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World Amateur Radio Day: IARU celebrates a century of connections

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W0PV, Apr 18, 2024.

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  1. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    National organization politics aside, this is a group that deserves some respect & support.

    73, John, WØPV

    World Amateur Radio Day: IARU celebrates a century of connections

    News 18 Apr 2024


    By Timothy Ellam KC (VE6SH), President, International Amateur Radio Union

    When amateur radio pioneers first gathered in Paris on 18 April 1925, they created the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) to support their activities worldwide. Since then, the IARU has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the official frequency allocations for amateur radio.

    Thanks to the support of enlightened administrations in every part of the globe, radio amateurs can experiment and communicate in frequency bands that are strategically located throughout the radio spectrum. From 25 countries in 1925, the IARU has grown to include over 160 member-societies today.

    Next year marks the centenary of the IARU’s founding, an event to be celebrated worldwide. A conference and dinner in Paris will mark the big occasion next April.

    In the meantime, the IARU is kicking off its centenary celebrations on 18 April – World Amateur Radio Day. Our theme for this year is A Century of Connections: Celebrating 100 years of Amateur Radio Innovation, Community and Advocacy.

    A gateway to STEM experience

    We will celebrate what we have achieved for amateur radio services over the last 100 years, the work we have done to drive innovation, and how we continue supporting the worldwide community. Amateur radio has always been a critical part of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) training, and many leaders in global communications can trace the start of their careers to the amateur services.

    We have also been leaders in the field of innovation, with numerous technical advances in communications tracing back to pioneers in amateur radio. Amateur operators, of course, have always provided effective and resilient emergency communications, giving them a vital role in times of crisis.

    As an advocate and representative for the amateur services, the IARU is a proud and active member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). We were first admitted into the work of the Consultative Committee on International Radio (CCIR), the forerunner to today’s ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R), in 1932.

    We have continued contributing to ITU’s radiocommunications and emergency response activities ever since. Nowadays, the IARU is an active participant in ITU’s Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) as well as in ITU-R.

    We have collaborated closely on the Smart Sustainable Development Model, the Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunications, and other digital development initiatives.

    A century of innovation, community, and advocacy

    Today, amateur radio is more popular than ever, with more than 3,000,000 licensed operators around the world. Notably, ITU has recognized the IARU as representing the interests of amateur radio services and licensees.

    In nearly a century of engagement, IARU has helped to grow the amateur services into a well-recognized partner in global communications. Our forthcoming centenary is an opportunity to celebrate these achievements.

    On 18 April each year, operators around the world take part in World Amateur Radio Day. This is a day when IARU member-societies can show their capabilities to the public and enjoy friendships with other amateurs worldwide.

    We proudly share the good work done by amateur radio operators, their innovations in the science of communications, and what we do for the global community.

    While these services have been in operation for over a century, 1924 was the first year that intercontinental amateur communications became commonplace. The field has witnessed unparalleled technological advances since then – part of the reason amateur radio is so crucial for global communications and timely emergency response today.

    Amateur advocacy

    The IARU relies on volunteers from many countries and communities to represent the amateur services at international and regional regulatory bodies. Thanks to the tireless work of our officials and volunteers, the IARU has achieved unmatched success as an ITU sector member.

    This was clear at ITU’s latest World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), which strengthened the regulatory safeguards on spectrum allocations for amateur radio.

    Learn more about WRC-23 outcomes from the IARU’s perspective.

    We look forward to working further with ITU in our next centenary.

