AB9RZ was a ham in my local area. He died on December 28th 2023. His page still has not been updated to say SK. Not sure why, but here is a link to his obituary https://www.divinemercyfuneralhome.com/obituary/JohnAB9RZ-Reitz
Thanks for letting us know. I will update his page and post the notice in the SK forum. Done: https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/john-ab9rz.902400/ Dave W7UUU
Condolences on your friend's passing. It won't happen automatically since QRZ has no way of knowing all the SK information. I think if you post this in the "Silent Keys" forum, one of the moderators will take care of setting his account to Silent Key. edit: Ooops... Dave is on the case already!