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3Y0J Bouvet Island - Almost There!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Jan 31, 2023.

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  1. N8ZI

    N8ZI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Gotta include the pertinent info.

    3Y0I Bouvet Island News 11 January 2023
    3Y0I wishing 3Y0J all the very best with their plans during the next weeks.

    Hope soon Hams vs Bouvetoya score will change to 1 : 2

    Our Bouvet project is still on. Now All depends of the situation with upcoming activity. We either continue to Bouvetoya by end of the year or we will move this project to Peter 1( 3y0/P) next year. Callsign and landing permission are on the way.

    This time with our own ship.

    More detals soon.

    Dom 3Z9DX

    All 3Y0I equipment is in Capetown South Africa ready to go.

    3Y0I Bouvet Island News 12 February 2023
    Rebel folks

    Those who loves us and those who hate us.

    After hundreds of emails asking for comments and info how, why, when.. I have to answer here.

    Im not on position to make any comments about how 3Y0J doing things as THEY LAND AND OPERATE from Bouvet Island...... We didn't make it in 2019 so we stay quite.

    I can only talk about preperations, equipment, ideas, vessels, equipment movement, landing ideas etc.

    As retired NAVY Captain and SAR instructor I can ask some of your questions. Just go ahead
    YO3GFH likes this.
  2. YO3GFH

    YO3GFH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, good news then :D
    Let's wish them good luck!

    RZ1O likes this.
  3. KR3DX

    KR3DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    3Y0J Bouvet Island News 12 February 2023 Part 3
    From 3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA

    12 FEB 2023 18:20 UTC

    “3Y0J will go QRT Monday at 12:00 to 15:00 UTC when we run out of fuel. We will start taking down the camp on Monday and transport the last equipment on Tuesday. There is another 60 knot storm coming this weekend. We have a wx window on Tuesday we will utilize now to return.”

    73, Ken

    Additional information:

    The 3Y0J log has been uploaded. However, FT8 QSOs did not upload. They will be uploaded when the laptops get back to the boat from the island. QSL manager Charles M0OXO says, “Its already on Clublog and those who donated over $350 will also have received their LOTW.”

    Steve N2AJ

    Media Officer & NA East Coast Pilot
  4. KR3DX

    KR3DX Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    DXpedition on a high and extreme expensive level, but some want to screw it up. Sometimes it seems to be, that some operators never left the 11M band.

    But what happend to this brillant journey? The crew at Bouvet got problems with the weather, thats not the big thing. At next there were reports that many operators tried to abuse the event with to use the DXpedition callsign. To this radio-pirates were heard and logged. QSLs were promised, but they will never come, because of jealous operators which mirrors the action. They never got a chance to do this really, too. Or they want to show, how smart they are too. #puke*

    After I got an OM, I thought these bands are better than others. But this was wrong. Often I see the old 11M more civilized and not so insincere than the hamradio bands. This is a sign for, that the old culture of radio contacts got a discountined modell. So, shortwave cant be the future or QSY to 11M again. This development is sad and shows that to leave could get more productive or is there for to inspire to go ahead faster. That in more ways than one, and not only to be on the different bands.
    KR3DX likes this.
  6. KR3DX

    KR3DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't let the pathetic excuses for human beings drive you away from doing what you like to do. Don't reward bad behavior by giving in to the childish selfish minds, they are insecure about themselves and they are trying to make themselves feel powerful by ruining the enjoyment of others. They grew older, but they never matured mentally, they're still little children who misbehave in order to get attention from other people. Keep doing what you enjoy doing and laugh at the tiny minds that don't understand how to enjoy life, and probably never will.
    DO1FER and AE8EM like this.
  7. KG4RRN

    KG4RRN Ham Member QRZ Page

    The lower the frequency the longer the distance... do you know cw? Use your privilages by using cw.
    Maybe you will hear them if you have a high enough antenna.
    RZ1O likes this.
  8. KA4JAM

    KA4JAM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, I really enjoy CW. I use basically all modes, SSB, CW, and Data. I will try to catch them.
  9. KR3DX

    KR3DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 February 2023 Part 3
    3Y0J Bouvet Island Frequency Announcement:
    13 FEB 2023 16:15 UTC
    CW 21.034 QSX UP
    FT8 18.107 F/H

    3Y0J Bouvet Island News 13 February 2023 Part 2
    3Y0J will QRT Tuesday, 14 February 2023 at 03:00 UTC. We will then pull out and transport all equipment to Marama. The final log update will be made once we are on Marama.”
    73, Ken LA7GIA 3Y0J.
  10. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    The problem are not always the disturbers. Its whats going on in the structures of local HAM societies. Thats the beginning. And they like to force the standstill to raise the own power of the group. And everybody knows what after a longterm standstill is to await.

