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2 Meters … The New CB Band Of Interference?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WB4IME, Nov 5, 2018.

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  1. W8AAZ

    W8AAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    OK. Well then list some specific cases of pirating heard from them. Is it everywhere or coastal, or what, so far? I would think if they had any altitude at all, they could be heard for quite a long ways. Sounds like so far we have a general threat but no specifics. But stuff happens. I recall when a second unit movie crew was nearby, they were using ham UHF FM freqs at the site. This has been decades ago and I don't recall what I did about it, if anything.
    WU8Y likes this.
  2. N3CB

    N3CB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    1. BAOFENG radios are cheaper than any "blister pack" FRS radio. You can "drop" a fair amount of $30 radios, from the sky, before it starts to hurt financially.
    2. These hobbyist are right about one thing....they do, will and CAN operate without any threat of being caught or penalized. It's the O-K Coral on the amateur bands. What's the 'average' we read about monthly, in QST....ONE ham getting nabbed and fined? Let's look at our own many thousand Allstar, Echolink or other "digital nodes" are operating illegally? Sitting on simplex frequencies, Nation Simplex frequencies, repeater outputs, satellite pass-band frequencies, etc....or operating in the 2 meter band where "linking" is forbidden! They don't qualify for unattended they're not repeaters, satellites, beacons or digi-peaters.
    3. Let's get ready, team! The League is proposing technicians get "gifted" HF privileges! Let the real fun begin! We're already getting hammering the in the Philadelphia area with illegal operations on repeaters....what'll stop illegal V/UHF-ers from migrating "south" onto the HF bands?!

    Make purchasing amateur radios contingent on providing a LICENSE!
    K3XR, N3AB and K8UA like this.
  3. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I read many allegations of illegal operation and the 2m band being overrun by these "unlicensed" Paramotoring or PPC (Power Parachuting) enthusiasts, so I guess this means actual recordings of unlicensed operation on the 2m band to validate this must be readily available to hear all over the place right?
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
    WB0MPB, K4XJ, WU8Y and 3 others like this.
  4. KG5THG

    KG5THG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I bet the fcc and faa will get more involved when one of them becomes a crispy critter on some power lines because they were playing with the radio and not paying attention to their flying.
  5. KM4WSJ

    KM4WSJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I hope they fine these guys and enforce the rules. One $10,000 fine usually solves the problem with the offender and it would be extra income for the FCC.
  6. KK6YAE

    KK6YAE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, if I hear them, I may just be inclined to ask their grid square and request/give a signal report.
  7. N3AB

    N3AB Subscriber QRZ Page

    The FCC could care less. Issues about unlicensed operations using Baofengs, hams operating outside their license frequency restrictions, foul language on 3850, 3910 and 7200 and many more frequencies, jamming DX operations. Local VHF and UHF deliberate repeater interference. The list goes on. Getting support from the FCC? HA! Barney the Dinosaur would produce better results.

    Yes, we are "self policing", but who backs US? Who takes it the next step? No one.

    The perpetrators know they can get away with it, so the antics continue.

    Yes, turn the dial, or shut down for awhile until it dies down. Call that "enjoying" amateur radio?
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
    K0PV/SK2023 likes this.
  8. N3AB

    N3AB Subscriber QRZ Page

    So true, but it never happens. Why? Because there is no "they" in your post. "They" SHOULD be the FCC. But like with powerline interference, band intruders, licensed amateurs using foul language, no call signs, intentional jamming, playing music, noisy LEDs, noisy grow lamps, etc., "They" are for our purposes fictitious cartoon characters. Not worth the air they breathe or the garbage cans they feed from. ARRL is right up there with them.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
    K0PV/SK2023 and KC2YMO like this.
  9. KB5ZSM

    KB5ZSM Ham Member QRZ Page

  10. KB5ZSM

    KB5ZSM Ham Member QRZ Page

    :cool:Ya know, I just love bird hunting but my eye-sight is poor. Who knows what just might fall out of the sky....
    K4XJ likes this.
  11. WN2C

    WN2C Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sounds more like he is advertising than complaining with that long list of place one can go to do this.
    AC7DD, WU8Y, K0PV/SK2023 and 3 others like this.
  12. W3ATT

    W3ATT Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's just a bunch if hype to get everyone excited here in the forums. It's exactly the type of post that generates pages and pages of comments. Look, here's another one hahaha!

    Who cares if they use a cheeeepo ht to chat while in the air. Heck, maybe they have some top of the line ht's.. who are we to assume?

    Many others like hunters and hikers are doing the same thing. I know of many hunting clubs who bought packs of radios for use in hunting.. I'm not the FCC, and I don't even hear them so there's nothing I can (or should) do about it.. Do you go and call the cops on every driver who exceeds the speed limit?

    Just as some smug hams have told me that life's too short for QRP, I say life's too short to worry about such trivial things as looking up places to fly a powered parachute in every damn state in the US and posting it to a forum.

    Get a life
    AD0FS, W8YIH, K6MTS and 3 others like this.
  13. N2NOW

    N2NOW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hmm, very interesting (Sgt.Schultz)... Lol:D
    I do not own 2mtr or 70cm radios any longer - strictly on HF these days. Got rid of all 2/70 equipment many years ago. Amen...
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
    K3RPK likes this.
  14. N7KFD

    N7KFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    There have been some very interesting responses to this post, here's a different approach. A ham friend of mine got involved in paragliding, he discovered the group of people he was flying with was using 2 meters illegally. He called a local club and organized a one day learn and test day. I don't recall the exact number but I know they licensed over twenty people that day. SO put away the shotgun shells and the nerf launchers and approach these people, let them know what they are doing is against FCC regulations and see if they would be interested in taking a one day licensing class. It will take some effort on your part but it will be worth it for everyone in the long run.
    NUITSBLANCHES, WB9YZU, KW4ZW and 9 others like this.
  15. AI3V

    AI3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's a shame you never learned the difference between malum prohibitum and malum in se.

    KI7ZRI and K6LPM like this.

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