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Aurora Storm over Norway created woldwide propagation on 40 and 30m

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VE7DXW, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. VE7DXW

    VE7DXW Ham Member QRZ Page


    Hi Everybody;

    So this is what a "Aurora Storm" creates!!! (the picture is from

    If you where in Europe and clear sky the Auroras were incredible to see, but there was another worldwide effect that you have to be a HAM to notice and appreciate!

    This was the perfect storm for radio Amateurs able to work 40 and 30m. Here in Lynn Valley we managed to set up our new TS-590 for monitoring WSPR on 40m and we were not disappointed. Running of a 5m (15ft.) vertical dipole mounted on my balcony and using the WSJT-X software the contacts registered all night long. (see pictures below, 30m worldwide and 40m North American wide )

    Where as the 40m band was mainly showing North American stations on 30m (which we did not monitor) worldwide connections where recorded WSPR spotting service at:

    Below you see a listing of all the 40m contacts that the test station in Lynn Valley using WSPR could record. The WSPR program was running in receive only.

    To check out our RF-Seismograph page go to:

    All the best and keep those transceivers humming!!!

    Alex - VE7DXW
    WA3JR and AC0I like this.
  2. VE7DXW

    VE7DXW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here is the list of contacts for 40m during that night...

    Date - Time Call (heard by) Frequency S/N Grid P dBm P [W] distance
    2017-12-19 16:42 KP4MD 7.040111 -14 CM98iq +37 5.012 1194
    2017-12-19 16:42 N6KOG 7.040052 -20 CM97gs +33 1.995 1294
    2017-12-19 16:40 WA6M 7.040077 -16 CM88in +37 5.012 1200
    2017-12-19 16:40 AG6RK 7.040069 -13 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 16:36 W1QG 7.040084 -16 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 16:34 W6DSR 7.040129 -19 CM88iw +27 0.501 1158
    2017-12-19 16:34 NN6RF 7.040033 -26 CM87uw +37 5.012 1271
    2017-12-19 16:32 AE7YQ 7.040103 -27 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 16:30 AG6RK 7.040069 -4 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 16:28 NN6RF 7.040033 -25 CM87uw +37 5.012 1271
    2017-12-19 16:24 W1QG 7.040084 -15 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 16:22 AG6RK 7.040069 -3 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 16:20 WA6M 7.040077 -17 CM88in +37 5.012 1200
    2017-12-19 16:20 N6KOG 7.040052 -21 CM97gs +33 1.995 1294
    2017-12-19 16:18 W6DSR 7.040131 -20 CM88iw +27 0.501 1158
    2017-12-19 16:18 AE7YQ 7.040102 -27 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 16:14 W1QG 7.040084 -21 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 16:12 K6WKX 7.040018 -22 CM94 +37 5.012 1662
    2017-12-19 16:10 AG6RK 7.040069 -16 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 16:08 AE7YQ 7.040102 -29 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 16:08 AD7QQ 7.040099 -21 DN16nr +10 0.010 543
    2017-12-19 16:06 W6DSR 7.040133 -24 CM88iw +27 0.501 1158
    2017-12-19 16:06 K6MCS 7.040058 -24 CM98hq +23 0.200 1193
    2017-12-19 16:04 W1QG 7.040084 -12 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 16:02 KK6ZIZ 7.040075 -19 CM88vb +33 1.995 1257
    2017-12-19 15:58 KP4MD 7.040111 -7 CM98iq +37 5.012 1194
    2017-12-19 15:58 AG6RK 7.040069 -15 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 15:56 AE7YQ 7.040103 -23 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 15:56 KK6ZIZ 7.040075 -21 CM88vb +33 1.995 1257
    2017-12-19 15:52 W1QG 7.040084 -21 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 15:52 K6MCS 7.040058 -24 CM98hq +23 0.200 1193
    2017-12-19 15:50 W6DSR 7.040130 -22 CM88iw +27 0.501 1158
    2017-12-19 15:48 AE7YQ 7.040103 -21 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 15:48 KW1BF 7.040128 -27 DN41af +23 0.200 1250
    2017-12-19 15:48 KK6ZIZ 7.040075 -23 CM88vb +33 1.995 1257
