I just saw this... seems to be the current parlance of our times. As the quote goes " follow the money and the strings that attach such to it" my humble opinion. I was considering renewing my membership, not now. I remember a quote from Reverend Billy Graham: Loss of wealth is loss of nothing. Loss of health is loss of something. Loss of character is loss of everything .
I am going to be thinking a lot about if I should renew this year, it seems to me that they totally disregarded the consensus from the members and put forth their own bidding. If they were looking for solutions it shouldn't have been from the pockets of the members. I think the ARRL might want to rethink their decision.
I like having a paper magazine, but QST bas basically become so non-technical these days that it's not really all that interesting. The projects are mostly silly... I do always read the DX column and the World Above 50 MHz column because they are always interesting, even though I don't DX seriously and don't do VHF or UHF. I'd be happier to have a paper copy of QEX. To be honest, the ONLY reason I stay a member is because of the BUO and if there were some way I could keep access to the BUO without ARRL membership, I would. So how do I, as a member, express my distaste about Bylaw 46 to the management? --scott
It might be of some utility to read the rest , or at least parts, of the thread. The subject at hand has nothing to do with money, character, nor corruption. It has to do wuth meeting charity requirements of a non profit, and inexperience in drafting up an amended bylaw for same. K1VR --who articulated the draft amendment flaws-- was present at the board meeting, and the vote was tabled pending review and re-write of same. IOW, exactly what should have happened.,. happened. The ARRL board did its job. 73 Chip W1YW
W1YW. Sir, not implying corruption, nor any malfeasance directed to ARRL , however with the threads I've read the majority seems to speak volumes. Having board non amateur radio enthusiasts making command decisions was my point.
The people making decisions are, IMO, poorly equipped with the requisite experience, in some but not all cases. Just remember these directors (on the board) were voted in by members. WE voted in the inexperience. Directorship is a responsibility, and the vote needs to be reflective of those who understand and can execute that responsibility. Lawyers write bylaw verbiage (which did not happen here). Boards instruct on content. Federal and state guidelines define minimum content. ARRL is not a religion and 'loyalty' means something different in a legal sense than the notion of genuflecting to a deity or authoritarian contrivance. (But I am sure you know this: others may not.) One hopes the outcome of all this splenetic verbiage is the VOTERS --THINK-- before they vote In fact, that's a pretty good rule of thumb in America in 2024 as well 73 Chip W1YW
I’ve been an ARRL member off and on for decades trying to do my part supporting the cause. Frankly, I receive a much greater ROI from QRZ.com membership as the site is kept up to date with a relevant, broad range of topics among other useful resources and features. ARRL please remember who your customers are… V/r, Dave W8DVE
Time to start a new organization, To encourage / teach new Hams, help Armature radio with legal issues like Antennas in HOAs. Help with Hamfests etc. Not just collect money.
Thank you for the reply. I’m not sure what it will take. It will start by folks thinking outside of themselves and about others (customers).