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Angelo Diamantoni W8ERN -SK

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by WB8IIA, Mar 29, 2016.

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  1. W9AJR

    W9AJR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I had several great QSOs with Angelo since 1970. R. I. P. pal. de W9AJR
  2. VK2IZ

    VK2IZ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    RIP Angelo,
    Shocked to hear this sad news.I had many contacts with W8ERN Brighton Michigan.Always had a great signal in VK when 10m was open.His voice was distinctive and instantly recognised.You will be missed by your mates in VK.
  3. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    We talked on 40 many times
    He was an old RCA rept back in the days when they had land mobile radios
  4. K7NLF

    K7NLF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    So sorry to here of Angelo's passing. I always enjoyed contacts with him. He was a true professional and a very helpful and caring person. My condolences to his wife and family. KG7NLF
  5. K8NDS

    K8NDS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am so very sad that I have lost such a good friend and fellow amateur.
    I have known Ange for several years now dating back to when I lived in Michigan.
    What a great guy and radio operator which is well known by most of the radio community.
    I rarely worked anyone that didn't know Angelo and they always had good things to say about him.
    I am really going to miss is Radio Voice on the airwaves.
    I am sure he is in a good place still listening to the radio bands.
    He will be missed on the air by many.
  6. VE3CLG

    VE3CLG Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is sad news indeed.I just login at his site and i see w8ern sk.
    My condolences to his wife and family.
    Rest in peace my friend Angelo.
  7. IZ2ESS

    IZ2ESS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Solo 2 anni fa ti avevo contattato con la mia piccola stazione radio. Ciao amico Angelo r.i.p.
    Alla famiglia le mie piĆ¹ sentite condoglianze.
  8. N4FZ

    N4FZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    So sorry, he will be greatly missed. I remember hearing him on the air many times. Angelo was a great ambassador for Amateur Radio. RIP OM, S.K ..
  9. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Angelo was class personified. A great operator with a kind demeanor. Rest easy, OM.
    K8PG likes this.
  10. N4KZ

    N4KZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Angelo will be greatly missed. I first worked him on 40m SSB when I was just 16 years old. The year was 1969. We'd had many QSOs since on various bands and modes. A real ham radio on-air ambassador.
  11. K7MIX

    K7MIX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I hadn't heard Angelo for quite a while, and just learned today of his passing. It is truly a sad day for me! I always enjoyed hearing his friendly voice almost daily, and will greatly miss my radio friendship with this kind soul. Rest in peace my friend!
  12. W7IFG

    W7IFG Ham Member QRZ Page

    angelo was one of my first contacts on HF,Talked to him many times.What a kind man.....RIP my friend
    Scott Cress
  13. LA4UOA

    LA4UOA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sad news, RIP dear friend, i will miss all the nice qso we made.
  14. W8NSI

    W8NSI Ham Member QRZ Page

    RIP Angelo. Sorry for the very late condolences. Busy and all that. I used to hear and chat with him on the during the daily CRS group on 3854. The group is incrimentally diminished with is passing as we will no longer have his company.
  15. K6BIG

    K6BIG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wow... I just heard of this news...
    A fellow ham that I introduced to Angelo just broke the news to me

    I found him often on 10m, 12m, 15m and 40m.
    We spoke many times. He seemed well read and well traveled.
    must of used computerized logs, he always referred to our last
    QSO and station info....

    This explains why we have not crossed paths in some time on the air.

    What a golden voice and cadence.....


    damn I can still hear that in my head...

    Bryan Robinson SR

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