    2017-12-19 15:48 AG6RK 7.040069 -7 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 15:46 KD7DMP 7.040171 -19 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 15:42 W1QG 7.040084 -20 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 15:42 WA6M 7.040077 -16 CM88in +37 5.012 1200
    2017-12-19 15:40 AE7YQ 7.040103 -22 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 15:40 KK6ZIZ 7.040075 -24 CM88vb +33 1.995 1257
    2017-12-19 15:40 AG6RK 7.040069 -14 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 15:40 N6KOG 7.040052 -22 CM97gs +33 1.995 1294
    2017-12-19 15:38 KD7DMP 7.040171 -22 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 15:36 W7REK 7.040187 -26 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 15:36 KW1BF 7.040127 -23 DN41af +23 0.200 1250
    2017-12-19 15:34 W6DSR 7.040130 -22 CM88iw +27 0.501 1158
    2017-12-19 15:32 KK6ZIZ 7.040075 -14 CM88vb +33 1.995 1257
    2017-12-19 15:32 W1QG 7.040084 -11 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 15:32 AE7YQ 7.040103 -19 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 15:30 KP4MD 7.040112 -2 CM98iq +37 5.012 1194
    2017-12-19 15:30 K6MCS 7.040058 -23 CM98hq +23 0.200 1193
    2017-12-19 15:30 NN6RF 7.040034 -23 CM87uw +37 5.012 1271
    2017-12-19 15:28 AG6RK 7.040069 -12 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 15:28 K6MCS 7.040058 -26 CM98hq +23 0.200 1193
    2017-12-19 15:26 KK6ZIZ 7.040075 -14 CM88vb +33 1.995 1257
    2017-12-19 15:26 AE7YQ 7.040103 -21 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 15:26 AI6KU 7.040073 -18 DM12nv +40 10.000 1900
    2017-12-19 15:22 W1QG 7.040085 -8 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 15:18 AE7YQ 7.040103 -20 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 15:18 AG6RK 7.040069 -10 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 15:16 VE6ARS 7.040141 -10 DO30eb +37 5.012 681
    2017-12-19 15:14 KD7DMP 7.040171 -20 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 15:12 K6WKX 7.040017 -24 CM94 +37 5.012 1662
    2017-12-19 15:10 KA7OEI 7.040091 -24 DN40ao +27 0.501 1304
    2017-12-19 15:08 AE7YQ 7.040103 -19 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 15:08 K6WKX 7.040017 -22 CM94 +37 5.012 1662
    2017-12-19 15:06 KD7DMP 7.040172 -13 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 15:04 KD7DMP 7.040171 -8 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 15:04 K6WKX 7.040018 -22 CM94 +37 5.012 1662
    2017-12-19 15:02 AE7YQ 7.040103 -25 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 15:02 AD7QQ 7.040098 -22 DN16nr +10 0.010 543
    2017-12-19 14:58 KD7DMP 7.040170 -6 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 14:52 AE7YQ 7.040103 -26 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 14:46 KD7DMP 7.040171 -8 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 14:44 AE7YQ 7.040103 -24 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 14:42 AD7QQ 7.040098 -14 DN16nr +10 0.010 543
    2017-12-19 14:40 KD7DMP 7.040172 -6 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 14:34 AE7YQ 7.040103 -23 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 14:34 AD7QQ 7.040098 -13 DN16nr +10 0.010 543
    2017-12-19 14:34 N7ECV 7.040202 -24 DN07pr +40 10.000 367
    2017-12-19 14:34 WA4KFZ 7.040137 -28 FM18gv +37 5.012 3756
    2017-12-19 14:32 KD7DMP 7.040171 -8 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 14:30 N0LAJ 7.040163 -26 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 14:24 AE7YQ 7.040102 -21 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 14:24 KD7DMP 7.040170 -10 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 14:22 AD7QQ 7.040098 -16 DN16nr +10 0.010 543
    2017-12-19 14:20 N0LAJ 7.040162 -22 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 14:16 AE7YQ 7.040102 -18 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 14:14 KD7DMP 7.040171 -14 DN17kq +37 5.012 473
