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HRD Software, LLC releases version 5.11a

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WJ6R, Feb 29, 2012.

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  1. KA9MOT

    KA9MOT Ham Member QRZ Page

    LOL! :D That's funny, I don't care who you are.
  2. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd use them all if I had $$$ laying around not paying rent! But just counting ham software I've paid for... not shareware, freeware, etc.

    ... looking down my Windows Start menu...

    MixW, v3 (and v2), about 70 bucks total.
    ROC studio for Kantronics, 150 bucks
    SeaTTY, $45
    Skysweeper, $100.
    Bonito Radiocom v5, $150
    CWget, about $50
    ...and others I might not have installed at the moment.

    I'll probably pay for MultiPSKs Pro version soon. Already put up my 60 bucks for HRD. I'd probably sell my kids if I had any for the Hoka suite.

    Fortunately, some of my most-used software is free. UIView32, MMSSTV, Frisnit NAVTEX, ACARSD, ROSmodem, JT65-HF, RMS Express and PC-ALE.
  3. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm pretty sure the "subscription" is more for the support than the software. If you can troubleshoot your own issues, pay 60 bucks now for version 6x and that's all you'll need to invest until you upgrade to a new version.

    Should you rather golf than troubleshoot HRD and your unique setup, you have the option to pay the yearly sub.

    If you have spent years in the HRD forums as I, you know that some folks should get the extra help.
  4. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not really, and it's too bad you take it as such. Being broke is not the same as being a cheapskate.

    I get sick of hearing people bitch about the concessions at a movie theater. "Oh, but $7 for a soda!?" They don't realize the business only makes money on the food and drink you buy. They don't make jack-sh*t on the movie, regardless of your ticket-price.

    THAT's what I'm painting. People who don't appreciate the finer details. Trying to compare their personal finances to a business of which they have no idea the specifics.

    If you can't afford it, I wouldn't call you a cheapskate. There's plenty of times in my life I couldn't afford many things. Including now. No judgement from me there. But I think there are many more out there complaining just to have something to say. They might could even afford it, but they'd rather bitch about it.

    Doesn't change or benefit anything to do so.
  5. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    ... just paid $45 for MultiPSK. The "pro" modes are too tempting.

    After you've worked the most common modes, you might be willing to pay more for something new to do! Voice, CW, and PSK31 are only entertaining for so long!
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
  6. K2BEW

    K2BEW Guest

    The sleeping giant

    There already is one.
    DXlab is the sleeping giant I predict will emerge and fill the whole left by HRD pricing themselves out of the market.
    It is really fantastic software and yet strangly little known or given much credit.
    I am really surprized it does not get more attention, when compared to these others including the shareware ones it ranks as the best.
    The suite is constantly getting better and is free.
    If you have not tried it I would encourage you to do so.

  7. N0AZZ

    N0AZZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    No most are right on hams are CHEAPSKATES!! If they can't afford to buy a logging program then they need to leave the hobby in this country they can't afford it. I tried every free logging program out there and liked none of them. So started checking out all the demos on the bought one's after several months I found a really top notch logger head and shoulders above all the others and after the 30 day trial bought it. It was Logic now Logic9 cheap no but when you want a better product you pay for it $139 and worth every penny. When I stop and think about it it is the very cheapest piece of ham gear that I have, used the most and depended on the most used every single time the radio is turned on.

    HRD the Swiss Army Knife that a lot of people use should be at least $100-125 for what you receive and now that it is rewritten a much better program to boot. I prefer to use stand alone programs with my logger the best ones for what ever mode. For that purpose I tie everything together with a micro HAM microKEYER a excellent product for that purpose.

    All in all we need to support ham owned and operated business's that hope to make a profit some seem to want to deny them of that. Do these people think we should be able to buy a car for $1,995.00 like I did in 1964 for a Chevy PU. We need to get real and stop squeezing those two Buffalo's together till they SH*T.
  8. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Perhaps it's because it looks as if it's straight from the Windows 98 era?
  9. K2BEW

    K2BEW Guest

    It is what is under the hood that counts.

