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Build an EASY 10 Meter (28 MHz) Vertical Antenna for DX!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Jan 24, 2023.

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  1. VK7HH

    VK7HH Ham Member QRZ Page

    10 Meters has been going gangbusters with signals lately!

    I decided to build an antenna that I can easily use at home with a simple squid pole, and also portable if needed.
    It's built using RG-58 and some wire, commonly referred to as a T2LT or flowerpot antenna. Enjoy the DX!

    N4TTW, 2E0CIT, N4FZ and 29 others like this.
  2. N8JJM

    N8JJM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hey Hayden! It was great to finally get you the log on 10m FT8! Hope you can make many more contacts, and good DX!

    Joshua N8JJM
    KJ7JYJ and VK7HH like this.
  3. VK7HH

    VK7HH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks mate, great to work you too! Hopefully next time on SSB
    KC3VDG and N8JJM like this.
  4. WH6LU

    WH6LU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great stuff,
    I appreciate any encouragement for 10m operations..
    Wide open from Hawaii this past week, south pacific, Asia every night.
    North America during the day...
    KC3VDG likes this.
  5. KE0CYN

    KE0CYN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where did you get that long (fishing) pole?
  6. K0MAN

    K0MAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    The T2LT is a Great Antenna. I have made them for 440/144 and 6,10,12,15,17, ahd 20 meters and they are all mounted on 10' TV masts, using squid poles, on my 4' chain link fence as a great counterpoise, which surround my property. I have a 2 Element Lightening Bolt Quad to compare them to as well. They perform very well compared to the Quad. great single band HOA buster or portable antenna!!

    Jim K0MAN
  7. W6FRD

    W6FRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I enjoyed watching the video on how to build a 10 meter antenna, then I said to myself I could do this, but on the other hand I could order a 10 meter antenna maybe I should IDK lol, it’s probably more fun to build one W6FRD.
    KB2QQM likes this.
  8. N5NIQ

    N5NIQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Walmart has the 10ft and 13ft Black Widow brand. Fishing outfitters like Base Pro carry the longer Slab Daddy telescoping poles.
    AC7DD, KB2QQM and KC3VDG like this.
  9. N5NIQ

    N5NIQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've built the 6m and 2m versions which work great and very portable. Thanks for sharing the 10m build.
  10. KE0CYN

    KE0CYN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Let me rephrase my question: Where do you get a 40 foot non-conductive pole like Haden showed in the video?
    18SV4101 and KC3VDG like this.
  11. KC3VDG

    KC3VDG Ham Member QRZ Page

    just getting into HF here and that antenna is gonna be my first HF antenna for sure. Great job Haden!
    KB2QQM and N8JJM like this.
  12. K1IO

    K1IO Ham Member QRZ Page

    My dumb question of the day. In the video you mount the pole in a metal stand that has a flat bottom and a hollow cylinder. I actually have one of those; I found it under the deck after we bought this house. I am using it for a VHF vertical. But I have no idea where to find another one. What are they called or where (especially in the US) can you find them?
    KB2QQM likes this.
  13. K2WH

    K2WH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    View attachment 1001247 IDK, I built lots of antennas in my time and I think mechanically, a 1/4 wave vertical is easier to make and more secure and better looking. A single piece of 6x6" 1/16" aluminum plate bent at the corners at a 45 degree angle, attach the elements and there ya go.

    Nice article and method though.

    100_7119.JPG 100_7120.JPG 100_7127.JPG 100_7132.JPG 100_7138.JPG
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2023
    2E0CIT, KK5R, KC1ILH and 6 others like this.
  14. KI4QVB

    KI4QVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I will pay you, tuesday. for a, cheese burger today. 73
    KE0CYN and W6KJB like this.
  15. KN6VYP

    KN6VYP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hayden, after watching your video I brewed one for 10M out of 50' of the cheapest RG58 I could find on eBay. After hanging it 23' high in the redwood outside my bedroom and connecting it to a new Anytone AT5555 PLUS/N, got on the air. It's the first week I've had this radio and made 30+ 5/9 contacts and some 5/7. I was flabbergasted this morning when I answered a DX from CT9/UR9IDX booming in from Ukraine at 5/9+ that gave me a report of 5/9 at my QTH in grid CN70wl. At $200 for the radio and $9 for the antenna, even this pauper can afford to get on HF and more fun to come with 10M opening. Thanks for sharing your experience. Cheers 73, Charlie KN6VYP
    WW2L, 2E0CIT, VK7HH and 1 other person like this.

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