    2017-12-19 14:12 N0LAJ 7.040162 -20 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 14:10 W7REK 7.040187 -28 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 14:06 AE7YQ 7.040102 -19 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 13:58 VE6ARS 7.040140 -11 DO30eb +37 5.012 681
    2017-12-19 13:58 W7REK 7.040187 -26 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 13:54 AE7YQ 7.040102 -18 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 13:50 KE7A 7.040152 -26 EM12kx +37 5.012 2807
    2017-12-19 13:48 N0LAJ 7.040163 -24 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 13:48 W7REK 7.040187 -28 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 13:46 AE7YQ 7.040102 -15 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 13:40 N0LAJ 7.040163 -13 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 13:38 W7REK 7.040187 -23 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 13:38 AE7YQ 7.040102 -13 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 13:30 N0LAJ 7.040163 -17 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 13:28 W7REK 7.040187 -25 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 13:28 AE7YQ 7.040102 -15 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 13:26 AE7KZ 7.040180 -16 DM41pw +37 5.012 2192
    2017-12-19 13:26 KC5CQW 7.040121 -27 EM34tu +37 5.012 2969
    2017-12-19 13:22 N0LAJ 7.040163 -13 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 13:18 W7REK 7.040187 -19 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 13:18 KE7A 7.040152 -19 EM12kx +37 5.012 2807
    2017-12-19 13:18 AE7YQ 7.040102 -15 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 13:12 WR5DC 7.040101 -19 EL19vx +37 5.012 3118
    2017-12-19 13:10 N0LAJ 7.040163 -16 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 13:08 AE7YQ 7.040102 -10 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 13:06 W7REK 7.040187 -17 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 13:06 KE7A 7.040152 -19 EM12kx +37 5.012 2807
    2017-12-19 13:02 N0LAJ 7.040163 -12 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 12:58 AE7YQ 7.040102 -11 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 12:56 W7REK 7.040187 -19 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 12:52 N0LAJ 7.040163 -27 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 12:50 AE7YQ 7.040102 -7 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 12:46 WR5DC 7.040101 -22 EL19vx +37 5.012 3118
    2017-12-19 12:44 N0LAJ 7.040163 -25 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 12:42 AE7YQ 7.040102 -16 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 12:38 W4ENN 7.040201 -28 EM64ru +30 1.000 3370
    2017-12-19 12:36 W7REK 7.040187 -24 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 12:36 N0LAJ 7.040163 -28 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 12:34 WR5DC 7.040101 -21 EL19vx +37 5.012 3118
    2017-12-19 12:32 AE7YQ 7.040102 -16 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 12:32 AI6KU 7.040072 -18 DM12nv +40 10.000 1900
    2017-12-19 12:28 W7REK 7.040187 -27 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 12:28 WA8KNE 7.040066 -27 EM90gg +37 5.012 4065
    2017-12-19 12:26 WR5DC 7.040101 -20 EL19vx +37 5.012 3118
    2017-12-19 12:24 AE7YQ 7.040102 -19 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 12:20 W7REK 7.040187 -20 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 12:20 WA6M 7.040077 -27 CM88in +37 5.012 1200
    2017-12-19 12:18 AE7YQ 7.040102 -19 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 12:08 AE7YQ 7.040102 -10 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 12:08 W7REK 7.040187 -22 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 12:08 WA8KNE 7.040066 -29 EM90gg +37 5.012 4065
    2017-12-19 11:58 AE7YQ 7.040102 -13 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 11:52 W7REK 7.040187 -21 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 11:50 AE7YQ 7.040102 -13 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 11:46 AC0G 7.040051 -28 EM38ww +30 1.000 2700
