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A NEW FT8 with QSO and Rag Chew capabilities called FT8CALL

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by NN2X, Aug 12, 2018.

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  1. G3NYY

    G3NYY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is that not exactly what I said?

    Walt (G3NYY)
  2. W7SUA

    W7SUA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Ten WPM is perfect speed for me especially if I am low power and in a remote area. Thanks Jordan!
    K8XG likes this.
  3. AC7CW

    AC7CW Ham Member QRZ Page

    It seems that the advantage of FT8CALL is that ops can find other ops. The disadvantage is that it's not all that great for QSO's. The disadvantage of Olivia and other modes seems to be that ops can't find other ops so easily. FT8CALL might be best used for ops using the more chatty modes to hook up and move to another mode.
  4. N6YFM

    N6YFM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yep :) D U H :) I should never post without coffee first.
    I truely meant the QRZ "Working Different Modes" digital forum, but
    eham must be burned into my brain or my arse (difference??) :)

    Seriously, though, why not start a dicussion thread on the Working
    Different Modes forum?

  5. W0FW

    W0FW Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's probably for the best, anyway.

    You completely missed the intent of FT8Call in the original post here....that has already caused enough misunderstanding and confusion.
  6. KJ7WT

    KJ7WT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I downloaded and installed the software - so far, I have seen zero activity on 40, 30, and 20m, over several hours. I sent CQ a number of times, with no response. I made numerous FT-8 QSO's on 20 & 30, so I'm confident the rig/antenna are good, but no FT8CALL stuff. Hopefully, that will change. It would be nice to exchange more than just a signal report.
  7. WB8LBZ/SK2023

    WB8LBZ/SK2023 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well it didn't work as advertised. For some reason I got sent a bum link. I guess no FT8Call for me. Tell me again what is so great about Groups.IO? I never had a problem with a Yahoo group.

    73, Larry WB8LBZ
    El Paso, TX
  8. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    The Groups.IO is the BETA SITE support group. It's not intended, I'm pretty sure, as the "come here and get started" for any but the geeks willing to work out issues on the installation.

    Take a chill pill and wait a while - a full-blown "easy peasy" download will come along soon.

    Work some CW, SSB, or FT8 in the meantime, until they get the final version ready for the masses :)

  9. NN2X

    NN2X XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Larry,

    Right now FT8CALL is the second most popular digital mode based on PSK Report, my point being, some of us actually down loaded the program..It works real well.

    Here is the PSK Reporter stats,

    FT8 700676
    FT8CALL 3932
    CW 1261
    PSK31 451
    JT65 166
    SIM31 85
    OPERA 38
    JT9 26
    ROS 13
    OLIVIA 11
    PSK63 7
    WSPR 6
    RTTY 2
    PSK 2
    THOR 1
    MT63-500 1

    C U on the bands

    NN2X, Tom
  10. IZ4OSH

    IZ4OSH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello everyone, sorry my meddling I just wanted to say this: but it is so essential to introduce another type of transmission to make a QSO? (Ft8call) with all the operating modes that we type PSK, Rtty, Olivia, CW, voice, etc.? I personally do not think I have to overload the amateur radio bands with other computer devilries. The band of 20m 14.080 remember that it is the initial portion for those who do rtty if we then put even ft8call you can no longer listen much less make a QSO or a contest. I have done some tests with ft8call, I must say that I do not like. In my opinion to make an adequate QSO just what we have already available. FT8 (WSJT) only serves for those seeking a simple dx, ft8call do not consider it indispensable. Good Day 73
    NO2Y likes this.
  11. N1AAE

    N1AAE Ham Member QRZ Page

    It was stated that there would be a change of default frequency in updated versions of the software to lessen the impact with other modes.

    But speaking of other modes, if I want to have a RTTY QSO. I can sit there and stare at the waterfall, call CQ and wait for an hour and maybe not make a contact. With FT8Call, even with it being a pre-release, there is almost always someone around.

    And honestly, for pre-release software, it seems to run so much more stable than FLDigi does for me on Linux. I like messing around with other modes but finding activity can be a pain.

    I like the pace of FT8Call as I usually have it occupying only half of my monitor and I'll be doing work, browsing the web, or even watching TV/movies/media on the other half. I can hold a conversation and still pay attention to what I'm working on or watching. I'm content with the pace but have yet to really make contact with anyone on the faster paced modes that seemingly no one uses when I want to try them out.
  12. NO2Y

    NO2Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    The developer of the software now understands 14.080 is like a calling frequency. He understands that about many of the frequencies he put into the software and is changing things so as to not impact other modes.

    If that is the case: that it doesn't harm anything in ham radio already, then I don't see the harm in another mode. The people who like it will use it and the people who don't won't. I can make a PSK31 contact any day of the week. Anytime I want, I can check out the bands and make a PSK31 contact somewhere.... but PSK31 isn't the only mode I use. If it was JUST about making a QSO, then PSK31 would be all I needed. But, it's about what you feel like using at the time... and variety adds to the spice of life in that case.
    N0AN, IZ4OSH and K8XG like this.
  13. NN2X

    NN2X XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well, the magic here is the fact you can have a QSO while decoding -24 dB below the noise floor. No other modes can even come close. This is not just another digital mode!

    While the band conditions are what they are this helps with DX. Yes FT8 ,JT 65 all can do the same but only exchanging signal reports

    FT8CALL gives the Ham operators a 10 wpm to 15 WPM typing speed. At -24 dB decoding ability.

    C U on the bands. NN2X
    K8XG likes this.
  14. K3KIC

    K3KIC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Occasionally I see PSK31 traffic on my waterfall. In weeks of looking I've seen one Olivia QSO and that didn't decode. Other digital modes other than FT8 I haven't seen. If virtually no one is using some of the older modes what does it matter? Especially if frequencies are chosen to avoid potential conflict.
  15. K3KIC

    K3KIC Ham Member QRZ Page

    And error free.

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