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ICOM IC-705 Feature Walk-Through

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KI6NAZ, Sep 5, 2020.

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  1. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm going hands on with the IC-705, walking through many of its features. This is a very long video. The video description includes chapter markers for different features you might be interested.

    705 thumb.jpg
    KD2UHD, KN4RA, K3TEF and 6 others like this.
  2. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's an interesting radio and has a bigger radio feel, the waterfall scope works very well, with a nice large screen.
    Icom did a great job of engineering and researching what was needed in a SDR QRP radio, HF to 50/144/430 MHz, with D-STAR DV, SSB, CW, AM and FM modes. It receives continuously .30kHz AM broadcast band to 144 MHz band with FM broadcast and air band AM and a built-in GPS. But all "We" will hear about is, It does not have an antenna tuner! There's no other SDR direct sampling QRP transceiver (The G90 is HF only and I don't believe direct sampling) there's no other QRP rig that has everything this rig has stuffed into it.

    Every rig should have a Built-in Bluetooth and wireless LAN like the 705 has.

    I like to try most of the new radios but
    I'm just not a QRP guy!
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
    K0WJ, K4MID and KC5HWB like this.
  3. ZS1SBW

    ZS1SBW QRZ Lifetime Member #505 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Best IC705 demo to date, thank you. ZS1SBW
  4. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The tripod mount on the bottom is the icing on the cake!
    K4MID and N6RWC like this.
  5. N6RWC

    N6RWC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very nice rig. Most people won't be buying this because of the current price. I only choose cheaper options and am trying to spend as little as possible when it comes to HF. Very cool rig though!
    LU6DYF and K8XG like this.
  6. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    For *my* needs, I don't need a lot of that, but I do want a tuner. I can live with resonant antennas or external tuners if the radio in question is lightweight or weatherproof or small. A non-Chinese G90 is more in line with what I'd like. Until then, I'll stick with my 817nd.

    That said, I'm very happy at the growing list of QRP radios. When I bought my 817, the only other choice was the Icom 706mkII, which was kind of hard to find at the time. Now I can think of 6 solid SSB-capable rigs, several that are reportedly usable, and an equal number of CW-only trail-friendly radios. That doesn't include the various kits. Now is a great time if you're into portable QRP.

  7. NN6D

    NN6D Ham Member QRZ Page

    all other icom HT's don't have to be held sideways

    KD2UHD likes this.
  8. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This is a fantastic point!
    W7GG and K0UO like this.
  9. N6SPP

    N6SPP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thnx for the video... XFC: (On most Icom hf rigs for the last 25 yrs) Primary function- hold down to adjust your TX Freq&mode (vfo A/B) during split operation. Compression (speech proc)= turn on for ssb voice Qs. This gives you more punch. Adjust alc/mic gain to keep your audio clean. Icom waterfall brightness: scope-menu "grid level" adjustment... Quick fix- If you see more noise in the waterfall as you change to a lower band, add 10 or 20dB of scope attenuation. AGC: For ssb use slow (or auto). This slows down the receiver's recovery, and will 'smooth-out' the incoming voice signals. Ref SWL: The 705 likely makes a very good sw rcvr. Look for Utility hf stations from 2-26MHz in USB mode in between the ham bands as well.. MF: WSPR decode on 475 KHz- "Place your antenna tuner in bypass" (for max noise) and receive overnight...Note-For the guys that want an integrated 100 watt PA- Get the new FT-867;)... 73, Eric
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
    K8XG and KI6NAZ like this.
  10. K7ZOV

    K7ZOV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looks like a very good radio. But after 3 decades of one form or another using QRP radios in the field camping, RVing, travel for business, parks, picnics and more, I have a good feel to what works for me and what does not. Price wise this is way to expensive for my needs and my limited income. VHF/UHF is nice, but as I found with my few Ft-817's over the decades a good HT like a TH-6F does the job every time. However the number one killer is no internal ATU. Yes I have used resonate antenna many times over the past 30+yrs. They work the best...but it is a so what if they can't be put up and uses, whereas a wire in a tree going into match box or 4:1 balun and using a internal ATU also works and works well. So even though I have the IC-7300 and IC-9700 and love the idea of a sexy radio that looks like it's big brothers, the cost and no ATU were both deal killers. I have since gotten a awesome killer radio called a Xeigu G90 at 1/3 the cost, built it ATU that can hold it's own against the ones in a KX2 and KX3 and T-1 and 20 watts to boot. Sorry Icom. You blew it big time with me this time, and based on many other posting for this radio I am not the only one who thinks this toy is for people with deep pocket and have a serious OCD when it comes to a resonate antenna. The ATU, if people like to hear it or not, not being in the radio really is a major deal breaker if you want to believe it or not.
    DF6VI, W0KM and K8XG like this.
  11. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Sure the Ziegoop is 1/3 the cost. Is your Chinese radio waterproof? D-Star? Gps? Bluetooth? VHF? UHF? Hence 1/3 the cost. Different radios for different folks. The 7300 was too expensive when it came out. Now you can get them for about $800. This will be the same next year with the "QRP is just not my thing" fire sale. All people see is no antenna tuner...guess what your FT-818 doesn't have a built in antenna tuner. That's why LDG is in business because the interal tuners aren't that great so... Carry on.
    W8KIC and K0UO like this.
  12. KC3MIO

    KC3MIO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have a 7300, had a reservation on the 705, but decided to buy a G90. The 705 appears to be too complicated for me right now, but I’m sure it will sell well and users will figure out how to the get a lot out of it, especially with digital modes. I look forward to seeing how it is used. Until then, I am enjoying the G90 immensely.
    KC5HWB likes this.
  13. W5CJA

    W5CJA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Everybody stop pointing out flaws in this radio we are trying to promote!!!!
    G3SEA, KI5AAI, DF7DC and 1 other person like this.
  14. WW2PT

    WW2PT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Never used an Elecraft with an internal ATU, I see. ;)
    G3SEA, WB3EYB, AJ6KZ and 3 others like this.
  15. W9RCJ

    W9RCJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice radio but I will stick with my KX2 with antenna tuner.
    No tuner and price is killer for me.

    G3SEA, WB3EYB and AJ6KZ like this.

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