    2017-12-19 11:44 AE7YQ 7.040102 -9 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 11:42 W7REK 7.040187 -17 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 11:38 WA6M 7.040077 -27 CM88in +37 5.012 1200
    2017-12-19 11:36 AE7YQ 7.040102 -7 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 11:32 W7REK 7.040187 -14 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 11:30 AE7YQ 7.040102 -1 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 11:26 AI6KU 7.040072 -4 DM12nv +40 10.000 1900
    2017-12-19 11:24 W7REK 7.040187 -23 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 11:24 AE7YQ 7.040102 -8 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 11:16 AE7YQ 7.040102 -10 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 11:16 W1QG 7.040084 -24 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 11:14 W7REK 7.040187 -26 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 11:08 AE7YQ 7.040102 -14 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 11:06 AC0G 7.040051 -28 EM38ww +30 1.000 2700
    2017-12-19 11:06 AE7KZ 7.040180 -13 DM41pw +37 5.012 2192
    2017-12-19 11:04 W7REK 7.040187 -17 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 11:02 AE7YQ 7.040102 -7 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 10:58 AG6RK 7.040069 -28 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 10:52 W7REK 7.040187 -22 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 10:52 AE7YQ 7.040102 -15 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 10:50 WR5DC 7.040101 -23 EL19vx +37 5.012 3118
    2017-12-19 10:42 AE7YQ 7.040102 -13 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 10:34 W7REK 7.040187 -23 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 10:34 AE7YQ 7.040102 -7 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 10:32 N0LAJ 7.040163 -28 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 10:24 AE7YQ 7.040102 -12 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 10:22 W7REK 7.040187 -24 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 10:22 N0LAJ 7.040163 -12 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 10:22 WA8KNE 7.040066 -29 EM90gg +37 5.012 4065
    2017-12-19 10:16 AE7YQ 7.040102 -7 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 10:10 W7REK 7.040187 -22 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 10:10 K0JD 7.040005 -27 EN62bv +37 5.012 2776
    2017-12-19 10:10 N0LAJ 7.040163 -17 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 10:08 AE7YQ 7.040102 -16 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 09:58 AE7YQ 7.040102 -17 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 09:56 W7REK 7.040187 -27 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 09:56 WR5DC 7.040101 -23 EL19vx +37 5.012 3118
    2017-12-19 09:56 WA8KNE 7.040066 -28 EM90gg +37 5.012 4065
    2017-12-19 09:52 N0LAJ 7.040163 -15 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 09:52 AE7YQ 7.040102 -19 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 09:48 W7REK 7.040187 -25 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 09:46 AE7KZ 7.040180 -26 DM41pw +37 5.012 2192
    2017-12-19 09:46 WR5DC 7.040101 -24 EL19vx +37 5.012 3118
    2017-12-19 09:42 N0LAJ 7.040163 -18 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 09:42 AE7YQ 7.040102 -22 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 09:40 W1QG 7.040084 -26 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 09:40 WA6M 7.040077 -26 CM88in +37 5.012 1200
    2017-12-19 09:36 W7REK 7.040187 -26 DM42lk +27 0.501 2128
    2017-12-19 09:36 AG6RK 7.040069 -25 CM97cf +37 5.012 1352
    2017-12-19 09:36 KT0N 7.040026 -23 DN70lm +37 5.012 1717
    2017-12-19 09:34 AE7YQ 7.040102 -22 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    2017-12-19 09:32 N0LAJ 7.040163 -12 DM79mr +37 5.012 1781
    2017-12-19 09:28 W1QG 7.040084 -27 CM87xg +37 5.012 1346
    2017-12-19 09:26 WR5DC 7.040101 -26 EL19vx +37 5.012 3118
    2017-12-19 09:24 AE7YQ 7.040102 -24 DM41kx +37 5.012 2172
    K1TGX, KC7HDE and K0PIR like this.
  3. N8TUW

