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Amateur Radio contacts between Georgia and Russia cease

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Aug 21, 2008.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio contacts between Georgia and Russia cease

    The President of The National Associations Radioamateurs of Georgia (NARG) has said that contacts between Georgian and Russian Amateur Radio stations have ceased.

    He writes:

    I would like to inform you, that all Georgian Amateur Radio stations stopping works with all Russian Amateur Radio stations and also, we would like to advise you and all amateur radio Societies, members and non-members of the IARU, (plus all other clubs too) do same. The reason - Russian occupation in Georgia.


    Mamuka Kordzakhia, 4L2M
    The President of The National Associations Radioamateurs of Georgia (NARG)

    The National Associations Radioamateurs of Georgia (NARG)

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  2. KR1ST

    KR1ST Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Exactly how is this going to help the situation?

    What do you think is an appropriate way to commemorate the provocation by the Georgian government when they sent in their troops into South Ossetia first? Do you really think the rest of the world is oblivious to that fact?

    I think a call for solidarity is great, but inappropriate in this case. There is no need to "punish" your ham friends in Russia for something they had nothing to do with. You don't create goodwill by cutting ties.

    --Alex KR1ST

    P.S. note that NARG is hosted by qrz.RU. How ironic. Did Georgia sell their .GE top level domain?
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  3. KV1M

    KV1M Guest

    OK, so the Georgians are imposing a ban on themselves, what's that got to do with anyone else?

    I seem to remember Georgia as the agressor here, but boy oh boy are they playing the victim angle to the hilt.
  4. W2PHD

    W2PHD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Lowering of the hammer

    This is no pun; it looks like the hammer of the communist hammer was raised and the West thought it was gone, but now we see it was the Russki way of getting it ready to be lowered again, not only on Georgia, but Poland and all of the other countries it once held in forced captivity.
    Ban the Russki's in everyday life; and one can start in Brighton Beach the epicentre of the Russki Mafia. NYC has turned a blind eye to what goes on there and this is a common denominator of what will be standard Russki policy in near future. Digest this nonsense; The Russki's want to petition (what a joke) to have Russian as an official additional least in NYC for now.
    They present the Spanish second language argument. Well the Hispanics helped make this country a better place like all legal immigrants. In Brighton Beach and in other places in the US, one may as well be in Russia, there is no real allegiance to America or it's values. It's just one Russian scam after another.
    Remember these words!
    They don't keep their false god Lenin in cold storage for nothing you know.
    Any attempt to suggest in past that if communism is dead why don't they bury the corpse of lenin....this brings rage to all Russkis.

  5. KV1M

    KV1M Guest

    That was, I shall say in lieu of stronger words, intolerant and misinformed.

    Blaming Russia for driving out the Georgian invasion force at the request of the South Ossetians is a rather disingenuous prevarication given the current unilateral and uninvited US entanglements.

    And tarring all Russians with that kind of nasty labelling is not only wrong in the extreme, but in the end it says more about you than it does about them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
  6. SM6LRR

    SM6LRR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio as a ribbon of friendship and understanding

    Frankly speaking, I was astonished and sad to see the proposal from Georgia (4L2M) to terminate Amateur Radio relations with fellow Russian amateur radio colleagues.

    I take no personal side in the ongoing conflict between the two IARU member states, but I strongly suggest dialogue rather than confrontation.

    If some individual amateur radio operator in any country has doubts whether to communicate with amateurs from another country, it is his or her own personal decision, which can be respected as that, but collective "orders" from the President of NARG seem very strange.

    Also it is really in contradicition with all codes of honour between radio amateurs of all countries to make a statement like the one from Mr. Kordzakhia.

    Instead of involving stupid international games of politics into our wonderful hobby, please use the possibility of talking across the borders, just in the same way I did as a 14 year old amateur in 1980, when the Iron Curtain was still in place. Without the unique possibility of learning different truths from the "dangerous" Soviet Union, I would today not enjoy the lifelong friendship with many Russian radio amateurs. This in the same way that I have friends from all over the world, regardless of the political system those countries are ruled by.

    Amateur Radio for international friendship and understanding - not for confrontation and aggression!

    73 de SM6LRR, Mats
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  7. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm surprised that this request is from an amateur organization, not the Georgian government. I would expect them to seal off non-official communications pathways to silence what might otherwise be used for espionage.

    As for the rest of the world, views as to who did what to whom first seem now a bit dated. However, the sacking and pillaging of innocent people's homes, automobiles and such is inexcusable. Apparently, this is happening while the Russian troops "look the other way."

