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ŁOŚ 2017 Polish hamfest

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by SP7Q, May 30, 2017.

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  1. SP7Q

    SP7Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    Once a year there is biggest ham meeting in Poland. I'ts organized on small hill near the junction of three provinces : Łódzkie, Opolskie, Śląskie. Thats why i'ts called ŁOŚ (eng. moose :) ) Meeting gather more than 10% of polish ham's community, in this year was ~1600 people. I hope that this small video gives a little bit of the atmosphere accompanying this event.

    KA2PTE, KG7E and W5PB like this.
  2. W5PB

    W5PB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Dziękuję, i bardzo dobrze! To lubię!
    SP7Q likes this.

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