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ARRL New Comments include the ressurection of RM-11708

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W0MU, Jan 25, 2018.

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  1. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's where you are wrong. 97.1 lays out the entire reason for even having the Amateur Radio Service. Without that, there is no reason to keep the service. It is NOT there so that a bunch of spoiled snowflakes can gab all day on the frequencies. And it makes no difference as to who write it - it is the LAW.
    You have the right to be totally naive if you want. But your "facts" prove nothing of the sort. There ARE people who want our HF bands. And microwaves and satellites do NOT meet the needs. Why do you think Amateur Radio was so active in Puerto Rico and the rest of the Caribbean and in Florida after the hurricanes? Why didn't people just use their satellite radios and microwave links?

    As for first responders not wanting Amateur Radio - that's where you are wrong. They don't want people like YOU involved. They want team players who will train and work with them and do the job with no pissing and moaning. That goes all the way from the local people to the head of FEMA. Amateur Radio is an integral part of EMCOMM throughout the country - despite people like you.

    It's the spoiled brats like you who are a danger to our hobby. You want all of the privileges but none of the obligations. You will be the downfall of amateur radio yet. What have YOU done to support our hobby?
  2. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nope, I'm not missing anything. But in that bunch of crap you never bothered to answer two simple questions. Name any organization which has done 1% of what the ARRL has for ham radio. And what have YOU done for ham radio?

    But to answer some of your questions - how many WinLink users do I know? Quite a few. It's very active in my area. Same with other digital modes. I'm not on it, but I don't criticize those who are. And there is NOTHING about "unlimited bandwidth" being proposed. You obviously haven't even read the proposal yet you continue to spew your crap.

    HOA's? Nope, they didn't ask you. And why should they? The fact is they took that position because of so many complaints from hams across the country. And your proof that the ham population is split 50/50 on the subject? Everything I've seen says it is much more in favor of the ARRL's position. I'd love to see proof of your statement. But I won't be holding my breath because you don't have any. Just more CRAP.

    And I never said what have you done for the ARRL - but once again you can't read. I asked WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR AMATEUR RADIO? And paying ARRL membership and buying a few books doesn't hack it.

    The ARRL DOES listen to its members. But just because you don't agree with what most members want does not mean the ARRL is in the wrong. It means you are. But that's how spoiled brats act - everything has to be their way or they throw a temper tantrum.

    No, I don't agree with everything the ARRL does. However, I look at what they have done for Amateur Radio in the 50+ years I've been a ham. And I like it.

    My suggestion is for you to get out of Amateur Radio and go into stamp collecting or some other hobby where you don't need an organization to help protect your interests. You'll be much happier. It's obvious ham radio is not for you.
  3. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Aeronautical services, for one - used heavily for trans-oceanic flights. Same for maritime services. Military around the world would love to have more frequencies - OTH radar is an example. And even many SWL stations would love to be able to expand in some parts of the world. Look at the proposals submitted to each WARC meeting and you'll see several every time. Right now they don't go anywhere - at least as far as the ham bands are concerned. But that doesn't mean they won't. Even the FCC gets inqueries for new HF spectrum occasionally. You don't hear much about the ones for the ham bands because right now they get turned away before they ever become a formal proposal.
  4. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    It mentions several purposes, for the service as a whole, any of which is valid individually. None of them are stated as individual requirements. As long as our collective activities meet any of those items, we are well within the "purpose" of the service.

    That's not true, either. I'm a taxpayer, and I assume you are, as well. We are citizens of our country. We therefore have a right to access appropriate slivers of spectrum for personal and/or collective use. The idea that we don't qualify for "privileges" just because we don't regularly do volunteer work is not supported by the text.

    And since you bring up 47 CFR 97.1, I'll point you to 47 CFR 97 Subpart E, which discusses "emergency" communications. Take note that US amateur radio is nowhere permitted to act in a first-responder role, even for communications. Amateur radio is only permitted to engage in emergency communications when there is no other means of communications available, and not before. Hams are not first-responders... hams are last-responders, and even then, only when asked by a proper authority, or when the immediate protection of life or property make it necessary. Not before, and not until. That's the rule.

    And you have the right to be paranoid if you want, and approach the FCC as if you were little orphan Oliver, "please sir, may I have some more?" if you want. I'm going to approach the service as a right of a free people, and with the associated dignity.

    Tell that to the maritime industry -- satellite comms are now the primary communications means for ships at sea, especially for emergency purposes. Tell that to the military who also uses satellites extensively.

    Great, show me some examples. What legitimate first responder organization actively solicits amateur radio operators to provide their communication needs? Your fire department? Your sheriff's department? Maybe the local cops? I'll give you a great counterexample up front -- our local "emergency management" group -- which is far from a legitimate "first responder" group -- even they don't want hams in their storm spotting communications. They have their own LMR gear, their own LMR licensing, and their own LMR frequencies, on which the spotters operate. They don't depend on hams, nor their infrastructure, nor their frequencies.

    Legitimate emergency services do not want hams. If you doubt that, go down to your local sheriff's department or fire department, with your Chinese-imported HT, and try to volunteer as a communications provider. They will laugh you out of the building.

    I did a quick count, and you have tried to make this discussion about me around eight different times in one post alone. You can waste your time talking about me all you want -- the bottom line is that you have nothing to add to the discussion but "brat," "spoiled," and other such juvenile nonsense. You are now angry because you are wrong, and you are taking out on me. That says a lot for your argument (or lack thereof).

