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How To Setup Pileup Busting Audio on the Icom 7300

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by K0LWC, Dec 8, 2020.

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  1. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes, I have had the benefit and luck of working some operators with some amazing ears.

    I give all the DX I have ever worked all the credit for pulling my most often (comparative) weak signal out of the pile-up on Phone as I highly doubt I am the loudest.
    N3RYB likes this.
  2. N8REP

    N8REP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Im so tired of these "old headed" hams nit picking and ruining the hobby for us, less than 35 year old hams. You don't know the context of the recording of this video at all. Youtube, AI, as well as other online tricks have to be considered in this argument. Editing is king in this argument. Anyone with a license would have crossed their T's and dotted their I's. The fact that people automatically think that there is ill will or bad intentions is why no one "young" joins this hobby. Yeah I might be an "entitled" millennial, but reflect on yourselves. Don't kill an already dyeing art. If he broke the rules, let the people who actually have that job or responsibility take them down. Its crazy to think that this guy is just taking time out of his day to help us out and there are people just waiting to discourage that. What a world we live in. We all need to be better in realizing that its 2023, the good old days in most of these hard core ham dudes, running "kicker boxes" on their CB's are over. Yeah you got a license now. Stop expecting the worst. Start embracing the future.
    W9FL likes this.
  3. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

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