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Is 7O6T operation legitimate?

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by 4X1UN, May 2, 2012.

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  1. K6DY

    K6DY Ham Member QRZ Page

    So here I an a 4X station needing 7o for my " worked them all " and top of the Honor Roll #1 and I can't work them? It may be a legit dxpedition as for the legal requirements, but it is not in the spirit of what ham radio is about. I say to the world, "work them" but do not claim them on your DXCC record!
  2. K1LD

    K1LD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm sorry my friend, but the ITU gives governments the right to restrict amateur communications between its country and another country. From the US FCC regulations:
    "Transmissions to a different country, where permitted, shall be shall be limited to communications incidental to the purposes of the amateur service and to remarks of a personal character."
    So if 70 says no amateur communications wth 4X/4Z, that 's their right. It's too bad but that's the rule.
  3. K0RGR

    K0RGR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I don't think anyone is considering this a small or innocent thing. We see this kind of mischief in contracts with Arab firms quite often. Many U.S. companies refuse to sign those contracts. However, most of them also have subsidiaries who are happy to sell to the Arab customers. The net effect is that everybody wins. The Arab gets to show his disdain for Israel, the U.S. company gets to show their solidarity with the Israelis, and the subsidiary walks away with the money. Win-win-win, and total hypocrisy on all sides.

    Still, if you are going to ban Yemen on this basis, you really would have to ban most of the Muslim world. I believe there are quite a few North American hams on 20 and 75 meter SSB that would have to be completely banned, as well, both those who criticize Israel on the air, and those who demonize the Muslims. A big part of the problem is that we are willing to throw whole countries under the bus over this sort of childishness.

    A more constructive strategy might be to encourage the growth of ham radio on both sides of the conflict. Fill the airwaves with 4X calls, so they don't have much choice but to work them. That would serve one our 'prime directives' - to enhance international relations. Try to encourage ITU to ban this kind of practice everywhere.

    Meanwhile, I know that it's highly insulting to be abused like this because of a conflict between governments. But adding fuel to the fire won't help.
  4. N4KLS

    N4KLS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Governments can restrict all they want. I can only restrict what I will or will not do. They play their games, and I play mine.
  5. WA9SVD

    WA9SVD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, it IS a political conflict, and Amateur Radio should be (lamentably) viewed as a victim. But we (as Amateurs) are in no position to somehow leverage countries to change their policies to accommodate our "hobby." If there are extreme conflicts of ideology and political viewpoints (to say the LEAST!) between countries, we, unfortunately have to abide by the restraints imposed by those governments. It may not ethically be right, but it IS a fact of life.

    If you disagree with the operation of the Yemeni DXpedition, that's your right. And you may voice your opinion anywhere you wish, as long as it's in a civilized manor. But calling for a "blacklist" of a DXpedition that is following the rules of the country that issued their license is at LEAST as "politicalizing" Amateur Radio as much as the protested policy of the country that issued their license.
    If you disagree with the DXpedition's operations, then stand down. Don't be like one operator who suggested (possibly multiple) contact attempts and then not confirm the contact to disrupt their operation. That ALSO is not in the "Amateur Spirit."
  6. N2RJ

    N2RJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You make a good point, so can we start by deleting BS7 now?
  7. KA5LQJ

    KA5LQJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    7O6T? I thought that was a new Uniden 10 meter rig, LOL!

    Yes, politics is a nasty business. It comes from the Latin,
    poly, meaning many and ticks, which are thirsty, little,
    blood-suckers. :pLOL!

    Note: In this e-mail no politicians were harmed.

  8. N0UH

    N0UH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree with you totally.

  9. KJ3N

    KJ3N Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't get my hopes up....
  10. KC2SIZ

    KC2SIZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm sorry if someone else has already answered this question, but I looked and did not find an answer. So...

    Does Israel prohibit its hams from contacting hams in any of its hostile Middle Eastern neighbors? It certainly would not surprise me if they do. In fact, it would surprise me if they didn't; and if they do, then I would not expect to work stations in those prohibited countries while visiting Israel.

    A while back I recall a German op who was arrested in Lebanon because the authorities found his communications equipment suspicious and thought he might be spying for the Israelis:
  11. N2RJ

    N2RJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I doubt it.
  12. N3QQ

    N3QQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I agree with Ed NT2X,
    Will be a very good idea to remove this whole post until after expedition is over and everybody is out of the Country. Simple typo by OP or too much discussion here may incease costs (human and $) dramatically. Fred, if you reading it please archive it till expedition is over and everyone can talk anything they want afterwards. Thank you!

    Yuri N3QQ
  13. N4RRL

    N4RRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hey Don, I love that definition - have been using it myself for a number of years!
    And, as for " politicians were harmed." Well, I guess all we can do is keep trying! ;-)

    73 buddy and have a great day!
  14. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    To answer the question, the 70 operation is legitimate. End of story.

    Is denial of access based on religion /ethnicity wrong? Absolutely. I won't be allowed into Saudi Arabia anytime soon, for example. Just look at my name.

    Chip W1YW
  15. W3BC

    W3BC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    And they levy their "apparent Liabilities" (fine$) and we pay them!

    Fighting the government is a lost cause. They can afford more lawyers than you or I.

    I found this, too:

    About Amateur

    International Arrangements

    The following arrangements have been made for amateur stations regulated by the FCC to communicate with amateur stations located in other countries.

    Permissible Countries
    Section 97.111 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §97.111, authorizes an amateur station licensed by the FCC to exchange messages with amateur stations located in other countries, except with those in any country whose administration has given notice that it objects to such radio communications. Currently, there are no banned countries. 47 C.F.R. §97.111, authorizes an amateur station licensed by the FCC to exchange messages with amateur stations located in other countries, except with those in any country whose administration has given notice that it objects to such radio communications. Currently, there are no banned countries.

    Message Types
    Section 97.117 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §97.117, stipulates that amateur station transmissions to a different country, where permitted, shall be in plain language and shall be limited to messages of a technical nature relating to tests, and to remarks of a personal character for which, by reason of their unimportance, recourse to the public telecommunications service is not justified.


    Still trying to find a copy of Israel's and Yemen's amateur radio regulations. I kind of think that the answer to this whole controversy will be found in one or both of those documents.
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