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April Issue: The Logger's Bark Magazine

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W7UUU, Apr 1, 2024.

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  1. KN4QHZ

    KN4QHZ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Outstanding club news letter. Great info.

    73 Ted - KN4QHZ
    KB8SKK, W2NCC and N2EY like this.
  2. DK5ONV

    DK5ONV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I found this Article from the Logger's Bark Magazine very informative & shared it with my Facebookers.
    Tnx for your great Work.

    73 de Uncle Günter, DK5ONV... over over
    W7XH, W7UUU and KB8SKK like this.
  3. N4QNT

    N4QNT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    100% Totaly Impossible
  4. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great looking, professional production, funny, amusing satirical inclusions, wonderful pictures, excellent interviews, informative, not preachy, not political, emcomm appropriate (meaning minimal), no pleas to overturn ancient private property rights, just a bunch of fun people enjoying camaraderie and casting ham radio in an extremely positive light. A local club, now with national visibility.

    W7UUU and W7XH like this.
  5. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Wow - thanks so much for that summation. Very much appreciated.

    1 person likes this.
  6. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Yes - of course. It was an April Fools joke with a full disclaimer right in the article itself, as well as a full disclaimer in the notes for the linked video and fully narrated as such in the outro of the linked video itself.

  7. AK5B

    AK5B XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Certainly one of the better April Fool's jokes to come along that I can recall.

    Despite Dave's excellent dead-pan video of him road-testing the new Elecraft PKW even the most gullible might have noticed the claimed ONE antenna output was foiled by the ANT 1 and ANT 2 button and LEDs showing up in its front panel display. :p

    Good show, nonetheless and it certainly had my mouse wheel finger busy scrolling down to page 78 just to be completely sure...:D

    I must remain content to go QRO only at home for now. :oops:
  8. W7XH

    W7XH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    f\Feel free to join! A great way to support the work.
  9. W7XH

    W7XH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Zoom Zoom and Zoom
  10. WO4K

    WO4K XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  11. WO4K

    WO4K XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Loved the Taylor Swift “photo.” Great April 1 gag!
    1 person likes this.
  12. W3HLS

    W3HLS Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page


    Any chance of sending a copy of this to that big building in Newington Ct. ?

    You may have to fly out there to show them.

    Fantastic Publication Sir !!

    73 de W3HLS
  13. W6RSS

    W6RSS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very impressive work and an enjoyable read with something, indeed many things, of interest for every ham. Kudos to you, your staff, and your club.
    W7UUU likes this.
  14. KB8UIP

    KB8UIP Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's one heck of a newsletter! (I mean magazine) Kudos!
  15. AB9TX

    AB9TX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    How about a pocket 125watt amp?

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