    I have researched this subject in great detail. Move on while you are behind. :cool:
    If you had bothered to look at either my profile page or my website, you would see that I am very active in technical development in our hobby. But like the nonsense argument you are making about "emcomm," you couldn't be bothered to do your homework before you talk about things you don't understand. On your profile page, I see... nothing. And maybe 1000 lookups. Hmmm.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    K0IDT likes this.
  5. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    That WAS answered, quite clearly.

    Yes, I did read the proposal, and yes it's in there. I wasn't disrespectful to you, there's no reason for you to be disrespectful to me.

    Hmmm...why should they ask me? BECAUSE THEY CLAIM TO BE MY VOICE! How can they claim to represent me if they don't know my position? Honestly, is that difficult to understand.

    I am the ARRL's customer. That's something they....and apparently you have forgotten. They are a service provider...volunteering, as I have done, is over and above.

    What are you basing that on? I have emailed every director and vice-director, section manager and HQ numerous times. I have received a response from ONE vice-director, and that was "I'll get back to you". And of course he never did.

    Nor do I stated, there was a time and place in the past...within the last few years, in my opinion, the league has taken a new direction, and it's in their own best political interests, not yours or mine. You, of course have a right to your opinion. That doesn't make my opinion wrong.

    My suggestion to you is to switch to decaf and learn how to have a discussion instead of an argument. We can agree to disagree. You don't have to use foul language, and try and belittle me because you don't agree with me. That's immature, but that's the Zed for ya. They let anybody in here. Since you have so much to say, maybe you might try to kick in a few bucks for a membership.
  6. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Ask the folks at HRD! LOL
  7. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    No, there's nothing on my page because I chose not to put anything there. I don't need to pat myself on the back with my accomplishments. I'm comfortable with where I am, and that's what's important. I don't need the approval of you or anyone else.

    Yes, I've seen your page. I can say - it's not all that impressive. But you go ahead and keep thinking you are this great Einstein. You aren't. Many people in my own local club have contributed more than you.

    Also, you are wrong - you have no "right to access appropriate slivers of spectrum for personal and/or collective use". There is nothing in the Constitution granting such a right. What you have is the PRIVILEGE of accessing certain portions of the spectrum - a privilege which can be taken away from you at any time.

    And yes, the obligations outlines in 97.1 are for the service as a whole - and EVERY ONE OF THEM is important. You can't pick and choose which ones you like and which ones you don't like,. And yes, Subpart E has to do with emergency communications - IN SPECIAL SITUATIONS. It does NOT override 97.1 - 97.1a still applies.

    And you're wrong about first responders, also. There is no where it indicates that hams can't be first responders. As for emergency communications where no other means of communications is available - that applies to non-hams using a ham radio. Any radio can be used by any one at any time of there is an immediate threat to life and/or property. Please show me where in the regs it says hams can't be first responders.

    As for legitimate emergency services not wanting hams - I guess you would say that FEMA is not a "legitimate emergency service" - because the head of FEMA has repeatedly acknowledged the valuable services provided by hams. And I guess Emergency Management in the states of Maryland and Virginia, the District of Columbia and counties surrounding DC aren't "legitimate emergency services" either because the value hams.

    Yes, I've made this about you several times - because I find your position to be that of a spoiled brat who expects everything to be given to him ("right to access...") with no obligation on your part. This is NOT CB radio. This is a proud service with a proud history I suggest you go back to your CB band. It's more suited to your personality.
  8. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm asking YOU!
  9. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    K0IDT likes this.
  10. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I see, so you can judge other people's work and pronounce it worthless, but you do nothing of the kind, and you have the audacity to ask others "what are you contributing?"

    That kind of armchair quarterbacking makes the rest of your statements sound a lot like this:

  11. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am paying for this amateur radio service, Mr. Green!

  12. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    The FCC? ROFLMAO! They are a regulatory agency, nothing more. They don't promote Amateur Radio. They didn't give us the WARC bands, for instance - the ARRL pushed for that through the IARU. And it was the FCC who took away part of 220 MHz and gave it to UPS.

    You claim you read it - but you certainly didn't understand it. For instance, there is NOTHING about allowing "unlimited bandwidth" in the proposal. And that's only part of what you misunderstood. As for being disrespectful - try not spewing FAKE NEWS and we can discuss it intelligently.

    So any time they want to make a decision you expect them to call you up and say "Jim, what do you think...". When was the last time you talked to your Section Manager or Division Director? Do you even know who they are without looking it up? If you have something to offer, it's up to you to contact them with your opinions - not for them to call every ham in the country on every subject.

    I haven't forgotten. But you seem to think that gives you special status to be asked about everything that's going on. Well, here's a new one for you. YOU DON'T HAVE THAT STATUS! If you want to be part of the decision making, run for Division Director. Or at least stay in contact with your Division Director (without making a pest of yourself). It's your responsibility to make your opinions known - not the ARRL's responsibility to ask you.

  13. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    You have no idea what work I have done, and quite frankly, I don't care. What accomplishments I may or may not have made is not the subject and is immaterial.

    But when someone starts bragging about their "accomplishments" when I know of several hams in my own club who have done more I'll call them on it.
  14. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    You have yet to show what you have done for ham radio. Calling out the blacklist from one company is not supporting Ham Radio.
  15. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    They why did you arrogantly ask me what I had contributed, as if that was somehow more material than what you have done? Or somehow relevant to the subject of the thread?

    When you made the argument about me, rather than the subject, you had already lost the argument. You can continue to rant angrily at me, but your contribution to the subject of this thread is zero. At most.

    There is no threat to our bands, not because of "emcomm," not because of broadcasting, not because of anything else. The amateur bands we have will continue to be available to us for the foreseeable future.
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