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Drake Anniversary Station W2D a huge success

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB2FMH, Jan 30, 2018.

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  1. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Special Event Station W2D has been celebrating the 75th Anniversary of founding the R. L. Drake company (January 1943) for the past month and experienced such a terrific turnout of callers. As of this writing there are over 650 log entries with stations from 30 different countries, Cards have been filling the mailbox daily despite there being a full sized card available for download on our page here on QRZ. Folks have even requested appointments via email just to have their Drake talk to mine. It has been a blast and I look forward to the 80th anniversary in 2023.
    The station will wrap up on January 31, 11:59 Z. Thanks to all those who participated in celebrating the Cadillac of Amateur Radios.
    - 73
    James, KB2FMH / W2D Op

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