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"Counts Could be delayed"

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by YD0BSK, Jan 28, 2025.

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  1. YD0BSK

    YD0BSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Until when ? i'm refresh, but no worked, why ? any same as me ?

    [Edited to add: "Mengapa di halaman logbook saya terdapat tulisan "Counts Could be delayed" ?]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2025
  2. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    I have absolutely no idea what you are asking.

    Please post in your own language, and I will use Google Translate to figure it out and try to help you.

    [Saya sama sekali tidak mengerti apa yang Anda tanyakan.
    Silakan posting dalam bahasa Anda sendiri, dan saya akan menggunakan Google Translate untuk mencari tahu dan mencoba membantu Anda.]

    YD0BSK likes this.
  3. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Oke - Saya akan menghubungi pakar dan dia dapat memberikan masukan tentang cara mengatasi hal ini. Bersiaplah - dia berada di zona waktu yang saat ini merupakan malam hari, jadi kemungkinan besar akan terjadi besok. Terima kasih atas kesabaran Anda.

    [Okay - I'll contact an expert and he can give you some advice on how to fix this. Be prepared - he's in a time zone that's currently nighttime, so it's likely to happen tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.]

    @KF8KI - are able to help with this?

    YD0BSK likes this.
  4. YD0BSK

    YD0BSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oke, thank you dave @W7UUU
    W7UUU likes this.
  5. KF8KI

    KF8KI QRZ Staff Engineer QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    @YD0BSK and @W7UUU in the QRZ logbook, there are many things happening in parallel, and one of those is confirmation processing. Not everything happens at the same time and depending on the load on the system, there could be some delay in when certain processes run and complete tasks. Where a user might see this delay is in the update of QSO counts and confirmations.

    At the bottom of each logbook screen is a report of how many confirmations are in the queue to be processed system wide and what the current date of QSO processing is. A screenshot is shown below, taken just now. Currently, with no confirmations in the queue to be processed, count and confirmation updates should happen very fast, if not immediately. Wait until there's a busy day or weekend because of an event like the Winter Field Day that just passed, and things may slow down due to the higher load.

    Hopefully that answers your question.

    YD0BSK likes this.
  6. YD0BSK

    YD0BSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks @KF8KI for your answer my question, i will wait until the process is complete
  7. KF8KI

    KF8KI QRZ Staff Engineer QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    Do you believe your counts are not accurate for some reason?

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