    Was it necessary to bomb rail connections and bridges? To sink Georgian vessels in its port city? To go far beyond occupation of South Ossetia (which already was the case)? I think not.

    If truly what was said about still preserving the body of Lenin, then why was the city named in his honor changed back to it original name, St. Petersburg?
    Well, some might think Lenin is revered, but frankly, I don't. Maybe by a few of the street people who can't get as much free vodka as they could before under communism.

    Now, let's talk Mafioso. Do you really think those types who have new found riches and power would ever stand for a return of collectivism and the loss of all they have made since the fall of the hammer and sicle? Believe it or not, people with gobs of money can and do control how governments operate.
    Russia likes its autonomy and its sources of revenue as a trading partner. Risk all of that? Nope. No way.

    What we are hearing about this here in the US has been somewhat distorted by media moguls, in my opinion. I'll leave it at that, lest I be accused of discussing politics or our own crooks on Wall Street.
  8. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    They have been occupied for what, 2 weeks now? Seems like you'd think they would have got mad about it over a week ago.

    And, being its a combat zone, I'm surprised the Russkies were allowing hams to transmit. You would have thought that an order would have been given to shut such stations down lest they be used for "activities against the invading forces."
  9. WA9SVD

    WA9SVD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Considering a language barrier, I do not know if the gentleman is saying Georgian Amateurs are not "supposed" to contact Russian operators, and is telling other Amateurs not to contact the Georgian Amateurs, or is telling the rest of the world not to contact Russian Amateurs.

    IMHO, it's way off base and inappropriate, and not in keeping with the Amateur Spirit. It does not seem there's any LEGAL basis, so it would be like the ARRL "prohibiting" American Amateurs from contacting, say, Iranian or North Korean (if there are any) Amateurs, and demanding that other Amateurs world-wide refuse contacts with the same...
    For one thing, there's no legal authority to do so, (matters may be different in Georgia,) but certainly no authority to even suggest the rest of the world boycott Amateurs in another country. That's politicizing Amateur Radio to a totally unacceptable level, and I would like to see a statement from the IARU indicating it's inappropriate and unacceptable to even suggest such a matter.
  10. KA9INV

    KA9INV Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ignorance in this thread is astounding. The only Russian folks I know are older folks practicing Orthodox Christianity who were afraid for their lives and fled the country under communism. I know better than to mention communism around them.

    As for this statement from Georgia... this is contrary to amateur radio spirit indeed. My grandmother's favorite story to tell about my grandfather was how he used to contact folks in Russia during the Cold War and have friendly conversation with them. I thought part of amateur radio was fostering international goodwill.
  11. MM0XXW

    MM0XXW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    No-one could have put it better Mats, I whole-heartedly agree with every word you wrote.
    Well said sir!
  12. G4HUN

    G4HUN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Personally I think that request goes entirely against the grain and spirit of Amateur Radio. The whole purpose of our hobby (As I understood it) was that it transcends political barriers. Only by talking can anything genuinely change. I for one will answer any CQ call that I hear, and speak to anyone who answers one of mine.

    If we start this lark, we are all going to head down a very slippery path.

    Neil, G4HUN.
  13. MM0SGQ

    MM0SGQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe a little ham spirit placed on the laps of our respective goverments would see for a better world??

    I keep an open mind in these matters and look at it from both points of view, and as per usuall i can see fault in all goverments involved in this mess.

    I think its a mistake to think that the Russians arent going to react the break up of there once mighty nation, and to see there most formidable foe park up right on there front doorstep. I think its all conected one way or the other whether we like it or not.
  14. NL7W

    NL7W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Which army invaded the democratic nation, Georgia? Which army has burned out homes and villages, set fire to forests, and destroyed sovereign, democratic government-built niceties as they went along? Could it be the Russian Army?

    Say it ain't so!

    The sovereign democratic Nation, Georgia, has every right to limit communications with it's former oppressor and current invader. Amateur communications can muddy the comms waters and potentially undermine diplomatic communications between these two sovereign nations' authorities and the people they represent.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  15. KV1M

    KV1M Guest

    You drank deeply of the propaganda Kool Aid I see.

    Sure thing, Georgia indeed does have the right to stop speaking with Russia.
    But your prevarications about who did what to who are ill informed and off mark.

    Here in Europe we got 3 full days of actual reporting before the Governments got enough control to change the message.
    You are 180 degrees wrong Stevie. Georgia invaded South Ossetia immediately after negotiating a ceasefire. They abrogated their ceasefire to burn 2 cities and kill thousands of South Ossetians, where is your outrage at that?

    Oh, it's Russia involved so Russia is always at fault.


    Go drink some more Kool Aid, nothing to see here.
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