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CQ Hexbeam owners. (especially on L.I.)

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KG2DC, Oct 19, 2015.

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  1. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    Long Island is a ways from Rensselaer; is that where the photo was taken?

    Im from Longgg Island, Nassau, Queens, and Kings, and except on the ocean side it is a lot easier on antennas than my current NH hilltop!

    KE7W likes this.
  2. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Heard Island is a Long ways from Long Island. I am less than 150 miles away.

    Yes in my yard FN32DP.
  3. NB8F

    NB8F QRZ Lifetime Member #367 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I have the NA4RR hex. It is up about 25' total. The mast is the Rohn 9H50 35' telescoping mast. I have it extended about 22' total. The top section is only extended enough to put the hex on. I drilled the mast and put in better pins to keep the mast up. I have a thrust bearing at about 6' above the rotator. The mast i guyed in 3 directions at two locations. Pictures of my setup are on my QRZ page. You can see more pictures at

    I had to deal with an HOA , thus the placement. I will say that my vertical that I have was amazing and this hex beam kills it. More than happy to answer any questions about the setup and such. I tried a couple different things and this was the best hat would work for me. It hasn't seen a winter yet, I need to cover the thrust bearing so it doesn't freeze in the snow, I have a solution for that (see the wood box wrapped around the deck, I will also be putting plexi over the top so I can see into the box without taking it apart.

    TL;DR - NA4RR, 25' up, works fantastic.
  4. AI6KX

    AI6KX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Regarding wind resistance, I am wondering how effective a couple of temporarily-deployable guylines from midpoint on the spreaders would work. (I'm still waiting for typhoon season to be over so I haven't put it on the tower yet.)

    My tower is a self-supporting 2-section crankup, permanently bracketed to a concrete wall. When the telescoping section is lowered the mast and antenna are still up about 12 feet above the bearing. (Lowering the mast completely entails pulling the rotator, a 15-minute job on a ladder that I'd only want to do if a really strong typhoon was coming.)

    I am envisioning dacron lines from 2 or 3 spreaders ending in coils that are secured to the mast. With partial tower lowering for moderate winds I could reach the coiled ropes and tie down the ends to anchor points, pulling down slightly on the spreaders to give the hex another dimension of stiffness. And of course I would also do the same if I fully lower the mast, a "belt-and-braces" approach.

    Does this make any sense, or am I not trusting enough that the NA4RR can withstand hurricane-force winds?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
  5. NB8F

    NB8F QRZ Lifetime Member #367 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I don't know that I would want to guy the spreaders. It could cause problems and in normal winds (possibly) cause problems with the pattern? Do you have the ice cords? Maybe the ice cords will help in higher winds as well? The ice cords attach the same way and go from the top to about the center of the spreaders to help keep it up and in shape when there is too much ice? Maybe that will solve your issue?
  6. AI6KX

    AI6KX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ice cords are intended to counter downward forces on the spreaders, versus sideways forces from high winds, which I think would also tend to push them upwards.
  7. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    I would not trust any antenna beside a 3 foot whip in 75+ mph winds. My Hexbeam has withstood 50mph gusts, but not a hurricane.
    We do have nasty thunderstorms and downbursts in my area, but a real hurricane at 75+ mph winds, I hope not.
  8. N1EN

    N1EN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    My hexbeam survived 70-75mph gusts over a 1 hour period, and weak tropical storm force winds over a day without incident.

    However, on the 70-75mph thunderstorm night, it was touch and go with the mast. (Thank goodness advance warning had prompted me to check the guys!)
  9. AI6KX

    AI6KX Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Hey guys, how're ya doing?"

    At least that won't be a problem for me - the mast is 2.5" pipe that has withstood many a typhoon. Taking the hexbeam down to ground level simply isn't an option. I guess we'll have to see what happens.

  10. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    A Mosley Tribander haha...
  11. MI0AIH

    MI0AIH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great antenna high wind resistance works equally at 7m as long as you have no obstructions. I've DSCF2240.JPG mine at 25m works a treat.
    AI6KX likes this.
  12. M0RMY

    M0RMY Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

  13. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    Or a Hy Gain TH-3 of any era; components are as strong as the TH-7 and 11.
  14. N8WMZ

    N8WMZ Ham Member QRZ Page

  15. N8WMZ

    N8WMZ Ham Member QRZ Page


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