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630 Meters Ground Wave Evaluation Network 630m GWEN

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by AA8SH, May 13, 2022.

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  1. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    ATTN HF OPS and 630m OPS: Today's GWEN is 1800z, same local time as yesterday. Will continue each weekend at 1800z until further notice. TNX
  2. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sun 03/12/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): AA8SH 474.0 CW 474.2 JS8, W3TS 474.2 CW JS8, KB5NJD 474.5 CW, NO3M 474.2 CW, NV4X 474.2 WSPR, WA9NWW 474.2 WSPR.
    CW contacts: W3TS NO3M 549 539 184 mi.
    Digital contacts: None.
    Reports: RBN NR4U AA8SH 32 mi 474.0 CW 22 dB, AA8SH copied NV4X -14 113 mi, AA8SH copied WA9NWW -29 237 mi.
    Conditions: AA8SH very quiet, W3TS quiet, KB5NJD quiet.
    Will repeat next weekend 1800z.
  3. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sat 03/18/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): KB5NJD 474.5 CW, KE7A 474.5 CW, AA8SH 474.0 CW 474.2 F1.
    CW contacts: KB5NJD KE7A 599+ 28mi.
    Digital contacts: None.
    Reports: None.
    Conditions: AA8SH very quiet.
    Will repeat Sunday 03/19/23 1800z.
  4. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sun 03/19/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): AA8SH 474.0 CW 474.2 F1, KE7A 474.5 CW 474.2 F1 WSPR, N9RU 474.2 F1, NV4X 474.2 F1.
    CW contacts: None.
    Digital contacts: NV4X AA8SH F1 -15 -13 113 mi, NV4X N9RU F1 -22 -26 244 mi.
    Reports: RBN NR4U copied AA8SH 32 mi 30 dB, RBN KB5NJD copied KE7A 28 mi 23 dB, KM5SW/NE copied WSPR from KE7A -30db 912 km. Conditions: AA8SH very quiet, NV4X noisy.
    Will repeat next weekend 1800z.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  5. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sat 03/25/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): KE7A 474.5 CW, KB5NJD 474.5 CW, W3TS 474.2 CW F1, N9RU 474.35 CW, K9KFR 4742.2 F1.
    CW contacts: KB5NJD KE7A 599+ 28mi.
    Digital contacts: None.
    Reports: W3TS copied K9KFR F1 -22 445 mi, N9RU copied K9KFR F1 -14 311 mi.
    Conditions: W3TS crashes and RFI.
    Will repeat Sunday 03/26/23 1800z.
  6. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sun 03/26/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): N9RU 474.2 F1, W3TS 474.2 F1, K9KFR 474.2 F1, AA8SH 474.2 F1.
    CW contacts: None.
    Digital contacts: K9KFR AA8SH F1 -12 -12 252 mi, K9KFR N9RU F1 -11 -18 311 mi.
    Reports: W3TS copied K9KFR F1 -22 445 mi.
    Conditions: W3TS crashes some RFI, AA8SH quiet.
    Will repeat next weekend 1800z.
  7. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sat 04/01/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): AA8SH 474.2 CW F1, NV4X 474.2 F1, N9RU 474.2 F1, K9KFR 474.2 F1.
    CW contacts: None.
    Digital contacts: NV4X AA8SH F1 -26 -12 113 mi, K9KFR N9RU F1 -17 -19 311 mi, K9KFR AA8SH F1 -16 -17 252 mi,
    Reports: NV4X copied N9RU F1 -25 244 mi, RBN NR4U copied AA8SH 28db 32 mi.
    Conditions: AA8SH weak crashes.
    Will repeat tomorrow 1800z.
  8. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sun 04/02/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): W3TS 474.2 CW, KB5NJD 474.5 CW, AA8SH 474.2 F1, KE7A 474.5 CW.
    CW contacts: KB5NJD KE7A 599+ 28mi.
    Digital contacts: None.
    Reports: W3TS copied W8JI WSPR -18 1752z 644mi via possible enhanced conditions.
    Conditions: Quiet.
    Will repeat next weekend 1800z.
  9. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

  10. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sat 04/08/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): W3TS 474.2 CW F1, AA8SH 474.2 CW F1, KE7A 474.5 CW.
    CW contacts: None.
    Digital contacts: None.
    Reports: KM5SW/NE copied KE7A WSPR -31 912 km, RBN NR4U copied AA8SH +32 32 mi, RBN KB5NJD copid KE7A +26 21 mi.
    Conditions: AA8SH very quiet.
    Will repeat tomorrow 1800z.
  11. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sun 04/09/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): None.
    CW contacts: None.
    Digital contacts: None.
    Reports: None.
    Conditions: None reported.
    Will repeat next weekend 1800z.
  12. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yesterday's Score: EASTER 1, GWEN 0. Easter wins by complete shutout and is still Reigning Champion. C U next weekend.
  13. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sat 04/15/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): N9RU grounded for lightning, AA8SH 474.2 CW F1, KE7A 474.5 CW, W3TS grounded for lightning, NV4X 474.2 WSPR.
    CW contacts: None.
    Digital contacts: None.
    Reports: AA8SH copied NV4X WSPR -24 113 mi, RBN KB5NJD copied KE7A CW +23 28 mi, RBN NR4U copied AA8SH CW +29 32 mi.
    Conditions: N9RU storms, W3TS storms, AA8SH very quiet.
    Will repeat tomorrow 1800z.
  14. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sun 04/16/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): AA8SH 474.2 CW F1, KB5NJD 474.5 CW, W3TS 474.2 CW F1, NV4X 474.2 F1, KE7A 474.5 CW.
    CW contacts: KB5NJD KE7A 599+ 28mi 27 min chat "strong all the way" per KE7A.
    Digital contacts: NV4X AA8SH F1 -16 -20.
    Reports: RBN NR4U copied AA8SH +29db 32 mi.
    Conditions: W3TS no QRN, AA8SH a few local crashes, KE7A receive loop working well.
    Will repeat next weekend 1800z.
  15. AA8SH

    AA8SH Ham Member QRZ Page

    630m GWEN results Sat 04/22/23:
    Participating 630m operators (per Slack #khz): AA8SH 474.2 CW F1, WB8RJY 474.2 F1, W3TS grounded for lightning, N2VJ 474.1 CW 474.2 F1.
    CW contacts: None.
    Digital contacts: None.
    Reports: RBN NR4U copied AA8SH CW +27 32 mi.
    Conditions: W3TS local storm, AA8SH very quiet.
    Will repeat tomorrow 1800z.

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