    At next the youth will see that in the start, and will leave again after a short time. Because they got then an antique picture of HAM-Radio. But the group shows always their idea of "real" HAM-Radio. Lets beep your name in CW, what fun. Or not?

    And with this actions in the public, they are always in the past. To beep a message was in the times of Sissi (Elisabeth von Österreich-Ungarn) what people think about that immediatly. And with this bad thoughts in the start the rest follows.
    And here I ask myself, why nobody want to see this? Latest HAM-Radio is no rubbish or in the past. But it dont fit into the old idea of some with much influence.
    PY2NEA and KR3DX like this.
  11. N8ZI

    N8ZI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Interesting how several of the 3Y0J DXpedition operators worked their own expedition and are in the log on many bands/modes.

    How did they work themselves? Use transceiver on Marama to contact Bouvet Island station 300 meters away or just type their home call in the computer while operating? Something smells awful fishy here.
    That is also contrary to ARRL rules and invalid for awards not to mention unethical.

    3Y0J kept telling Hams to only have 1 QSO then let other stations have a chance, yet their own DXpedition crew and pilots made numerous contacts each and are listed in the log. Hypocrisy at its finest.
    PY2NEA likes this.
  12. PY2NEA

    PY2NEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fishy indeed o_O they were able to use S/Y rigs for 3y0j QSOs while their job should have been to receive logs from the island on RTTY, for immediately uploading them.

    Has anyone noticed in the pictures of the "Bouvet Expedition" that there is not even a single seal inside the station tent.
    I know from experience that seals always beg to key a bug or speak into the microphone. We needed two or three men to chase them seals away from our operating desk, 24h/24. Tons of fish to distract those seals from us, 4 men in charge of catching fish.

    Wouldn't surprise me when pops up an auction sales, in Oslo (212 km from "Bouvet" real footage, how strange!!)
    "Brand new transceivers, antennas, amplifiers, keys, switches, filters, gen-sets... direct from Bouvet Scampedition, crossed South Atlantic Ocean, never (ab)used."

    Special effects team in charge of "Bouvet landing" films has already been entirely contracted by the NASA to work on a mysterious.... "Mars Project".
    N8ZI likes this.
  13. HA3FLT

    HA3FLT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry, but it is pure nonsense. Is bicycling oldish? Doing CW is fun forever, this is not the point.

    First off, the wireless communication is not in the centre anymore, most shiny techniclal equipments are not concentrated here, although, still there is a decent amount of them in this hobby, homebrew and factory-made as well.

    But most of hams won't learn electronics that incorporates programming and DSP today (it has many reasons) as hams learned electronics once upon a time - that's why they are boring or look ancient, and not respectable enough. Not only the operator-only types do this today.

    How many of us ever tried to even connected some blocks to create an SSB receiver or transmitter in the computer by using GnuRadio? Do they know what is inside the digital demodulation of a digital mode? A voice codec? Until then, nobody should set against CW and digital modes, or anything else that is held "more modern". Most of us can only speak about the look and the price of radios without knowing what is inside, they are not even interested in it - CW is at least a valuable and fun knowledge.

    But I may have misunderstood you.
  14. N8ZI

    N8ZI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I thought the team will divide up the equipment themselves. 10 SPE Expert amplifiers, 14 transceivers etc.

    So each operator gets to take home 1 amplifier and 1 transceiver plus equal amounts of coax, antennas etc.
    PY2NEA likes this.
  15. N8ZI

    N8ZI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Funny as I was just typing, looked out the window to see FedEx truck pulling in the driveway delivering my Alpha amplifier!
    Too late guys, 3Y0J is QRT.......
    W9FL, W1BR and PY2NEA like this.

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