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Exciting Bumper New Solar Cycle

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by M1MRB, Aug 30, 2020.

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  1. KR3DX

    KR3DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, it's amazing what kind of articles make the "front page" and how much GOOD content that was submitted remains buried in the "news" or "forums" columns.
  2. WA9JOQ

    WA9JOQ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Dave, I've been a ham for a long time and never tried 160m. About 3 weeks ago I discovered the growing activity there and tuned up my end fed 130' antenna and was pleasantly surprised at the amount of activity and occasional DX. Contacted hams in ZS, EI, PY and Cayman all in one night in less than an hour with the above makeshift antenna. Nice change of pace and new (for me) alternative during sunspot low point.
    W7UUU and WU7X like this.
  3. NJ3T

    NJ3T Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nah, Been there, done that. DX on 160,80, and 40 is fun but my ears can't take the static crashes anymore. I'll take openings on 10 meters any day! Besides, I can collect 10-10 numbers there. (Hi Hi) We need sunspots! I can remember back in the 80's when 10 was open all day and night. Wish we could see that again. It would really boost new interests from the guys and gals limited to 28.3 to 28.5mhz.
    My favorite bands? 17, 15, 12, and 10 meters. OK, OK, 6 meters too!
    Don't tell anyone but I've been heard all over the world with my little 100 watts on 160,80,40,30, and 20m too.

    Bring on the spots! Please?
  4. KI4YRX

    KI4YRX Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. KB4QZH

    KB4QZH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the awesome podcast.

    I listened through one time very interesting and look forward to seeing if Scott and his team are correct in their solar prediction's.
    I will have to listen a few times to understand all he talked about though.

    Thank you and love ICQ podcast one of my favorite.

    Fred KB4QZH
    K4FMH and AJ6KZ like this.
  6. K4FMH

    K4FMH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    Thank you for the very kind remarks! This is what drives the ICQ Podcast team every two weeks to produce an episode that is informative...we take no advertising revenue, only listener donations, so when we offer our take on a product or anything else, it's what the Presenter thinks. I'm continuing to communicate with Scott on their research. They have a paper that I've read with 140 years of data that, when published, will strengthen their new paradigm on how the 11-year Sunspot Cycle is a subset of the 22-year (both are "-ish" in exact length) Hale Cycle. Competing paradigms are what make revolutionary jumps in science. I'll publish a blog post on this at once the Homebrew Heroes Award for 2020 and the Portable Operations Challenge are done.

    73 de K4FMH and the ICQ Podcast team.
    AJ6KZ likes this.
  7. WB6UQA

    WB6UQA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Scientist will find a way to make sunspots.
    AJ6KZ likes this.

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