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13 Colonies

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by K5UYN, Jun 28, 2022.

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  1. K5UYN

    K5UYN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Anybody else getting ready and excited about 13 Colonies Special Event this weekend? I’m like a kid waiting on Christmas here! July 1st-8th! Good Luck & 73!
    N4ANE, KA5ETX, AD4DQ and 4 others like this.
  2. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    YES! I love it! Look forward to it every year!
    It's the only contest/event I take part in.
    K9ASE, K5UYN, KJ4BFH and 1 other person like this.
  3. AE1P

    AE1P XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    K5UYN likes this.
  4. K8BZ

    K8BZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very nice and very popular special event.
    K5UYN and N4FZ like this.
  5. KK9W

    KK9W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looking forward to it as I do every year. 13 Colonies is a close second to Museum Ships Weekend for me.
    K5UYN and N4FZ like this.
  6. K3XR

    K3XR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great event as much 4th of July as fireworks, hot dogs, and bug bites.
    K9ASE, K5UYN and N4FZ like this.
  7. KC8WVG

    KC8WVG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Looking forward to working this event. Hopefully I can end up with a clean sweep this year. Missed a few last year☹️
    K5UYN and N4FZ like this.
  8. K5UYN

    K5UYN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Roger that! Telling me to try again later!
  9. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

  10. NY4Q

    NY4Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    I love this SE and chase after it each year.
    K5UYN likes this.
  11. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I really miss having Pat WA6MHZ chime in on this thread :( Between 13 Colonies and Route 66, Pat annually reconnected with the fun of ham radio like some of us can only feign that level :)

    K5UYN, AD5HR, K0UO and 1 other person like this.
  12. VE6CLG

    VE6CLG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Terrific QSL cards from this event, looking forward to it.

    K5UYN and N8SAN like this.
  13. W4HAY

    W4HAY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is there any special logsheet required? I can't remember and the website is down.
    What info is required besides the call? Time? Band(s)?
  14. AE1P

    AE1P XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Could not agree more...Nothing against the Zed...but since Pat has gone "qrz silent"..its
    just not the same or as much fun...
    His story telling...while irking some of the Old curmudgeons...was a source
    of enjoyment for me, and after a long day at work,
    gave me something to look forward too...
    I liked reading his various posts on many subjects...
    (mostly about Black widders and his prized fine collection of ham gear)
    Best part of ARRL 100 year anniversary was getting to meet and chat
    with him in person in Hartford,and Newington, CT.
    K5UYN, N4FZ and W7UUU like this.
  15. WB9ONU

    WB9ONU Ham Member QRZ Page

    List the days and times that the activators will be on like the Lewis and Clark on the Air. That way we be sure we are working the real station instead of a fake station.

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