Hello from K2CLH! I was wondering, who is or was the youngest ham radio operator? I am currently 9 years old and studying for my Extra. I passed my Technician at age 6 and General at 7. I have not been able to find anyone younger but then there might be someone out there that knows someone who was younger! Even if you have a young hams that you know about please reply! 73, K2CLH
There has been at least one person, age 9, with a no-code Extra. Some years before the current VE program, there was an 11 year old girl, who passed her Extra exam. The requisite code speed was 20 wpm, and she aced the written test.
Congratulations on your hard work and good luck with the Extra Class exam. Now I have a question. Are you having fun? And remember, hihi really means LOL.
Well congrats on that ham ticket. You have my daughter beat by 2 yrs or so. She got her ticket at the age of 11 and is currently living in Washington State and is now 37 now. She got her ticket back in 1985. Good luck with your upcoming test. Back in the 70's we had to take all the FCC tests in a FCC office or Field Office. Took all my tests down in Beaumont, Texas. 73 de K5AG
In the mid-1990s an 8 year old girl earned the Extra - 20 wpm code and all the written tests. In the third grade. AFAIK she is still active today. Very good CW op. Back in 1948, W3OVV (SK) earned her Class B license at the age of 9. The Class B tests back then were given by FCC Examiner, and included 13 wpm code, sending and receiving, plus a 50 question written test that included essay questions, draw-a-diagram questions, show-your-work calculations, and multiple choice. Her dad was W3KT. Congrats to all young hams, past and present. It's still quite an accomplishment. 73 de Jim, N2EY
Congratulations, I have worked a few young General Class operators but cannot recall a nine or ten year old Extra. 73 and good luck!
I was so glad when I got my tech! Then a young man came back to the VE after he aced Tech, and came back when he aced General, and finished out the day by passing Extra. That was at the Charlotte Hamfest 2 years ago. He was 8. I'll see if I can track down his call for you. I loved shaking his hand.