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XML High Performance with CDN

Discussion in 'QRZ XML Logbook Data' started by AF7TI, Sep 26, 2021.

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  1. AF7TI

    AF7TI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been experimenting with using a CDN to cache QRZ XML lookups so that I can
    • avoid storing callsign data in a database
    • not worry about refreshing stale contact info
    • perform real-time lookups during peak traffic time
    • avoid writing separate code and logic for qrz lookups and local db lookups
    • optional: get JSON formatted data instead of XML
    If you're interested in testing the service to explore possible use cases here are a couple endpoints:

    XML Format
    JSON Format
    If you find the service useful and want to use it for production workloads with an SLA let me know.


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