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WWV Discontinuing Operations?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AD7I, Aug 13, 2018.

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  1. AD7I

    AD7I XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    A friend of a friend pointed this out to me, from NIST's website at the following URL, a little ways down the page ( ).

    When they say "shutdown of NIST radio stations in Colorado and Hawaii" I would think they mean WWV, WWVB and WWVH.

    From the NIST website:

    Illustrative program reductions in FY 2019
    • -$6.3 million supporting fundamental measurement dissemination, including the shutdown of NIST radio stations in Colorado and Hawaii
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2018
    AC7DD likes this.
  2. K9CTB

    K9CTB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I certainly hope this is a little premature ... maybe even a funding oversight. If nothing else, at least these MFJ "atomic" clocks oughtta start selling cheap!
  3. AK2M

    AK2M Ham Member QRZ Page

    $6.3M savings? Is that even worth it for the loss? At the least, think of all the timepieces that will no longer automatically sync (like the one on my wrist). Not to mention the loss of a source for stratum-1 NTP servers. This is a wide-ranging consumer and industry change, if true and not just "illustrative".

    I can't imagine they'd do this - too much depends on that $6.3M.
  4. WA3QWW

    WA3QWW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Apparently not WWVB.

    I wonder if the ARRL will get involved in this.
  5. K3FHP

    K3FHP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This is just a small part of a much larger cut, some of which may be justified, but there is no practical replacement for WWV & WWVH. $6.7 million isn't even a rounding error in the trillions spent each year(the amount the broadcast programs allegedly cost) and many systems still use these signals, including ALL radio controlled clocks and watches. I am willing to bet your congress people don't even think of these things. Time for everyone to inform them by phone and email.
    N0CEL likes this.
  6. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    NIST has to stop competing with private enterprise and live up to its mission. WWV going away is wrong and stupid.
    N5GAR, W6DRH, K0PV/SK2023 and 8 others like this.
  7. W7DAO

    W7DAO Ham Member QRZ Page

    How about we start a Go-Fund Me or Kickstarter and take over the operation. License the use in watches, internet servers, etc. to keep it going. Privatize standards, what a concept.
    NI2E, N4KNZ, W0IW and 1 other person like this.
  8. K4RKP

    K4RKP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe they could start selling airtime with commercials i.e. "This minute brought to you by ......." HI
    KJ6QVB, WA8MEA, N5UJJ and 17 others like this.
  9. KJ6QVB

    KJ6QVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Has anyone looked to see what the proposed budget DOES include? Very, very "important" things like changing the definition of a kilogram from a physical object (located in France) to a value based on "the fundamental physical principals of the universe". Yeah, the world needs that! :-(
    K7LSH likes this.
  10. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Actually the physical kilogram mass standard in France has been slowly losing a miniscule amount of mass and it's not yet understood why. That's one reason why it's being redefined in terms of fundamental constants, besides the general principle of not wanting to rely on particular physical items in case they are damaged or destroyed. Mass is the last basic unit remaining to be so redefined.

    Precise and repeatable weights and measures are quite important to every aspect of modern life and NIST is the foremost in the field.
    N6QXA, KD8SKZ, W4ANE and 11 others like this.
  11. W2TXB

    W2TXB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Or... the ARRL could start a GoFundYourself (it worked on South Park) account, then buy and operate it, if for nothing more than to preserve the FT-8. ;)

    Seriously, just the utility and maintenance costs must be horrendous. :eek:
    NU4R likes this.
  12. W0RIO

    W0RIO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hopefully there will be a big backlash on shutting down WWV.

    Of course, we hams could benefit if we could grab more of the shortwave spectrum.
    How about an SSB extension for 30 meters in the 10.0-10.1 Mhz range.
    I'm sure most of that space is already allocated.

    Isn't GPS a suitable replacement for WWV as a time sync source?
    Assuming someone doesn't try to zap the GPS satellites, that would be a major vulnerability IMHO:
  13. K6PCW

    K6PCW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Something like this?
    K0PV/SK2023, AC7DD, K4RKP and 5 others like this.
  14. KD8TNF

    KD8TNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Is it still in there? I can't find it, perhaps account aging brain.

    The time signals continue to provide a necessary instant definite propagation check on MF and HF for comms units in the field, as well as a accurate frequency reference for the field alignment of equipment, specifically the 10mhz signal in this use. Household time piece synchronization is a secondary use for this critical national service.

    Hams today rush to the internet for propagation reports, instead of using their own equipment and skills as skilled ops have since the dawn of radio. BTW my copy of WWV from 2.5 - 25MHz inclusive here in Ohio with modest antennas is good every day at varying times regardless of dumb useless dire forecasts. The idea of my Shasta-Beckman WWV receiver becoming a doorstop is too bitter to contemplate from a operations perspective.
    K7LZR, WG8Z, N2EY and 1 other person like this.
  15. K6PCW

    K6PCW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Despite the humerous YouTube parody of WWV, this news is bittersweet. As a kid in the 1960s, my Dad was an astrophysicist at the Boulder labs of the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST), which is where the atomic clock was then and is still located (the WWV transmitters are several miles north of Boulder, closer to Loveland and Fort Collins, actually). I remember him showing me "the clock" through the window from the hallway (we couldn't enter the room due to dust contamination restrictions). I share everyone's hope that this proposed budget slash would be reconsidered by NIST's leadership.
    K7LZR, N5PZJ, NL7W and 1 other person like this.

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