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World renowned DXper Jim Smith VK9NS - silent key

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by NN3W, Feb 10, 2009.

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  1. WS4C

    WS4C Ham Member QRZ Page


    When I worked Jim on back in May, 2008, he was saying that his family wanted him to return to the UK, just for a visit, I think. Does anyone know whether he ever made that trip? I hope he did, and that he had a great reunion with many who loved him.

    Also, does anyone know what will come of the autobiography he was selling? Will it still be available?

    Randy WS4C
    Greenville, SC
  2. CT1IUA

    CT1IUA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Goodbye dear Jim

    We lost a great operator and friend.
    I had several qso's on ssb, cw and rtty, and will never forget when i worked this new one for the first time and had a long nice talk with Jim. He surely will be missed.
    May he rest in peace

    My condolences to his family

    Mike, CT1IUA
  3. KI7M

    KI7M Ham Member QRZ Page

    VK9NS will be missed very much

    Over the years I worked Jim Smith as VK9NS, P29JS, and several other spots. He always gave of himself to others on the bands, ran some great DX nets and was just a real pleasure to hear. I don't know how many new ones I worked with his help but it's got to be a dozen or more. His signal was always clear and he never had a bad word for anyone. I wish I could say as much for myself. I will miss his fine voice and the pleasure talking to him gave. We could all use more like Jim, he is an example to all. God Bless and I hope his family knows how much we thought of Jim.
    Terry, KI7M
  4. K1LWI

    K1LWI Ham Member QRZ Page



  5. G3SEA

    G3SEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Aloha 'oe

    Aloha 'oe .........

  6. K6BBQ

    K6BBQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you for posting this information. My deepest condolences to his family and friends. I only have done a little DX and Jim was one of my very early DX QSOs when he was on Norfolk Island. He was patient and did a great job handling the pile up. I've seen him spotted over the years and knew he was still giving others, just like me either the thrill of getting a new one or saying hello again.
    -Rem, K6BBQ
  7. K9AUB

    K9AUB Ham Member QRZ Page

    VK9NS - P29JS SK

    Oh, this is indeed terrible news, and a major loss to the amateur radio DX society. I used to talk with Jim frequently as P29JS when he ran his 14.225 net, and he was kind enough to come up now and then and check into my net on 14.285. I also bumped into him frequently from VK9NS, long after both our DX net work was done. A fine gentleman, infinitely patient and courteous, and always willing to do anything to help you. He had the knack to settle calm out of turmoil, and to maintain control over himself and others without being authoritarian. I'm sure many a DX'er has rare QSL cards on his/her wall thanks to Jim. He truly is irreplaceable. I feel sorry for new DX'ers who never got to learn what a gentleman DX'er should be like. Rest well, my friend.
  8. K5IX

    K5IX Guest

    73 for now Jim

    Has been my pleasure to work Jim over the years from many states... 73 for now Jim.... see you on the other side someday K5IX
  9. KB3MXM

    KB3MXM Ham Member QRZ Page

    friend will be missed

    ia kei runga rawa atu koe! maua moenga roa hkoro mara.

    He was the one, the best. OM, friend will be missed.

    -- Please excuse any mistakes in translation --
  10. VU2BGS

    VU2BGS Ham Member QRZ Page

    God Bless his soul

    Our condolences to his family . I have worked him many times from the various countries he had visited , He always showed great patience in hearing my small stn . May his soul rest in peace , His signals are still ringing in my head .
    GOD bless his soul
    May he give his family and us the courage to bear the great loss.

  11. VK4QO

    VK4QO Ham Member QRZ Page


    Jim you gave me a lot of new rare dx and if there is a radio station up there then you would be the first to activate it from the rarest place in the universe. rest in peace. and condolences to your family.
    I will miss your voice on air, farewell "old timer"

  12. VK3VIC

    VK3VIC Guest

    VK9NS Jim. a true gentelman

    I first met Jim in 2000 at his home qth on Norfolk island, I was there for a 11mtr activation, most hams then would of fround on this activity, but not Jim he helped so much. The last day of my activation Jim said, Abe when you get home (VK3) i expect to here you on the ham bands soon. GET YOUR BLOODY HAM TICKET! and i did.

    All the best Jim 73 Abe.......VK3VIC
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2009
  13. VK3VIC

    VK3VIC Guest

    VK9NS Jim. a true gentelman

    I first met Jim in 2000 at his home qth on Norfolk island, I was there for a 11mtr activation, most hams then would of fround on this activity, but not Jim he helped so much. The last day of my activation Jim said, Abe when you get home (VK3) i expect to here you on the ham bands soon. GET YOUR BLOODY HAM TICKET! and i did.

    All the best Jim 73 Abe.......VK3VIC
  14. WA0IIH

    WA0IIH Ham Member QRZ Page

    A True Gentleman!!

    Jim Smith was one heck of a great guy and always enjoyed the ham radio hobby to its fullest!!! I had the great pleasure to work jim many times and it was always a thrill to make the contact. Both of us enjoyed talking about vintage gear, especially collins stuff, which we both collected, restored and operated. Jim was having some issues with a KWM-2 and finally got it up and running. We had our next qso on his KWM-2, 30L-1 and my KWM-2 and 30L-1. Both of us got a real blast out of this contact!! He always said he would have enjoyed having a sit-down with art collins and talking radios. I guarantee he is having that talk now!!! He will be truely missed by myself and everyone he ever talked with. God speed jim, one day I want to have a sit-down with both you and art!!! 73s Shawn, WA0IIH:)
  15. EB5BBM

    EB5BBM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Added Value people

    The recent past away of Jim Smith has taken me by surprise.

    Despite I haven't heard much from him during the last years, I knew he was still alive and doing fine.

    I was quite young about 13 or 14 years old when first heard Jim Smith name as a very active Dx man involved in many expeditions around the world.

    Like himself, names like beloved Father Moran (9N1MM), Famous Iris (W6QL) and Lloyd Colvin (W6KG), Werner (DK9KE and his daily net), Tim Chen (BV2A/B), Ezzat Sayed (SU1ER), etc, etc. were some of the names I heard during my very early first days of radio. People like many many others which I didn't had the chance to hear or met and who gave our hobby an added value. In other words Added Value people who contributed to be radio what it is today.

    May they all R.I.P. and my condolences to J.Smith family,

    Joe M. Molero
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