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13 Colonies Special Event

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KU2US, May 28, 2020.

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  1. KJ4BFH

    KJ4BFH Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is! I just got mine and it was certainly worth the wait. 73
    M1WML likes this.
  2. KC9LOO

    KC9LOO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just received mine today, and they are great looking. Just wish I could have gotten the Great Brit. station.
    Many Thanks to all those involved for putting on this great event.
    Mike KC9LOO

    Attached Files:

    M1WML and KJ4BFH like this.
  3. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Came here to see if people are getting theirs.
    Glad to see peoples are still rolling in.
    I sent my sheet and money July 10th or so.

    Still waiting for mine! Definitely taking longer this year, but I get it.
    M1WML likes this.
  4. K2WPM

    K2WPM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Reading old threads, but good comments, like nuggets.
    I would guess I was the K2B that you contacted.
    Your comments resonated with me.
    I, like you, use low power and sometimes feel I am competing with many kilowatt stations.
    But it isn't necessarily so, as I've discovered.
    And even if it is so, I take that as a challenge. You've got your kilowatt, I've got 100 watts and a wire, strung over a tree limb.
    In the Virginia QSO party last month, I ran a pile-up for almost 90 minutes from one location, with just this set up, on battery. (It's not always like that, no.)
    But that's the satisfaction of designing, building and installing (as high as possible) a wire antenna, in this case, in the field.
    I would love to schedule a QSO to discuss antennas. That's where it's at, not amps.
    What exactly is an "amplifier," anyway? My amps are Virginia Pines.
    David K2WPM
    M1WML likes this.
  5. K2WPM

    K2WPM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sorry, my post was supposed to be addressed to your post.
    David K2WPM
    M1WML likes this.
  6. KD2ZZJ

    KD2ZZJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Waiting on

    Have both WM3PEN and TM13COL,

    Fingers crossed for the remaining four for a clean sweep, de Ei2iP

    Loving the challenge of working as many as I can, well done to all who organised the event and Happy 4th July.
    M1WML likes this.
  7. NX3W

    NX3W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Anyone have any suggestions on the GB13COL DSTAR reflector information from their page? They say their reflector is 63B but when I take a look at REF063B that's not in England, and XLX063B is not active. Checking the status page for the in-England or England-centric reflectors shows their club repeater is nowhere to be found, which their page implies is how they're reaching the reflector.

    Anyone have any luck with GB13COL on DSTAR? Making a point to make a DSTAR contact in a contest for... a variety of reasons.
    M1WML likes this.
  8. K2WPM

    K2WPM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm gonna point my beam right at you now 14315
    M1WML and KD2ZZJ like this.
  9. KD2ZZJ

    KD2ZZJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I reckon later tonight will happen, I got K2I, K2B, k2G and GB13COL, so this evening when propagation permits, the last one is k2D
    M1WML likes this.
  10. KD2ZZJ

    KD2ZZJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    All done, all 13 and 3 bonus in the log!
    M1WML and WJ4U like this.
  11. N2RIC

    N2RIC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Finally heard GB13COL on 14030...

    ... and then the digital kicked in on 14030.5.
  12. WA9PND

    WA9PND Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hmm, still looking for K2I on 40 SSB.
    KD4ULD likes this.
  13. G4OJD

    G4OJD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Have several certificates for this event but have just given up this year. Some of the operators are using this as a personel DX event, sometimes calling a station over a dozen times while the rest of us wait for a contact ! I have photographic proof to back my claim.
    W5BIB likes this.

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