    Learn more about the IARU and World Amateur Radio Day.
    K8VSY, VE3EEI and K8CGS like this.
  2. KC1TXB

    KC1TXB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Technically,when you think about it,every day is World Amateur Radio Day, whether we are talking to someone down the street,or someone 1000 miles away. Let's make it another 100 years. 73.
    VA3MIU, VE3EEI, ON5VC and 1 other person like this.
  3. KB9RDS

    KB9RDS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I saw a posting about today being Amateur Radio Day being today. I have searched several news feeds and see nothing about it. I am not complaining but wondering did anybody in any organizations put out any press releases. I just have not found any. I do hope i am wrong and some news of this got out. 73
  4. RW6MZ

    RW6MZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    В России к этой дате выпущен диплом

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  5. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not sure where you were NOT looking but there has been plenty of advertisement toward this event, it has been on arrl and amateur radio newsline, it has been on, it has been on qrz for several weeks

    so you can not blame local media outlets from not advertising it...maybe just maybe you should look in more places, than complain after the fact.
  6. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    We ran a 12 hr net last night with loads of checkins from all over the world......13 countries, 12 yl's, 157 qsl card request....a great success to say the least.....our 9th year!

    and it seems EVERY year I get emails from people who said they never heard about it or they didn't know it existed...well folks instead of complaining about not knowing it is going on or complaining because there was NO news about it...go out and look for not be a numnuts and complain about something because you didnt take it upon yourself to look...

    it has been widely advertised over several media outlets......if you want to participate then get out there and look for not just assume someone is going to send you an engraved invitation to the event...its up to you to find it!!!
    J73ESL likes this.
  7. N8TGQ

    N8TGQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I call BS! The whole point of advertising is to make it easy for people to know what I'm advertising! There are a few small businesses in my town saying, " I advertise but no one comes in". If your only advertising is FB, what do you expect?

    Not every ham is online. Not every ham is here on the Zed.
    It's not the consumer's fault they don't know about your event. It's your PR department's fault!

    There is so much advertising in the world today, must people just ignore it and move on. If your ads and stories don't rise above the noise, it's not my fault and it's not my job to do yours.

    When I see an ad that runs more than a few lines, my eyes glaze over and I'm gone. Two paragraphs at most stating the event and where to go for more info is sufficient. Don't need your whole history.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
    K3XR likes this.
  8. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    There are some folks out there that like more than two paragraphs about an event, not everyone eyes glaze over when they see more than 2 paragraphs...people do their best to advertise events..some find it challenging.

    These event are put on so that people will participate in it and utilize the the bands...any reason to get on air is good enough reason for me
  9. N8TGQ

    N8TGQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Good advertising can leave a lasting impression, but so can bad advertising.

    I submit calling your potential customers numbnuts is not the best way to go.
  10. M7XJN

    M7XJN Ham Member QRZ Page

    To be fair, there are far less auspicious events that make it into the national news broadcasts - (Uk) BBC news, ITV news, Yahoo headlines etc.
    A mere mention there with a comment on how to find more information would have been great to raise awareness and the profile of Amateur Radio achievements.
    I only found out about the event in this, my first year of being licensed, by accidentally stumbling upon a 144Mhz gateway that was hosting the internet feed as it was being tested.
    I am delighted that such an event occurs, I understand the effort that hosts put in and I get the value insofar as 'use it or lose it' means that the hobby can be evidenced as still being relevant and with a demand.
    So, far from a criticism, I want this to be better in future.
  11. VE6SH

    VE6SH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Tim VE6SH
    VE3EEI likes this.
  12. KB9RDS

    KB9RDS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I understand to others reply that if you saw it on QRZ, Newline, ARRL or other ham related media outlets that's great. My comments were that i did not see anything on NBC, CBS, FOX, or even our local news outlets here in Indianapolis. Yes advertising is expensive is you wish to do that. My thought was i did not see it locally. Did the ARRL, for one or other large or small clubs send out a press release to draw attention. just making a point. Not string up the pot. 73.
    K8NY likes this.
  13. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    You will NEVER ham radio related events on the main steam media outlets...
    HB9EPC likes this.
  14. KB9RDS

    KB9RDS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sorry, I do not believe in Never. It has, can, and will happen. 73
    K8NY likes this.
  15. J73ESL

    J73ESL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well said
    de J73ESL

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