5MPH Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is waht we get when you have a BUSH in the whitehouse,and if the Right wingers keep running the show it's only going to get worse.
  5. WA2RCB

    WA2RCB Ham Member QRZ Page


    Fubar's Everything Most Always

    Flying Eggheads Minus Attentiveness

    Facilitates Equines Mostly Arabians

    Financially Enigmatic Motley A--kissers

    Floorflushing Empty Minded A--kissers

    Finds Entropy Most Appealing

    Funny Experts Mulling Aristocracy

    Floods Enter My Abode

    ...enough for now (?) [​IMG]
  6. WA2RCB

    WA2RCB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I did forget to post a link to a story by Dr Walter M. Brasch, a former Emergency Management Official at FEMA and Journalist.

    This article is an in-depth look at the Administration policies that created the atmosphere, not only for an ineffective FEMA response during the Katrina catastrophe, but which may have contributed to additional property destruction and deaths than should have occurred.

    The full article is at the URL below. I highly reccomend anyone involved in Emergency Management read it thru.

    SPECIAL REPORT: - Unacceptable - : The federal response to Katrina
  7. KC7FLR

    KC7FLR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, it is depressing to see the left-wing nonsense quoted and linked to as if it was gospel truth.

    The original comment that was quoted to begin this thread is from a left-wing blog "World War 4 Report" and your link is from another left-wing moonbat who thinks that Bush is a fascist.
  8. N2NH

    N2NH Ham Member QRZ Page

    When we had a couple of building blow up here the response by the local authorities was fast and massive. The Red Cross came and SOLD coffee and doughnuts to the Police, Firemen and EMTs. They set up shop right on the street. While the block was evacuated, not a single evacuee was helped with either food or shelter on a cold night.

    The local Catholic Church was just as useless.

    <span style='color:darkred'>The Salvation Army, OTOH, opened it's doors even though it had been closed for a holiday. It gave us blankets, food and a place to stay until we were allowed to return to our houses.</span>
  9. KG4ZQZ

    KG4ZQZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    - i don't mind folks posting slanted articles with retarded world views (consider the source), but was surprised to see one on the QRZ home page...

    - is this QRZ's opinion, too?
  10. WB5FAX

    WB5FAX Ham Member QRZ Page

    One of the Problems I know personally, was the people in the State EOC, in Baton ROuge, that Stone walled Emergency PEople from Hams to Fire,and Rescue people.I had hams ready to go Monday following the Hurricane who are energency people and had boats, radios,generators,and support equipment. The State Eoc in Baton Rouge refused to let people in even when called on the radio and telephone. They said no one can go on and they dont need help. This whole Disaster has been a CLUSTER F*** from the start. I had hams that had portable radios too that could not have started local Communications in the areas but the emergency people I had lined up were Also Hams. Then there wa sa call for General Class Ops only and above to go in to the affected areas.
    THIS IS WRONG AS TO CLASS OF LICENSE, but you need all the hams you can get no matter what license they have . This is a LONG ONGOING THINGS, areas completly gone off the maps HF Comms being interferred with by Solar Flars, too. Techs who are emergency people could not only do their expertise in the filed from giving EM people some break time to helping to them setting up local communications. HF is good if you want to talk world wide but also the Techs have radios too that can get things done locally from riding in em behicles and all emergency services being abel to talk to one another. Nase stations with antennas work over 100 miles on VJF and UHF and Sideband too. I was able to hit repeators crossing the south from a Greyhound Bus on a trip back from New York,to Houston, even though local repeators were knowcked out was still able to work outside the area.

    LETS USE ALL HAMS THAT HAVE THE EXPERTISE and Knowledge to help, This is a massive disaster, and have 30 yrs EM Experience from Firefighting to working mass disasters and hurricanes since 1968. They need all the help they can get down there. All Hams are hams able to do things together.
  11. NC5S

    NC5S Ham Member QRZ Page

    In 1999, as Floyd approached the SE coast of the US.  I was busy manning the local Emergency Management Center for my county.

    During that time, the Salvation Army was right there with us, serving meals to those who were staying and manning the emergency management center.  They were also busy assisting with the evacuation of the elderly and infirm.

    Where was the Red Cross during this?  They, all of them, had hauled ass out of town, out of harms way and were manning shelters 100 or more miles away. They, The RC, returned after the "all clear" was sounded.

    With my previous experience in the military with the Red Cross and my more recent experience with both the Red Cross and Salvation Army,  My $500 donation went exclusively to the Salvation Army.
  12. K1MH

    K1MH Ham Member QRZ Page


    The 640 and 1240 frequencies weren't designated for standarization to the public. These frequencies were chosen so during an air raid, planes couldn't use specific broadcast station frequencies to locate targets.

    Mike - K1MH
  13. N8KG

    N8KG Ham Member QRZ Page

    For all the news media, tv stations, radio stations, magazines and newspapers in the country, we are the least informed of all nations.
  14. K1MH

    K1MH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Jimmy Carter has a PhD believe it or not. You would never know it the way he ran the country.

  15. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do you think the Soviets didn't know about 640 and 1240 from the likes of their embassy spy networks?  Think again.

    The reason it was called CONELRAD, or short for Controlled Electromagnetic Radiation, was that in addition to requiring all broadcasters to shut down, the output power was to be intentionally varied at each of them, i.e. QSB'ed.

    The Soviet pilots in their bombers probably had instructions to tune their DF receivers to one or both of those channels.  However, varying the power would have made getting a 'fix' on the source(s) very difficult.

    What is needed today is a widely desiminated FM broadcast frequency that anyone with an FM receiver can tune to.  Disaster agencies could be given easily set up low power FM stations in disaster areas or along routes.  Possibly even solar powered.  That would give FEMA something constructive to manufacture and deliver, since they apparently can't handle food and water effectively.

    Two 58 inch dipoles as a turnstile antenna is pretty straightforward and efficient.

    Of course, if they are told to suppress information, well, we know what we'd hear.  Zip.

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