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Angelo Diamantoni W8ERN -SK

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by WB8IIA, Mar 29, 2016.

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  1. W8VIJ

    W8VIJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I first met Angelo on night on simplex FM. After that first QSO, I always looked forward to the next one. He always had time to chat with you!
  2. W8PRO

    W8PRO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just having received my license, still in college and living at home. This was about 13 years ago. I remember one morning experimenting with an old Solarcon vertical, strapped to the chimney at my parents house. I was frantically calling CQ trying to reach DX on 17 meters. After about an hour of several failed attempts, I had my finger on the power switch when I get this BOOMING signal come across. It was Angelo, W8ERN calling back to my awkward call out. He gave me a big report of 20+! Thinking that my old CB antenna really worked well on this band, I looked up his call sign and realized that he only lived right around the block from me. We talked for about 45 min, during that time numerous other stations (including DX) chimed in. Because of Angelo I was able to start out my logbook with some really nice contacts. For the next year or so still living at home, I was able to QSO with him a bunch of other times. After college I moved out and left the hobby until a few years ago.

    I will always remember this first QSO I had with Angelo. Being new to Ham Radio, I felt a bit intimidated speaking to experienced operators. When you talked to him on the radio, despite him having the ability to talk to ANY station he wanted, he seeked out and valued your QSO just as much as you did. He was a highly respected ambassador for Ham Radio, and a great person.
    K8PG and K2HAT like this.
  3. KC2RGW

    KC2RGW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I’m posting to this old thread because sadly I just found it today.

    I haven’t been on HF in six years and it says something about this guy that I would take the time to try and look him up now that I’m back on the air.

    Of all the random people I talk to, he made enough of an impression that I was looking forward to finding him again. I spoke to him many times on 40m I believe. I didn’t live anywhere near him, never met him in person, he was just such a nice guy to have a chat with that I remembered him and noticed I hadn’t heard him on the band.

    Some people really leave a void in the spectrum when they pass. I’m unfortunately catching up on who has passed since I was last on the air.

    RIP Angelo
    W8PRO, K6WW, W5WN and 1 other person like this.
  4. K1LKP

    K1LKP Ham Member QRZ Page




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  5. KX1W

    KX1W XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    QCWA #09437
  6. K6WW

    K6WW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    As someone else mentioned above, I too just found out this news today. I was looking through a stack of QSL cards when I came across his from a QSO in November of 2013. For various reasons, including poor band conditions, I hadn't been on HF much over the last few years. When I came across Angelo's QSL card...I paused...and thought...hey...I haven't heard his very friendly and distinct voice lately. For some reason...I immediately had a sinking feeling. So I went to QRZ and my sinking feeling was confirmed. SK.

    I will always remember his booming signal and friendly voice. He really was a all respects of the term. I had the pleasure of having multiple QSOs with him. He will be sorely missed!

    Steve K6WW
  7. K6PLR

    K6PLR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just came across this notice of Angelo's death. I wasn't aware of it.
    I too have had a number of delightful qso's with him and agree he was a very
    fun and interesting guy to talk with. Rest in Peace, Angelo and my condolences to his family.
  8. KE8CBW

    KE8CBW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes he is missed here in his home town of Brighton Mi . Thanks for all the posts
  9. K8PG

    K8PG QRZ Lifetime Member #333 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Very sad , Angelo will be missed. a Great Elmer. A good friend to all Amateur operators.
    I first meet Angelo in 1980 at the Lanse Cruse swap and shop.
    Rest in peace-see you in the Next Plane my friend.

    Paul K8PG
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
  10. DJ0AJ

    DJ0AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    ANGELO --hi respect fully vy73 DJOAJ erkem-- W8ERN--
  11. W8EMR

    W8EMR Ham Member QRZ Page

    not enough nice words could say how great this man was ,he took his time to talk with me when no else was around,best 10 mtr contact i ever made,w8emr rest softly my friend
  12. K8TJ

    K8TJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just a GREAT local ham whom I had worked many, many times, You will be greatly missed Ang'...
  13. KD8HPS

    KD8HPS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am sorry it took me this long to send this message. I first talked to Angelo wile camping on cape cod. He was a truly wonderful person. One of the best sounding stations on the air in the world. Rest in peace Angelo. You will be missed forever. Your friend Dave KD8HPS
  14. KD8HPS

    KD8HPS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am alo a relatively new ham. I first spoke to Angelo when camping on cape Cod. He was 30 over on 20 meters. I truly awesome signal. I spoke to him many times while here in Michigan. I have to say there was never a nicer person.
    God Bless you Angelo. You will be missed forever.
    Dave KD8HPS

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