    What really counts in software is the code and how it is written and works.
    In other words what is "under the hood"
    Looks have nothing to do with it.
    Some of the best software available has a simple user interface but works extremely well.
    Have you ever looked at a compter geeks computer?
    Stripped down to bare essentals and extreemly effective. No fancy graphics.
    Actually most computer geeks run Linux, why? Because it is better then windows and free.
    The logging program in DXlab is more feature filled than any I have ever seen.
    It incorporated eQsl and LoTW long before any other shareware out there had it.

    As far as HAMS being cheap I don't agree with that at all.
    This is one of the most expensive hobbies I know of and what we pay for equipment is way over the normal consumer market.
    I would consider HDR if they had followed the suggested prices when they polled their user base.
    Most people said they thought $30-50 was a fair price and going from free to $80 in my opinion is too much too fast. I think people will stay away out of the sticker shock alone even if many think it is worth that much.

    Read the feedback on eham on dxlab 5/5 consistently, HRD has always been a love hate program with ratings all over the place.
    You really need to use dxlab to appreciate it and not just look at the GUI.
    Interestingly the biggest complaint I have heard about HRD over the years is it is too complicated with too many settings. So again I think the simpler interface on Dxlab would be welcome to many.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2012
  10. AC4BB

    AC4BB Ham Member QRZ Page

    No Fred, Most hams are not cheap, They just simply want a good product for the money that performs. I have no problems paying for something that works good, But, Every time U shut down the program It might take 6 tries to get the logging to boot up properly. Would you buy a vehicle that took 30 minutes to start.?

    There again, I don't think You fully grasp what's being said.?
  11. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looks like you will have to pay before these questions will be answered. lol
  12. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    The reason I don't use DXlab is because I like a good looking modern interface. Not something like MultiPSK, MixW or DXLab, which look as if they haven't changed since 1989. That's also why I have HD tv instead of a B&W set from the 50s. Each has it's value, but which would you rather stare at all day?

  13. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Then you're obviously not hanging out with the same computer geeks I know. The video card is one of the first things you upgrade!

    Most computer geeks I know do not run Linux.

    Yes, DXLab is feature-rich. No question. My point on that was already made.

    "Most expensive hobbies I know of"??? Then my friend, you haven't been in many hobbies. Have you considered Guns? Boats? Cars? Heck, even cross-stitch requires constant $$$ input.

    Ham radio however, once you have your station setup, there's no further expense other than electricity. And the uh "necessary upgrades" as time moves along. But there are not many hobbies that you can do for months and years on end and not put another dime into it.

    What I see for DXlab at eham reviews is 4.8 out of 77 reviews. HRD has 4.6 with better than 2x the number of reviews. So you're at least twice as likely to get "all over the place". Again, people not comparing apples-to-apples. Completely different programs, only offering the basics in similar (logging, rig control, digital, etc.), like comparing a Toyota to a Ford. (and of course, we all know the Japanese make better cars.)
  14. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sometimes Older is Better

    I would rather watch Andy Griffith in B&W that this new Crap that is Called HDTV, That most times don't even fill the complete Viewing area of the screen.

    If all the buttons on a GUI work, that is better than a good looking GUI that have things that look good but do nothing or work improperly.

    Most Older Hams want simple.

    If they wanted Better Looking all of the time, Then the wife would be the first to go.
  15. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    LOL! Then it's time to upgrade the TV too! You can't properly fit a rectangle in a square box.

    I've been using HRD for at least 8 years. 99% of the time, errors are the user, not the software. I've had HRD on many machines and the program itself was never a unsolveable problem. Very few of those "bugs" people talk of have I encountered. And as an HRD "test team" member, I've thrown everything at it. Almost all software problems I see and repair are the user's inability to properly configure their machine.

    I don't know most hams, so I can't say for sure. However, I would guess most people in general want simpler. Me too. But not at the expense of features and a slick interface.

    Anyway.... haven't we covered here (and many other places) every possible bitch gripe compliment and complaint there is about this by now? It's a done-deal, so not much use going on about it....
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
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