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It Ain't Dead!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by NW7US, Jun 4, 2020.

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  1. KC8UD

    KC8UD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just imagine the excitement about Morse code back in the day...true story...picture this in your mind.
    Long after Morse and several companies had set up telegraph lines all around the world...June 10, 1871 he was being honored by unveiling a statue of Morse in New York City's Central Park and the formal ceremony was held that evening in the Academy of Music, the largest opera house at that time which seated 4 thousand but was packed to standing room only. The dramatic highlight of the evening, the telegraph instruments used on the original Washington-Baltimore line were placed at center stage, but set up to connect with lines all over the world. A young female operator clicked off to a global telegraph community a greeting chosen by Morse. As she finished and left the table in walked the aged Morse and approached the table. The tremendous applause ceased as his hand touched the key and began tapping the letters of his name...M O R S. As he came to the final E, a single dit, the telegraphers in the audience jumped to their feet, cheering and waving handkerchiefs.
    N8ZI and PY2NEA like this.
  2. N8ZI

    N8ZI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    To me, giving up CW would be like giving up my personal protection. They will pry both from my cold dead fingers.
    K0PV/SK2023 and NF6E like this.
  3. KC2SIZ

    KC2SIZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I always slow down when requested, though I tend to make a lot of mistakes at that point. One OP really cracked me up. He asked me to slow down, so I did, but my sending was so impaired at slow speed that he asked me to speed up again! I always laugh when I remember that.
    AA4MB and PY2NEA like this.
  4. 2E0OZI

    2E0OZI Ham Member QRZ Page

    No code requirement for me in 2010, but in less than 18 months I was mostly a CW guy. So there you go.
  5. N7JI

    N7JI Ham Member QRZ Page

    In Eugene (where I live) I recently (a week ago) started a 10 meter slow CW net. The idea is that we will operate slowly enough for everyone practicing to get some real, on-air practice like we did when we were novice licensees (I got my Novice in 1984). We operate on 28.450 MHz, which is significant because we can easily switch to SSB to discuss what was sent, the frequency is accessible to any license class operator, and unless there's really strong sporadic W, it's not crowded on typical Thursday evenings.

    Even though I enjoy 35-40 wpm, I am happy to slow down to let others get some practice. We have had a number of club members go through the CW Academy in the past six months, and this gives them a good place to focus and get some much needed practice.

    Be the change you wish to see.

    Start a local slow net.

    Scott N7JI
    2E0OZI and WN1MB like this.
  6. NN2X

    NN2X XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Now that is cool! Great info....I love history, especially with an event like that one!

    NN2X / Tom
  7. WA4KCN

    WA4KCN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very interesting thanks for posting this. I don't think it says much to compare FT8 with other modes. To me it similar to comparing deep sea fishing to fishing in a small lake. Both are fishing yet so different requiring different skills not really comparable.
  8. W9EBE

    W9EBE Subscriber QRZ Page

    I want a "dislike" button.
    NW7US, WB4NQF, KD2PJK and 1 other person like this.
  9. NN2X

    NN2X XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You are right,

    However, 76% of Hams only have a dipole and with 100watts. Using the FT8 (Yes robotic), or JS8CALL (Having a QSO), will bear more DX when comparing CW (As the software VOACAP illustrates)... For the eager new Ham who desires to work DX with modest set up, and sun spots zero, the FT8 (Robotic), and JS8CALL one can work around the world...,You can with CW, but you need more power and better antenna, when compared to FT8 / JS8CALL...As the VOACAP software clearly illustrates.

    And I always end with the following JS8CALL, you can have a QSO, with 20wpm (About)...and JS8CALL has the same specifications as FT8...
  10. K9CTB

    K9CTB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I figured you'd say that, Chris .... many of us *have* lobbied the FCC ... *and* the ARRL .... but we get that old tired "not enough resources" shtick about enforcement .... and we get the "well, it's an international treaty" thing about the dropping of the CW requirement. Sure, we'll keep on trying .... I just didn't want you to think I'm a career "bellyacher" ... 73 es thanks for the dialogue!! K9CTB/Neil
  11. KB9CFH

    KB9CFH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I use it for CwCommunicator over the internet when I get brave enough and think my spelling is good that day. You don't even need an Amateur Radio License to send it on CwCom. Just a love of Morse Code. Same way for Superaldis3 ( morse code by light ) . It can be used for practice for ship to ship, or if you just want to try the flashlight way.
    NW7US likes this.
  12. F8WBD

    F8WBD Guest

    I read in a non-amateur radio publication some time ago that the practice of Morse code can be an aid in avoiding dementia and Alzheimer disease. Of course the sooner the skill, like any language, is acquired the better. Don't wait until you are a senior citizen.

    I learned Morse when doing my radio op military hitch. Age 18. Never lost it and at age 80 still at it.

    K0PV/SK2023, NW7US and WN1MB like this.
  13. IK0ETD

    IK0ETD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Credo che il codice morse non venga più usato sulle navi di crociera
    PY2NEA likes this.
  14. K6BRN

    K6BRN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    And therein lies the issue. Despite some interest in CW by newer hams, by and large its fading into the sunset, just like tube equipment and Esperanto. The driving need is long gone, so its now special interest mode with a steep learning curve.

    No reason at all to attack or discontinue this mode for those who enjoy it - this is a multifaceted hobby. But in the end, the new and emerging crop of hams will decide. It will be what will be.
    N3FAA likes this.
  15. N8ZI

    N8ZI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Quale modalità usano sulle navi da crociera?

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