I've encountered an issue trying to set up secondary callsigns. Just now I created K3YR/VE3. The DXCC Land field and flag should be set to Canada but the address info should be set to USA. I can do this upon initial creation, but when I click save, the QRZ page appears with DXCC Land set to USA (which is obviously incorrect for a callsign with a VE3 modifier). A few months ago I faced the same issue when I created K3YR/VE2, so I raised a support ticket about it. The issue quickly got resolved but I'm wondering if I'm doing something incorrectly or if this is just the way the software works (in other words, is it designed such that the system reads the DXCC information off the base callsign and there is no way for the individual user to modify this without contacting the help desk). Strangely, I did not have this issue when I set up DU1/K3YR a couple of years ago. The software immediately parsed the DU prefix correctly and set the DXCC Land field and flag to Philippines.
The key here is the prefix on DU1/K3YR. Currently QRZ is set up to expect regional identifiers to be a prefix and operational modifiers (such as /p for portable) to be a suffix. This is why it worked for DU1/K3YR and not for /VE2 and /VE3. I'm not a rules lawyer so I'm not sure about the "official" correct position of the VE2 and VE3 identifiers, but that's how the system is set up. I fixed the DXCC on your VE3 entry for you. 73, Steve KF8KI
Steve, Thanks for fixing this .... I was guessing that the software recognizes prefixes but not suffixes as country identifiers. I do appreciate the help. 73, Herb K3YR
Hello Steve I made an qso with FP5AC from SAINT-PIERRE ET MIQUELON ISLANDS near Canada. The logbook says its France. But I think this is wrong! Can you correct this in QRZ.com? Best 73 Frans PA3CGJ