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Parks on the Air (POTA) Announces New Annual Plaque Event

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC5HWB, Feb 27, 2023.

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  1. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    POTA has announced a new event that is an expansion and upgrade to their Plaque Event that has happened in years past during the July Support Your Parks Weekend. Tonight I welcome Matt Heere from the POTA Team to come onto the livestream and talk about this event. We all know that POTA isn't a contest, but this event, inside of the POTA effort, might be considered a contest - what are your thoughts?

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
    VU3IBL and KE8QJV like this.
  2. K9TDW

    K9TDW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2023
    KO4MAO, N7KO, K0UO and 3 others like this.
  3. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    This was discussed last wednesday. what up with the late news..............all the same info as last wednesday feed....lame lame lame.

    come on Jason you can come up with better topic for vids
    W6LEN and K9TDW like this.
  4. KN4USA

    KN4USA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It is just like summer field day, If there are points that lead to being placed on a list, It the order of most contacts to least contacts, it is, by definition, a contest. Why are we so afraid to call these events contests?
    KO4MAO, KT4RAM, KB0WEZ and 13 others like this.
  5. W6LEN

    W6LEN Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    In my humble opinion, if there is more than one person going after the same unique award, certificate, plaque, whatever, it is by definition a contest.
    KT4RAM, KB0WEZ, KD0WGB and 12 others like this.
  6. N8TVI

    N8TVI Ham Member QRZ Page

    yes that true nor do they belong on the warc aka 17 and 12 meter bands
    KT4RAM, KB0WEZ, KD0WGB and 11 others like this.
  7. K1CWB

    K1CWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    For this one event I would agree and that's likely why they are keeping the plaque event off WARC bands and 60 meters. As for the rest of the time with POTA (or any other OTA programs for that matter) everyone can work towards the same certificates etc. as they progress. With no end date for regular POTA activities you can't declare an overall winner.
    K3XQ, W9EBE, KE8QJV and 1 other person like this.
  8. W6FRD

    W6FRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Go POTA on the on AIR, I like these Ham operators who take to it the Air with the enthusiasm, and the love of ham radio, its biggest opportunity to show the general public about ham radio, let alone promoting the hobby, I have seen a lot of young people very interested in ham radio, because they know that their cell phone can be compromised,knowing that ham radio is a stand alone to communicating with other’s, W6FRD.
    KC5HWB, KE8QJV and AE0PL like this.
  9. K4NJ

    K4NJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think it’s a great idea. POTA on!
    KC5HWB, AE8EM, KE8QJV and 1 other person like this.
  10. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    why does such competitiveness needs to always it really about who get the most points , is it really about who has the most power..........what is this really about. contest or not to contest.........awards are giving for people that complete a task of somewhat degree of difficulty.
    For me I just like the contacts and the fun of it.....the competing part...ill leave that to those that need to be validated.
    KL7KN, K3XQ, KB1MM and 8 others like this.
  11. N8TVI

    N8TVI Ham Member QRZ Page

    but its not just this one event they are taken a count on all activation's with that its now a contest and per the arrl rules no contesting on any of the warc bands period. but yet you here them everyday on them
  12. K1CWB

    K1CWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Only the contacts during the 48 hour period count towards the plaque event and the plaques/awards, so I'm not sure I follow how all of POTA is now a contest. It just isn't, it's an activity that encourages operators to get out of the shack and get on the air and collect some digital paper along the way.
    W1KRI, N3EDO, K3XQ and 4 others like this.
  13. W3EEZ

    W3EEZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    You receive certificates / awards for milestones in POTA. The only competition you have is with yourself. By your logic you can't count any contacts on WARC bands for WAS or DXCC through the ARRL, yet the ARRL has specific awards for those bands for DXCC
    WA7RAR, K3XQ, KJ7KOX and 8 others like this.
  14. KE8QJV

    KE8QJV Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is the only POTA contest. It happens once per year. The other 363 days of the year, there is no contest. No one is competing against anyone else, for anything. Perhaps you should do some reading before judging, without having all of the information.
    WA7RAR, K3XQ, KD9RUZ and 3 others like this.
  15. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    As I see it!

    @W6LEN I do not view WAS, WAC, DXCC Entities (he he, I said entities) Awards, etc. as contests, but "paper-chasing" by hammies. It is much different than hammies who chase points to get their call sign published in QST or CQ Magazine. Right? :rolleyes:

    Everyone gets a trophy! o_O
    KO4MAO, KJ7KOX, K4SAW and 3 others like this.

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