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Yuma Hamfest, Feb 20-21 2015

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by AD7DB, Feb 24, 2015.

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  1. AD7DB

    AD7DB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I attended the annual Yuma Hamfest this past weekend. I think it was great fun, and a nice late-winter break.
    It was held at the Yuma County Fairgrounds in Yuma, Arizona. The temperature was mostly clear and in the upper 80's. General admission was just $5.00 and the parking was free.
    Several dozen RV'ers camped there from Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning. This included a good many who had attended Quartzfest a few weeks earlier.
    The outside tailgating area (swap meet, flea market) started Friday and went all day Saturday.
    Inside the main hall were commercial vendors, and the "Country Store" consignment table, which had a lot of used equipment for sale.
    There were several seminars, forums and meetings held. Being the Arizona Section Convention, the ARRL was well represented by the Southwestern Division officers, and several section managers.
    Activities included some live satellite demonstrations. There were license examinations, and DXCC card checking.
    There was supposed to be a high altitude balloon launch by ANSR (containing a crossband repeater, APRS, ATV and other things) but it was scrubbed because of the wind direction, the balloon would have gone down in a live bombing range to the east, making recovery impossible.
    Saturday night had their traditional "Buzzard BBQ", with chicken and pulled pork catered by Texas Roadhouse.
    There were sixteen grand prizes raffled off, and these were all great radios. There were other drawings and prizes available as well.
    I don't know what the hamfest attendance was, but I'm guessing around 2000.
    The full information should be available soon on their website,
  2. KG7QBS

    KG7QBS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the review. I attended, as well. Can't add any details, but I'll second your conclusion. It was "great fun, and a nice late-winter break." I had never been to Yuma or to a hamfest, so this was new territory for me on two counts. I particularly enjoyed the interaction with other hams, the vendors in the main hall, and the seminars. I learned a lot about new-to-me aspects of the hobby. Now I just need to digest it all and decipher my notes. 73
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