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Zoom Satellite Presentation 08/15/2020

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by K6LCS, Aug 6, 2020.

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  1. K6LCS

    K6LCS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    ARRL instructor and AMSAT-NA Ambassador Clint Bradford, K6LCS,
    will be presenting his "Working Amateur Satellites With Your HT”
    session at the Saturday, August 15, 2020 meeting of the Team Radio
    GA in southeast Georgia. The session will begin at 9AM Georgia time.
    Team Radio GA (TRGA) is a growing ARES / EmComm group, whose
    region covers the ARRL’s District 8 in Georgia. Led by Jerome Erickson
    KK1JE, TRGA was featured in the July, 2020 issue of the ARRL Georgia
    Section’s newsletter, “Georgia on My Mind.”

    The groups Jerome has organized focus on digital and emergency
    communications. Refreshingly, Jerome told the newsletter editor, “I
    believe that the privilege to operate on the many frequencies we are
    granted we should make an effort to give back to our communities
    through radio communications.”

    TRGA’s expanding Web site is …

    Clint K6LCS has made it his mission in his amateur radio life to show
    hams that they really can work a few FM voice satellites with equipment
    they probably already own. To that end, he has given his presentation
    more than 100 times to audiences who genuinely desire to expand their
    ham experience - to clubs, conventions, and hamfests in North America
    and Canada.

    An attendee of Clint’s session at the club a couple years ago wrote:

    "K6LCS gave a fantastic presentation on amateur satellites.
    It was most informative and entertaining. Clint's passion
    for the subject was evident, and I would imagine that the
    club members individually and or in a group will be eager
    to try satellite contacts in the near future."

    “We will be using Zoom Video Communications to conduct our session,”
    Clint advises. “I would much rather be in a room, LIVE, with my audience,
    but it’s cheaper with Zoom than air fare to Savannah's International Airport … “

    Clint always welcomes questions before his presentations. Leave him a
    voicemail at (909) 999-SATS or send email to:

    Clint’s satellite support site -

    If you are in the southeast region of TRGA, you will be notified of the
    session’s Zoom meeting ID. If you are not in the region and would like to
    attend, please send email to for the meeting ID.


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