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Having a little fun with a scammer

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WY4J, Aug 23, 2014.

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  1. K1BAR

    K1BAR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ummmm she is only 17. A minor. That is rather creepy.
  2. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Depends on the State and its age of majority, check your local laws.
  3. K1BAR

    K1BAR Ham Member QRZ Page

    It doesn't matter what the "local laws" are. You call that reasoning? Ever heard of morality? Why would any middle aged man have an attraction to an immature and underage girl?

    Everyday it seems that there is another case of a teacher ( today most of these perpetrators are FEMALE teachers ! ), that is having sexual relations with multiple underage minors. When I was growing up this was completely unheard of. And no, I'm not an old man.

    Your response is just another example of how far down our country has gone in a very short amount of time. At your age one would presume that you have gained wisdom and intellect and would know better.

    What a sick and perverted society we have become.

    "Depends on the State and its age of majority, check your local laws." .... Raspberry of the Year Award

    "Can't say "NO" to Chloe!!" ... LOL WOW unreal.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2014
  4. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why would any middle aged man have an attraction to an immature and underage girl?

    Good question, why in some areas of this country the age of consent is fourteen?

    Then in one religion the church elders may have many young wives?

    So where is your rage about that?
  5. K1BAR

    K1BAR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well firstly, I am not in a "rage." I am rather calm as usual.

    I believe you are referring to Mormonism. I am not a Mormon but their official doctrine, as it is now, discourages the practice of polygamy and is no longer a part of their canon law; so your question is moot.

    Also, there is no state in the United States where the age of consent is 14 years old. So here again, your question is moot.

    When an act is statutorily legal, it does not necessarily give one moral justification under the color of law. Is sodomy legal in the United States? Yes, nationwide when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision in Lawrence vs Texas. So beginning in 2003, it became legal to sodomize male or female anywhere in the U.S. with the consent of the person being sodomized. But does that make sodomy a moral act?

    Likewise, irregardless of whether an act is legal or not, does not justify why an old man would be infatuated with an immature girl. It could be construed as an act of moral turpitude. And any right thinking person would see the reason and logic of why this is so. Children have not developed the emotional and mental capacity to appreciate that certain behavior can have life-long negative consequences, and adults have far more power in every aspect imaginable. The power to abuse, the power to corrupt, and the power to influence. There is no equal footing between them. That is why we have laws to protect children. There is no gray area or ambiguity.

    I believe that this thread is progressing towards a subject that has nothing to do with its intended and original purpose, and therefore I will no longer make input regarding said.

    Gregory D. White, B.A.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  6. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have for a number of years watched the Media/Hollywood types slowly lower the ages of female actors almost to the level of child porn.

    While the LDS states that polygamy is not allowed there are clans/sects that still practice that.

    One of the Carolines allows girls as young as fourteen to marry. Link:
  7. W5EN

    W5EN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Original post made me laugh like crazy. Actually it makes sense to need a "flux capacitor" to communicate with a sunken confederate submarine on the moon.

    73 de W5EN Steve
  8. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Especially once you factor in the time travel,
  9. WJ2L

    WJ2L Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Cannable Scammer

    Great illustration of what to avoid. What a name for a resturant. I'm a vegetarian but wow. Not only was this guy a scammer, but ignorant of the fact of that he had to a cannable as well? Wow.
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