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QRZ Callsign Database Policy Change

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jun 17, 2011.

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  1. K8SOR

    K8SOR Ham Member QRZ Page

    WOW, I have been reading the comments on the new changes---FRED--GOOD JOB. I can't understand the reasoning that some people have that a website that is free for everyone should give them more-more-more. I don't understand why someone with their MEGA station, with computers to do everything except actually talk th the other station can't hit a couple keys to lookup a call. I don't know what some of these people would do if they actually had to "tune" a rig. Most of these people have more money invested in their equipment than what my house cost. Fred, your site is great, make it more "human" friendly, and charge for the "Automatic" stations---you might even set up a system like E-QSL has that would send out your qsl cards (for a fee of course). I guess that being licensed for over 51 years allows me to be an "OF".
    Fred, keep up the great work. 73
  2. K7IN

    K7IN Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I vote for a field that is: "What's wrong with me" or, "What hurts today" then QSO's would likely be shorter... :eek:
  3. VA3PID

    VA3PID Ham Member QRZ Page

    Might not be too popular with the unsighted operators amongst us ...
  4. KC8TRL

    KC8TRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ya Fred
    I agree this is a good Idea.

    Bryan KC8TRL
  5. 2M0CDD

    2M0CDD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Errr, What?? To most users, I guess, bitmaping would be as useful as a chocolate poker, to me anyway. Having a log program auto-filling fileds from has to be one of the most attractive features. Without it, I would have no use for at all, I feel that many might agree. That's why I don't use those other sites you mention as my primary source, and they are very much inn the slow lane. Unlike google, Fred at is trying to bust the spam bots.

    Interesting fact: I have little spam to my station email address, yet it is visible on one of the most popular, most visited, ham radio sites. Well done Fred.
  6. W6SDM

    W6SDM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Son, the water company doesn't own the water that they bring to your house. The bill you get is for the service of treating it and getting it there. Now, I don't have a water company because I have a well. The cost of maintaining the tank, motor, and submersible pump is about what I would pay the water company if I had one.

    The FCC makes all of the call sign data free to you. All you have to do is look it up on their web site. It ain't easy but it's there. Do that for a while and you will be glad to pay for the service that offers.

    Oh, and listen carefully to those recruiters.
  7. AE4RV

    AE4RV Ham Member QRZ Page

    The XML subscription for QRZ is a bit steep in my opinion, almost as much as an ARRL membership which includes a printed magazine.

    QRZ should offer a $10/year "friend of QRZ" subscription which would allow unlimited look-ups, within reason (no hammering by bots).

    73, Geoff AE4RV
  8. K7IN

    K7IN Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    If all one did was to drop their pocket change in a jar every day, they could easily afford their subscription to QRZ. And, if your pocket change is like mine, that would include my ARRL dues as well. I easily accumulate over $100 a year in pocket change and that takes care of those regular subscriptions.

    Too many of us get used to all the free information on the web. It is all paid for by someone, somewhere if it is no more than your own ISP to give you access to it. All one has to to is register on QRZ and log in to have access to the database information so, it's really no big deal. I subscribe because QRZ is much more than just looking up call signs for me, it has a really good "for sale" forum and I have found lots of good deals and sold some of my own gear on this site. The yearly subscription is a good deal. Maybe one could consider if they really should be in this hobby or not because it really is no longer one you can do very well for free. Yes, you can get enough gear for "free" and probably get it on the air easy enough but, if you want to 'extras' that go along with this hobby, the best way to get them is to PAY something for them. :)

    Again, thanks to Fred and his crew for bringing a high quality service to our great hobby and at a very reasonable cost.
  9. W0ICQ

    W0ICQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sound perfectly reasonable to me...

    As a Ham Radio Operator, Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Corporate Web Site Administrator, I understand the time and effort it takes to keep the servers running, and the web site up to date. I'm surprised these measures were not taken a long time ago.

    Keep up the good work!

    Randy - KD0HKD
    Kansas City, Missouri
  10. N0AZZ

    N0AZZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Right a little less drag on the system good for you use the other one.
  11. N0AZZ

    N0AZZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes sometimes they do crawl out and rear their ugly heads I would be ashamed.
  12. AE4RV

    AE4RV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I didn't say "free", Paul, I suggested a lower priced tier for more casual users. I am willing to pay, I just think the current price is high, in my humble opinion. Actually, the way I operate I might never hit the 150 look-ups a day, I just don't like limits. 73, Geoff
  13. KD4IEM

    KD4IEM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    This move is because this site and its owner doesn't make sufficient funds to support the site from the advertisements it displays like most websites? So it is slowly becoming a subscribers site only. Sounds like the slow death of QRZ to me and most will just use the FCC lookup where 90% of this data comes from. Those who feel its worth the $29.95 have at it. :D
  14. K7JBQ

    K7JBQ Ham Member Volunteer Moderator QRZ Page


    This site is growing pretty fast for one going through a "slow death." I don't know where you get your numbers from, but I'd hate to be your CPA.

    Yes, you can use the FCC lookup, which is cumbersome but does the job...for U.S. licensed amateurs. For DX, lots of luck.

    For those arguing for a lower price, kindly remember that the pricing of any good or service is based on the principle of Return on Investment. Price too high, and thereby limit the market, and you make less revenue. Price too low, you also make less revenue. The trick is hitting the "sweet spot." It's as much of an art as it is a science.

    And for those who want a "free lunch," I have a great suggestion, based on years of experience:
    Become an automotive journalist.

  15. W4IW

    W4IW Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's how it used to work. i was already a subscriber and now it doesn't work!
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