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Qrz spammers

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by KD5GIV, Apr 22, 2022.

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  1. KD5GIV

    KD5GIV Ham Member QRZ Page


    Do I need to delete my email address from my profile to stop spammers from asking me to sign their online book? Just wondering because I freaking hate spammers. They are already driving me off the cell phone for life. If we make contact on the radio sure I'll sign your online log, but now I've got 2 requests so far for random people wanting attention. I'm going to say it nicely. Stay out of my mail box with that crap. If you need so much attention get a cat.
    WN1MB, VE3CGA and K2CD like this.
  2. K2CD

    K2CD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Interesting that you are getting spammed with requests for a click on other people's Web contact log. I think that's you meant. I am quite active and have never gotten a spam begging for a click on someone's Web contact log. On the other hand, I never activated the Web contact feature on my own profile, so maybe that has something to do with it? I noticed you have one on your profile, and 15 people have signed it.
    KP4SX likes this.
  3. VE3CGA

    VE3CGA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    For the life of me I just can't get why a web contact log is necessary when theres already a counter showing how many times your web page has been visited.
    I switched to gmail after getting a some requests. Any requests for web contact log always get blocked thanks to gmails blocking setting.

    Normal "RADIO" qso's - no problem, always confirm with lotw and qrz.
    The web contact log is disabled on my profile
  4. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Used to get a few such requests, lately none. Perhaps I have signed everyone's weblog already. :rolleyes:
  5. KD5GIV

    KD5GIV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh I didn't know I had one active. It was probably when I got the WAS award from QRZ and they click on the notice on the main page where it lists the latest awards.
  6. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well, turn it off and your spammers will stop.
  7. WG7X

    WG7X Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Mike: Go to your callsign located at the upper left of any page. Click on your callsign. A pulldown menu will appear. Select "Manage QRZ account".

    Toward the bottom of that page you will find: "Callsign View Options". There you can turn off the web contact option.

    No more "spam" although I think one or two requests is hardly spam. But we all have thresholds for that...
    KL7KN likes this.
  8. KD5GIV

    KD5GIV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks. I got it earlier. I got 2 in a few days so it was a trend I wanted stopped now. Before long it would have been 10 per day like the 20 phone calls I get everyday to sell me something I don't want. Even if I did want it I wouldn't buy from somebody calling me on the phone just by principal alone, not including that's how people get scammed.

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