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4W8X, Timor Leste Dxpedition

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by EA1CS, Jun 22, 2023.

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  1. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  2. EA1CS

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  3. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    ( DL6FBL / JULY 21, 2023 )

    4W8X, Timor-Leste will be activated in November 2023 by a team of 20+ skilled and highly experienced DXers and Contesters from Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary and England under the leadership of Lagunaria DX Group.

    Highlighting the 4W8X location setup:

    4W8X will have two operational sites separated by 500 m. The main location, which we have also used for our 4W1A scouting trip in April, will serve all eleven bands from 160m to 6m. The second location will serve seven bands from 40 to 10 m. The physical separation will allow us to provide two signals on the same band at the same time: one CW and one SSB. Please note that CW and SSB are our preferred modes, followed by RTTY. We'll give FT8 a shot, but then again, we definitely prefer the man-made modes of operation.

    Because all of this? We want to offer the strongest possible signals to the global DX community, as well as exceptional reception capabilities, together with our highly motivated operators willing to do their best to have personal contact with you and put your callsign on our registry.

    QSL 100%!! – ClubLog OQRS will give you a printed QSL card and immediate LotW loads right after our activity, and free LotW loads for everyone else within 1 year. If you would like to support 4W8X with a donation, please use this Donate link in ClubLog (same as for 4W1A).

    PS: Expect to receive more news on a regular basis (every week), highlighting different aspects of our activity.
  4. EA1CS

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  5. EA1CS

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  6. EA1CS

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  7. EA1CS

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  9. EA1CS

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  10. EA1CS

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  11. EA1CS

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  12. EA1CS

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  13. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    ¡Contando los días! Los primeros 8 miembros del equipo comienzan a volar desde Europa este viernes. Las primeras señales pueden aparecer el 6 de noviembre o el 7 de noviembre.

    Toda la info en mi blog y en los canales oficiales de la Dxpedition :
  14. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  15. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

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