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FT8 – Tipping Point for Ham Radio?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KD5FGE, Nov 21, 2018.

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  1. K8VHL

    K8VHL Platinum Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Amazing! Here's what I said, "Ham radio used to require skills, knowledge, and ability, no matter which mode was used, and I miss that." And we also used to enjoy polite civil discourse.
    W7DCM, KA2FIR and W7UUU like this.
  2. W3FHT

    W3FHT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Actually, you mean a record with a locked groove.:D
    W5TTW likes this.
  3. N5IIA

    N5IIA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I tried it, and made quite a few "contacts" with FT8. Initially, it was fun trying to see where I could make a contact with 10 watts and a marginal band. After about 50 of these "contacts," I was bored with it. It's like a perpetual contest weekend, (except the signal reports are more honest.) If ham radio fun for you is exchanging nothing more than location and signal reports, FT8 is the way to go, especially weak signal vhf and above. It just wasn't my cup of tea. I prefer conversations, not jump shooting dx stations on HF for signal reports. The nice thing about ham radio is, there are plenty of aspects of the hobby for many interests. My favorite digital mode is CW. I was out of it for at least 25 years, but have now found myself back at it for the mental challenge, and conversations.
    WD4IGX likes this.
  4. W3ATT

    W3ATT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Boy I wish this whole FT8 Debate would die already. Years ago it was other digi modes. Who cares anymore.

    Please stop beating the already dead horse.
    W5TTW and K2NCC like this.
  5. WA7F

    WA7F Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I’ll join the side that thinks FT-8 is boring. I had some fun with JT-65 and even more fun with JT-9. The DX was great and for the most part people respected a frequency that was in use.

    FT-8 moves so quickly you really don’t have a chance to slelect what stations you want to work. The software is working stations rather than the “operator.” Also, with everyone on top of each other’s frequency it’s a lot harder to work DX than it was with JT. Like a crowd that gets louder and louder I think many people working FT just keep cranking up the power since it’s imposible to find an open frequency. In my opinion the original intent of these modes was weak signal AND low power, not a QRM shouting match.
    W4HM likes this.
  6. N0NEV

    N0NEV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    To me, this is the most to the point post that I have read this evening. Ham needs to develop and encourage a new breed of users. The younger folk seem to enjoy digital and I think you all have to admit the world has gone digital for better or worse. Me? I cannot stand setting around bs'ing into a mic. CW?? not interested but I have gotten a few contacts using my signalink and fldigi. Hardcore CW guys cant stand us software driven guys. If I have to learn CW to get my license.....I wouldnt have bothered.
    To the CW guys....get yourselves setup to run digital. I would imagine that most of you would quit frustrated in getting the pc, the software, your radio, the signalink (or however you decide to do it) all configured and operating. It took me several nights of research after I had gathered the proper hardware. I scoff at those that say a qso using digital takes no skill. I say making a qso using digital takes a lot of skill and patience. Anyone who has set their signalink to get along with windows (audio levels, soundcard config) known what I'm saying. Yea, I can set up WSJT to run automatic to a point but the effort that allowed that needs to be recognized.
    W5TTW, K2NCC and W4HM like this.
  7. WA7F

    WA7F Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think people are looking the other way if they can’t see that FT-8 is bringing out bad practices. Personally, I don’t hate the mode. I just don’t like crowds or crowd behavior.
  8. NT5A

    NT5A Ham Member QRZ Page

    NEWS FLASH: There is a major upgrade to Version 2 which is transitioning right now. Those with Version 2 can not decode those with Version 1.9, and many in the community have not gotten the word. There will be a little confusion for a while until everyone upgrades to Version 2. Version 2 allows operations for some contests and some non-standard callsigns.

    I enjoy FT8, as I did PSK31, and the earlier JT modes. The real draw of FT8 right now is the sheer number of folks using it. I would believe it if you told me that fully half of all amateur radio signals during a 24 hour period were in FT8 mode. May not be true ... but it might be! If you want WAS in the mode, it is best to jump in and do it soon. WAS on JT65 would be very difficult now because very few people are using it. Same with JT9, and I expect PSK31. I used to enjoy CW, and do use it from time to time to work DX. Some of us really enjoy the challenge of CW, and frankly, for some of the DXpeditions, CW is the easiest way. But digital has its challenges too. It is hard to imagine anyone not having a station computer these days, but I expect there are many who do not. Organizing the computer, the interfaces, and the myriad of software choices is much harder than the old days of setting that first station. Some love it. Some never do rise to the challenge.

    As I have told so many people over the years, the real appeal of ham radio is that there are so many modes, and so many varied activities to try. I have just begun working 6M and 160M. I've been a ham since 1972, and these are new bands for me. Who knows, I have always dreamed about moon-bounce. As technology advances, even that seems within the grasp of anyone willing to go after it. Not at all like it was when my license was new! Whether it is antennas, or digital modes, or striving to improve your CW speed, or whatever - this is a wonderful hobby that can always keep the brain cells chugging, and give us the opportunity to try something new.

