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ARRL' Becky Schoenfeld abs Kris Bickell discuss initiatives and plans to help hams grow

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K5ATA, May 28, 2020.

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  1. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    As I tip toe up to a line drawn in the Zed Forum sand...


    To which I'll reply ALL SIDES MATTER
    WD8ED likes this.
  2. NN6A

    NN6A Ham Member QRZ Page

    Way to put it, Chip!
    W1YW likes this.
  3. NN6A

    NN6A Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been a Ham Op for over 50-years, and I'm not about to throw shadows at the ARRL for their efforts towards new Ham Ops. Two years ago, I operated Field Day with a local club. One of the stations was attempting to make 40M contacts with an end-fed 9' piece of wire. Another station was attempting to use a 43' vertical with four ground rods about 2' into the dirt. The coax run was over 150', and they were also using 40M. Needless to say, the only contacts made were by a gentleman and his XYL, who brought their SOTA equipment for a demonstration. They were on the air, making contacts and keeping a log in 20-minutes time. A very impressive demonstration, to be sure.
    Moving ahead, I had my whole HF station with me, but no antenna was available for my use. I have a handicap that doesn't allow for antenna installations, so there I sat. Three Ham Ops introduced themselves and had a TON of questions for me about every aspect of HF operation. I'd loved to have helped them, but no invitation to their club meeting was given. The questions they were asking me were so basic as to make me wonder what was on the tests these guys were taking.
    At any rate, any effort the ARRL makes to corral new hams into the fold is OK by me.......
    K5YDD and W1YW like this.
  4. DJ0AJ

    DJ0AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    a belive the ARRL - for all wish THE BEST -vy73 DJOAJ erkem
    NN6A and W1YW like this.
  5. NN6A

    NN6A Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have a comment.........The picture of the young lady in the car on the magazine shown might be a bit intimidating to a new Ham Op. It looks like there's about $3,000 worth of equipment in that car! New hams need to realize that Ham Radio can be cheap or expensive when dealing with equipment. As a start, an inexpensive transceiver (from the 70's, maybe) for HF and a vertical antenna would get them started. If they're nervous about buying that first radio, a local radio club may find an "old timer" to accompany (or advise) a new Ham Op in buying that first radio, setting up a station, and making those first tension-filled contacts. Without this kind of help, I'd have been lost in 1969......Luckily, a local Ham Op (W6JNX,SK) took an interest in this 13-year-old kid with a new Novice-class license. Norman taught me the craft of Amateur Radio, and gave me an excellent beginning in the hobby. I hope this helps......And I wish you guys the best of luck in your endeavor! PS: Becky, you're adorable.....You're going to be excellent in your new job! 73, Tim NN6A
    W1YW likes this.
  6. KB1QYH

    KB1QYH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    1000% Agree--- I wrote the ARRL a scathing nasty-gram the other day. No reply. Go figure. Did you know that they're website is UNSECURE?! They let clear text run right over their website. The ARRL is insane. I'm a lifetime member, and actually wish I were not. They are a terrible organization. They do nothing for hams. I'm ten years in, and I can't even imagine what a "NEW" ham would think of them. I'm pretty up on computers, and the younger generation moreso. Seeing that unlocked "lock" icon when going to their website would surely turn off any of the younger generation, because they pay attention to stuff like that. The ARRL is full of clowns, and I don't see an end in sight. Why don't they update their foolish LOTW system? It should be entirely web-based, with 2FA login. Who cares about security though? Oh wait---!!!! 2QSL.....! Antiquated technology from the 90's. Any hacker could break that in a second. More insanity from ARRL....! I laughed at their latest "Lifetime member" promotion as well. It's in the latest QST magazine- IF you are over 80 years old, AND have been an ARRL member for any ten years in your life, you are eligible to become a "Lifetime" Member for the super low price of $750!!!! WOW!! What a bargain for a guy who has a high likliehood of being dead in the next five years! Wonder how many of those subscribers they got!??!
    Also agree with overpriced shipping--- I got a birthday promotion for a free t-shirt- (Cheap cotton btw!) just pay $8.95 shipping! Ridiculous. I would have maybe considered it if it were free with the $8.95 shipping and had been made of that sweat wicking material... (Field day is coming up you know!!!) But no no--- They don't think.

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