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FFC Rules to Elminate Vanity Call Sign Fee and GMRS License Fee

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB3ZIM, May 23, 2015.

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  1. W5NU

    W5NU QRZ Lifetime Member #642 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Well said.
  2. W4DAC

    W4DAC Ham Member QRZ Page

    FCC did something sensible
  3. K0DXJ

    K0DXJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's my luck for you, just got my vanity. Wish I had read this first.

  4. W2JTM

    W2JTM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    When you buy a horse, do look in its mouth. The teeth shows the horse's age.
  5. K4YZ

    K4YZ Guest

    I think part of the solution here is going to be establishing limits on changes to call signs and LIMIT on call signs. There needs to be a proviso that says "You're entitled to ONE free choice-of-call in any 24 calendar period, and once you've changed calls, unless you move to an Insular call area (KH, KL, KP, etc) you're stuck with what you choose."

    But I imagine that this is just an extension of the FCC's other cost-cutting maneuvers, ie: reducing the enforcement branch, than anything. I agree with KQ0J...Raise the fee, not only to make it self sustaining, but to act as a deterrent to the scofflaws that like to "bank" 2x1 and 1x2 calls.

    And as far as fees go, I'd GLADLY pay a fee to renew and maintain my license IF and ONLY if it went directly to the FCC and ONLY if it was for support of Amateur services and enforcement. Here in the States we have relatively paltry fees associated with our licenses. Some countries, such as Australia, pay upwards of $65 to $75 A YEAR to keep theirs! And I'm not aware of a "Senior" or "Under 18" break either. They don't need a "Foundation" license to generate numbers, they need a license that regular Joes can afford!


    Steve, K4YZ

  6. K4YZ

    K4YZ Guest

    If I were in the market for a call of my own choosing, I'd be doing it NOW, before the fees vanish...Because AFTER the fees drop there's going to be a landslide of applications. If you've been coveting a call change, I say spend the bucks now and KNOW you'll get the call rather than wait until it's fee-less and EVERYONE wants "your" call!


    Steve, K4YZ
  7. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    Careful. I have seen several cases both in Ohio and Colorado where a Gov agency touts a new fee/tax that will go to a specific entity, such as schools. Makes it sound good. Then when the fee/tax passes that extra money is NOT new income, but just REPLACES money it is not longer granted from the general fund.

    So the extra actually ends up in the general fund. So much for truthful politicians.

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
  8. K8WZS

    K8WZS Ham Member QRZ Page

    "I'd GLADLY pay a fee to renew and maintain my license IF and ONLY if it went directly to the FCC and ONLY if it was for support of Amateur services and enforcement."

    Wow so many in agreement to PAY for our licenses if it would go to the above mentioned support ! Wow so let's get 'er done then ... I'm in , ALL IN on this IDEA !! Now you would have thunk thee higher ups at the ARRL would have pushed that ..... just wishful thinking !! Gr8 idea Steve I'm with you . 73
  9. WU4F

    WU4F Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm surprised they didn't increase the fees to cover their cost or even show a profit - that is strange ;|
  10. KB0TT

    KB0TT Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are correct , Steve ...

    BTW , I enjoyed your ZED biography ...

  11. KB0TT

    KB0TT Ham Member QRZ Page


    ' PG ' , so that OTHERS do not make the same transgression ,

    what WAS the ' no - no ? I am serious ....

  12. K7BRY

    K7BRY Ham Member QRZ Page

    You know, my first thought on this was to wonder whether the fee for a vanity call had ever stopped anyone from getting one if they wanted one. The current fee is about the cheapest thing I have ever done involved with this hobby.

    But then, human nature being what it is, it really wouldn't surprise me to see the landslide of applications when the fee goes away. Oh my.....
  13. K4KFQ

    K4KFQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great, now NO benefit in having an old time call. Will never be recognized as such. Another downfall for Amateur Radio
  14. K4KFQ

    K4KFQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hope they do
  15. K4KYV

    K4KYV Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator QRZ Page

    Actually, upon closer examination, I see they clarified it at the top of page 3 of the NPRM:

    The Commission is required by Congress to assess regulatory fees each year in an
    amount that can reasonably be expected to equal the amount of its appropriation.

    In other words, the fee money goes directly to the US treasury, and the grand total of the regulatory fees the FCC receives from all telecommunication services and broadcasting is "reasonably expected" to equal the amount of the appropriation provided at the pleasure of congress. The amount collected for special amateur call sign requests is undoubtedly a drop in the ocean next to the total, mostly collected from corporate entities with deep pockets. The FCC considers amateur radio fees simply not worth the bother.

    BTW, can anyone explain why, when I copy and paste text from a pdf document on the FCC website, I get ridiculous line breaks, sometimes at every word? This makes it nearly impossible to copy, clean up and paste a lengthy excerpt. Here's the above line of text as it originally appeared when I pasted it:

    The Commission is required by Congress to assess regulatory fees each year in an
    amount that can reasonably be expected to
    of its appropriation.

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