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CQ to "Jump-Start" Print Edition With January Issue - November and December Issues to be Digital Onl

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K2HAT, Dec 28, 2017.

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  1. WB8NUT

    WB8NUT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't worry, we all experience a lapse of judgement throughout our lives. Next time you want to throw away money, send it to me and I promise I will put it to good use.
  2. WB8NUT

    WB8NUT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Five more days remaining in the month of February. I take it from the lack of posts that no one has received their "jump started" February paper issue?
  3. N0BML

    N0BML Ham Member QRZ Page

    I received mine in the mail yesterday. My subscription runs out this November and at the moment I don't see myself renewing. Things might change in the next 9 months though.
  4. WB8NUT

    WB8NUT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I did get my March RadCom today. Came all the way from the UK on time, all the time.
  5. KG2C

    KG2C Ham Member QRZ Page

    I got my digital February CQ soon after subscribing and on March 1st I also got the March digital issue. Based on all the negativity online I expected it to be only so-so, but I was pleasantly surprised.
  6. WB8NUT

    WB8NUT Ham Member QRZ Page

    The on-line magazine is usually on-time, however the February issue was a few days late. The paper issue is what is a recurring problem. Most people still prefer a paper magazine over a digital issue, but some people are perfectly happy with all digital. So if you want paper, CQ is not the magazine for you.
  7. G1TWS

    G1TWS Ham Member QRZ Page

    My Radcom arrived today. Nine Americans and one Canadian joined as new members.

    Extra 10 pages as well.
  8. WB8NUT

    WB8NUT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just renewed my RSGB/RadCom subscription this past weekend. If you received your April Radcom already, I should be receiving mine in a few days.

    It's now the 19th of March and no one seems to have posted if they received their March paper edition of CQ Magazine. I wonder how much longer this is going to go on with them after their famous "catch up" press release when they never really did catch up?
    WU8Y likes this.
  9. WR3V

    WR3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    I guess I'll dredge up the dead horse before anyone else does; has anyone received their March CQ print issue yet? I have not. The February issue arrived here on Feb 20, so I figured March would be about the same.

    Excuse of the month will probably be that there were 5 nor'easters on Long Island within 2 weeks. What the devil that has to do with publishing a magazine, I'll never know, but they surely should get the award for creative excuses.
    WU8Y likes this.
  10. KD4MOJ

    KD4MOJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I got my "The Spectrum Monitor" on March 1st and every 1st before that. :)

    KD0NPT and WU8Y like this.
  11. N0BML

    N0BML Ham Member QRZ Page

    I haven't though I did receive the April QST print magazine yesterday.
    WB8NUT likes this.
  12. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    I subscribed from the late 60's to about 98 or so, content quality kept going down. I still have those issues in storage.

    I have picked up earlier years from #1 to 1968 I believe. Also several of their pre WW2 predecessor RADIO. Those early CQ issues ran circles around ARRL for content and revealed a lot of the crap they were pulling even back then. When Wayne Green became editor it got even better.

  13. WR3V

    WR3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    March 23rd and still no March print issue. Anyone?
  14. WR3V

    WR3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    Saturday March 24th, another empty mailbox. Back to their old tricks, that didn't take long, now did it?
    WU8Y likes this.
  15. WB8NUT

    WB8NUT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Some companies have outlived their usefulness and need to go out of business. Some are just bad businesses. Thinking people need to stop sending money to businesses who abuse the customer, don't deliver what they promised, lie to their customers and generally not perform.
    WD4IGX likes this.

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