    73 to all! NT5A - Bob
    W7DCM, W5TTW, WD4IGX and 1 other person like this.
  9. SA1CKE

    SA1CKE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Every now and then new tech arrives and there's a discussion about if it's good or not. Don't worry - as long as there's a discussion it means it's relevant to some extent.

    Fear the day when new tech arrives and nobody has an opinion either for or against. Then it means that the hobby is dead.
    WD4IGX and WB9MSM like this.
  10. WB9YZU

    WB9YZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Interesting discussion, and timely. I just got done with my digital interface for my IC-746.
    Everything was junkbox. I even had to trouble-shoot by VOX design and cut apart a PS2 to USB adapter to re-use the mini-din.

    I did work some stations on 40M (QRO at 100W), and find it amusing that my signal gets to places I can't hear, like Australia and Japan.
    Generally speaking, if I can actually hear it, I can work it on FT8. And if I can hear it on FT8, I can work it on CW :)

    The db reading isn't a signal strength report, but a signal to noise ratio.
    This is actually more of a measure of how each station receives than a traditional signal report. The higher the noise level (Including QRM), the lower the SN ratio in db.

    I see some complaints about computers. Yah, but since the advent of the affordable ""PC"" it has been a part of the hobby.
    There are lots of older hams who remember using Apple II and Commodore Vic 20 computers for Ham purposes back in the late 70's/early 80's.

    There will always be a new-fangled thing out there.
    You don't have to use it.
    No-one is pressuring you to do so.
    And your license isn't dependent on it.

    In my opinion, if you don't at least look at (whatever the thing du-jour is), you're missing an opportunity to grow.
    The same goes for the new ham who won't learn things from the past.

    73, Ron
    N0NEV and W4LJ like this.
  11. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    re: "The real draw of FT8 right now is the sheer number of folks using it."

    Yea verily!

    I was up at 4 AM working some FT8 on ... 160 meters*!! There were several stations active, plus a spotter in Alaska who reported back my sig!

    * Normally a 'pretty dead band' and hard to 'get on' for most modes.
    K2NCC and N0NEV like this.
  12. KD8JV

    KD8JV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have read the comments on FT8 mode! Some negative!

    As for me I think the mode FT8 is great! FT8, it is in development stage. And I believe it will expand. For me at the moment it is like having a contest going on all the time. I get to make contacts with countries just for the brief moment when they are on. Everything in Ham Radio has to evolved! Take for instance the QSL's by mail. Rarely ever used now. Now we have EQSL and LOTW! I am sure someone will say or make an issue over this. My point is "Times are Changing"! Ham Radio has to change. It has too! Hams, especially new hams don't have the time to spend days and hours to make contacts. On FT8 it is nice to catch a rare station or stations on the air now as they are on just for a couple hours a week or month. FT8 gives everyone the chance to make a quick contact and get it confirmed. Just like if it was a CONTEST! I know a few if not a lot don't like the changes. But, it is going to happen. Who would have thought 42 years ago, everyone would have a cell phones today. So changes is coming and are here now!

    In closing! Before the inceptions of JT-65 and JT-9 and FT-8!
    I did NOT HEAR hardly any stations on the AIR on HF! VERY LITTLE! I operate 80 through 6 meters. Weather it be CW, SSB, RTTY or any other mode.

    On FT8 I hear many stations all the time!
    So what is wrong with FT8! Nothing! It is a mode if you choose to use it, to make contacts across the world "At Low Power"!

    Why run 1,500 watts sideband to make a (maybe) two minute contact. If your a contester, try FT8! Run 20 to 50 watts and make a contact.
    It is a contest nearly all the time!

    And you don't need High Power!

    You can contact the station via JTAlert TEXT and move to a SSB portion of the band and have a rag chew, if you wish or he/she wishes too.

    Well, that is my comments on FT8 Mode.


    Glenn, KD8JV
    W5TTW, K2NCC and N0NEV like this.
  13. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    W5TTW and NN4RH like this.
  14. VA3VF

    VA3VF Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's what happens when you have a popular and efficient mode. Lots of users, all in single 3kHz segment per band.

    Ever tried a contest, or a dxpedition pile-up? Bad operating practices were not introduced by FT8.

    As for working the DX, this why split was introduced in WSJT-X to give YOU, the operator, a way to work that sought after DX. It's not the computer that decides where you are going to call the DX, and how much to shift in frequency.
    WU8Y and WQ4G like this.
  15. WQ4G

    WQ4G Ham Member QRZ Page

    You say this as if FT8 is new and exciting.... Well, it's not. FT8, in some people's opinion, is BORING.

    Boring operators using FT8... a boring mode.

    Dan KI4AX
    N7KO likes this.
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