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ICOM IC-705 Feature Walk-Through

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KI6NAZ, Sep 5, 2020.

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  1. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Nope...I like my portable rig to be a bit more rugged thanks.
  2. W5CJA

    W5CJA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The IC-705 isn't waterproof, its ruggedized nature is unknown, and its touchscreen / big exposed knobs would leave me concerned for long term durability in the field.
    G3SEA likes this.
  3. WA2LXB

    WA2LXB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very nice job by Icom. If you want more power and an antenna tuner, pick up the Elecraft KXPA 100 with integrated ATU. Only problem is the KXPA 100 weighs 9 lbs, which is as much as an Icom 7300.

    A fellow ham who is a QRP enthusiast and RF engineer (has a half dozen QRP rigs) has migrated from his KX3 to the G90 about half the time. He likes 20W for QRP, likes the band scope and uses an HT for 144/440.

    Resonant field antennas are not hard to fabricate or purchase, and at QRP power levels transmitters tend to be more forgiving of mismatches. If you want a QRP tuner MFJ, QRP Guys, Pacific Antenna, Elecraft and LDG are all worth a look.

    STBY RCV power draw looks to be .21A at 13VDC, which is reasonable given how much is going on in the rig. My guess is the RCV sensitivity is about the same as the 7300, which would make it less sensitive than the KX3 per Sherwood. It would be nice to see Rob test this unit and post the results.

    I agree that the price point is high, but that will come down over time.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2020
    K8XG and K0UO like this.
  4. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    My biggest concern is the 7300 is very difficult to see outside. I have a feeling the 705 will be too. Some of the Youtube "salesmen" showed it in the shade and talked about how easy it is to see....yeah that's not daylight. It "appears" to be Elecraft durable and that's not saying much. I would just rather have Icom quality over the Chinese quality any day that's all my post is saying. I'm sure the 705 will "fit" some better than others which will lead to some price slashing "it's just not for me" sales.
    G3SEA likes this.
  5. W5CJA

    W5CJA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've maintained for awhile that the 705 is a good "travel radio." Something to carry to your parents house when you visit for a weekend. Something to take on trips where you're in a hotel. I would even take it for general camping. I would NOT use it for hiking, primitive camping or SOTA. I have an 817nd that's nearly bomb proof that would fill that role better. I could even see Mountain Toppers with a separate handie talkie being better for hiking and rugged field use.
    G3SEA, K8XG and KC5HWB like this.
  6. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have heard others say that also, but never had any issues seeing my IC-7300 in the sunlight. And yes, I have used mine in direct sunlight and also in the shade. I'm not a huge fan of sitting in direct sunlight though - not in the State where I live - so I generally seek-out a shaded area to operate from (Speaking mostly about POTA here) - But I have activated some parks in direct sunlight with the IC-7300 and not had an issue. Seeing my laptop screen in the sunlight so that I could log my contacts, was another story..
    K0UO likes this.
  7. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Agree completely. If someone wants to build a portable I will spend that kind of money on it better be waterproof and tough. So far all we have is country club portables in the market for youtubers to fawn over. I am not interested when I can buy two decent portables for the same price. I would spend that kind of money on a solid rig that was waterproof and had a built in tuner. Don't need all the silly add-ons and a touch screen.
    K8XG and F8WBD like this.
  8. WW2PT

    WW2PT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice pivot! I thought we were talking about internal ATUs. o_O
    K8XG and AJ6KZ like this.
  9. K7ZOV

    K7ZOV Ham Member QRZ Page

    "uess what your FT-818 doesn't have a built in antenna tuner."

    Exactly... after having a number of FT-817's and having to add a LDG ATU or T-1 to it, carry extra wires and power... I know what a pain in the ass not having a internal ATU can be. The KX2, KX3, K2/10, K3/10 all had internal ATU's and it was a joy to have if I needed them, and most of the time I did. Now I have a Xeigu G90 and 1/3 the cost, 20 watts and a internal ATU that beats the rest... Yes, I know a FT-818/817 does not have a ATU, that was why I got rid of it. Got a few other tech specials and fixed them and also got rid of them for the same reason..
    K8XG and 4X1ST like this.
  10. AJ6KZ

    AJ6KZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't understand this too well. I use a KX2 and have never found it to be not rugged enough. Then again I don't have anything to compare it to. Nor do I regularly treat my expensive radio gear like a horseshoe.
    F8WBD and KC5HWB like this.
  11. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    And that's where you need to learn to make a proper antenna and not worry about a tuner but I digress.
    KC5HWB and K8HIT like this.
  12. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    No, I don't believe it. Tossing a small tuner in the bag has never been a problem for me, especially when it increases my output and allows multiband use of a single antenna.
    ZS1SBW and K9GLS like this.
  13. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I guess it depends on what you consider portable. For myself I consider portable a survival situation as I fly and also sail. For the money I would spend on this box of tricks I can buy a weatherproof sat phone. That's most peoples choice today who do what I do. Its not much to ask for a HF portable to have those same qualities for near the same price point. Now if your idea is a Picnic table outside an air conditioned trailer the 705 is probably a great choice as there is plenty of toys inside it to play with. For me its just a joy box I don't need. I have a capable 817 for now and so far no one has come as close to rugged as it is.
    K8XG likes this.
  14. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Agree 100%. What I don't believe is people actually had to pass one, two or three tests to get into this hobby. Sure don't see that intelligence level on QRZ.
    K1BQY likes this.
  15. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bingo - different requirements.

    What some folks call camping, others call glamping (glamorous camping). There's a big difference between squeezing into a bivie and walking into a yurt, yet both are frequently just called "tents."

    The same extremes exist with "portable" radios. Differing operator needs spreads the term "portable" out significantly.
    NK8I, K8XG, F8WBD and 3 others like this.

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