    N8TUW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Livin a Dream .
    KC7HDE and VE7DXW like this.
  4. WB8VLC

    WB8VLC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Surprise, 40 meters has had good dx from memory since I was licensed in 1975 and it doesn't take WSPR or a big antenna either to work any dx on 40 meters.

    There has been world wide prop on 40meters for many many years and likely will be for many more to come.

    I work South and North Africa, Asia, South America and South pacific stations weekly on 40 CW and some SSB with a little old 2 element reduced sized (25 foot top hatted) vertical array on a typical city lot with medium power, less than 500 watts.

    The past CW contest at the end of November resulted in over 200 dx contacts world wide on 40 CW and I wasn't even religiously working in the contest.

    40 meter dx is like shooting fish in a barrel and if it takes WSPR or digital to make contacts then there is something seriously wrong antenna wise.

    Also that WSPR listing should have at a minimum 50% DX contacts which confirms that there is something seriously wrong antenna wise.
    OZ1RE, PY2RN and FK1TS like this.
  5. W4HM

    W4HM Ham Member QRZ Page

  6. W0AEW

    W0AEW Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are aware that the power levels shown in the printout are 37dB (5 watts) or less. I typically use a half watt and many of the stations I receive are running 1 milliwatt. From their station descriptions on, most use wire antennas even on the higher bands.

    The negative numbers show received signal strength in dB.

    Anyhow, it's fun to test out different antennas and power levels, and DX is in the ear of the beholder.
    K0PIR, VE7DXW and MW1CFN like this.
  7. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    So how many contacts did you make, two way??

    SWL reports as far as I am concerned are not "contacts". To me, that is intercepting other signals, not having a Two Way Contact. ;)

    RX of other folks QSO's can not be used to earn DXCC Awards.

    KC9ARP, KC7HDE, K2NED and 1 other person like this.
  8. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    40 and 30 meters are a great band for mobiles. I am regularly on 40 meters everyday on FT8,OLIVIA ,PSK and on 7.192 khz night watch net. I've worked many dx stations on FT8 on 40 and 30 meters.
    VE7DXW likes this.
  9. MW1CFN

    MW1CFN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think you need to widen your horizons.
    ZP6SKY, K7RA and N8GB like this.
  10. MW1CFN

    MW1CFN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I wrote about this fairly recently, with a before/after comparison for clarity of the effect:

    For the grumpy at Christmas: I like WSPR. I like propagation and antenna testing. I am not chasing awards. I would like a world where amplifier users switched their bravado off and came back to gentle, patient radio operating, where they may be surprised by the possibilities.
    WB7DUO, ZP6SKY, M0KRL and 10 others like this.
  11. W4FID

    W4FID XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I work SSB DX on 40 at night routinely. Into Europe easily and into the Pacific often. I have a plain vanilla GAP vertical under a couple trees that are over 60 feet high and cover it and the entire house and run 100 watts most of the time. So I am not location or antenna blessed. Occasionally I fire up the amp and run 500 watts, especially on contest weekends. On PSK and CW I run 25 or 30 and 50 to 75 watts respectively. The bands are more open that we realize a lot of the time.
    K4HX and VE7DXW like this.
  12. W0AEW

    W0AEW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Most wspr contacts are two way, although the example is from reception reports. Read up on wspr & how it works. It's pretty cool for QRP ops.
    VE7DXW and K0PIR like this.
  13. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Okay, I am using FT8 as of recently; it helped me to get DXCC on 30m. :)
    VE7DXW and K0PIR like this.
  14. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    I have been using FT8, where I live is in a valley, next to a hill. Using a 117ft end fed as an inverted "L" with several ground radials, I have found that I have to add power
    to make the contact more than half the time. I start at 25-30 watts.
    VE7DXW likes this.
  15. W0AEW

    W0AEW Ham Member QRZ Page

    To follow up my comments on WSPR about two-way contacts, it's an exchange of call, tx power level, rx signal strength, grid squares, and other info except your name. A bit more than most contest exchanges, but I don't think you can apply for DXCC with WSPR! ;) It's all done automagically since you just hook up the computer to the rig and away it goes! There's no personal interaction at all.

    It's great for testing antennas, getting instant snapshots of propagation, and using yet another mode for seeing how far you can get with how little. But you're very unlikely to snag a particular rare one.

    WSPR may not be very exciting for many, but I'm old and slow, and playing whackamole with FT8 and similar modes is just not for me! :)
    VE7DXW likes this.

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